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Nature law

Nature law, it is a series of notting allow that ignore rule that in pointing to nature, exists and regulation, these rules are the base that all sorts of biology on the earth and natural phenomenon run. And the mystery that should seek nature rule, need understands a variety of phenomena of nature and rule deep, the research that has science to its, summary and Baconian.

The mystery of nature law is concealed in the square field surface of nature, the rule that includes the rule that material runs, rule that biology grows, natural disaster is waited a moment. Carry thorough observation and experimental research, scientists announce ceaselessly these rules, help the power that the mankind understands better and uses nature.

Material runs the rule

Material runs the ruleIt is one of the basiccest rules in nature, included law of conversation of energy, thermodynamic rule, gravitation rule to wait. All corporeal motion on balls of these regular impact touchdown and change, it is the basis that we understand nature to move.

For example, law of conversation of energy tells us energy won't without foundation disappears, can change into other form only. And thermodynamic rule explained quantity of heat how to be delivered between material with change, this is produced in industry all in all sense is had in be being used with the sources of energy.

Biology grows the rule

Biology grows the ruleInvolve life style to grow in environment the rule of development, included biology section law, ecological balance, genetic law to wait. These rules are affecting unripe species group promote decline and the stability of ecosystem.

For example, biology section law explained biologic grows to be able to get with multiply the influence of the element such as time, climate, genetic law helped us understand why the feature of unborn can successive parents.

Natural disaster rule

Natural disaster ruleThe happening that involves all sorts of natural disaster on the earth the rule, included earthquake, volcano to erupt, hurricane, flood. Understand these rules to help mankind prevents better and can reduce the loss that natural disaster brings.

For example, the rule of seismic happening is concerned with earthly construction not only, also construct with geology board piece the activity has affinity. Understand these rules to be able to help us assess seismic risk better, make corresponding take precautions against natural calamities decrease calamity measure.

On this world, nowhere is not in nature law, they are scientist and searcher mysteriously with abstruse one side with its people offerred not the research motivation of exhaust and ponder over a space. Pass indefatigable research and exploration, we can understand better and use the power of nature law, innovation goes better future.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help the mystery that you understand better and knows nature rule through this article.
