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加勒比海地区以它闪亮的海滩和温暖的海水而闻名。巴哈马的爱尔兰岛(Harbour Island)和特克斯和凯科斯群岛都是家喻户晓的度假胜地。另外,牙买加的蒙特哥湾(Montego Bay)和圣卢西亚的圣卢西亚岛(St. Lucia)也备受推崇,因其丰富的文化和迷人的海滨风光。









Explore the littoral holiday resort of world each district

No matter be besmear of winding coasting, fine beach or gallant seascape, littoral holiday resort always can attract countless tourist. If you are planning the force that the seaside goes vacationing, so thisPop chart of seaside travel tourist attractionWill provide valuable referenced information for you. We will recommend the littoral holiday resort with the most welcome each district of a few worlds for you, the next that lets you goes vacationing experience becomes unforgettable memory.

Caribbean: The seaside like heaven goes vacationing heaven

Caribbean area is famed with its ablaze beach and warm seawater. The Irish island of the Bahamas (Harbour Island) with Tekesi and Kaikesi the holiday resort that archipelago is widely known. Additional, the Mengtege of Jamaica bay (Montego Bay) the Saint Lucia island with Saint Lucia (St. Lucia) also suffer praise highly fully, because of its rich culture and attractive littoral scene.

Pacific Ocean insularity: Enjoy halcyon with beauty

On Pacific Ocean, the seaside that big brook ground is a be charmed making a person goes vacationing destination. The romance here, luxurious attracted with gallant natural beautiful scenery countless sweethearts and the person that go vacationing. In addition, the activity on the beach of Fiji archipelago, water and enthusiastic and hospitable culture also are the superexcellent choice that the seaside goes vacationing.

Mediterranean: The perfect confluence of the history and beautiful scenery

Mediterranean water front is spreading all over holiday resorts of a lot of seaside of exclamatory making a person. The Ma Lue of the coast of A Maer humble of island, Italy and Spain blocks Greek Shengtuolini the island is the superexcellent place to go that the seaside goes vacationing. Here has attractive beach and clear seawater not only, still have long history and culture vestigial, the go vacationing force that allows you more rich and colorful.


No matter you like what kind of seaside,go vacationing amorous feelings, world each district is having your ideal destination. Hope thisPop chart of seaside travel tourist attractionCan help you find the seaside with perfect the next to go vacationing destination, the ride that lets you is full of happy with unforgettable memory.

Thank you to read the article, hope pop chart of tourist attraction of this seaside travel can be you go vacationing the plan brings a help.

