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张三: 作为当红影视明星,张三最近参加了一档真人秀节目,因此披露了他的游泳技术。据说他是小时候的游泳校队队长,技术相当不俗,游泳姿势优美,游速惊人。

李四: 李四是一位著名的流行歌手,尽管工作忙碌,但他在业余时间也经常去游泳馆练习。有知情人爆料称,李四的蛙泳非常标准,并且能够游很长的距离,游泳耐力相当惊人。

王五: 王五是一位知名演员,他的游泳技术也相当出色。在一档综艺节目中,王五展示了自己的仰泳技术,引起了大家的惊叹。据说他小时候曾是游泳校队的一员,一直保持着不错的游泳水平。





Star swims than going all out

Recently, recreational group lifted to discuss ardently of natant technology about star. Well-known, recreation stars people because the job is busy, very rare time practices technically swimming, but there also are a few hiddens in them " swim altar a dark horse " . After all whose natant technology is excellent? We let uncover secret below.

Natant technology is compared greatly go all out

Zhang San: As star when red movie and TV, zhang San entered excellent program of first gear true person recently, because this showed his natant skill. Allegedly he is in one's childhood team leader of natant school group, the technology comparatives not common, natant pose is beautiful, swim fast breathtaking.

Li Si: Li Si is a famous popular singer, although the job is busy, but he often also goes to natatorium practicing in off hours. Insider explodes makings say, breaststroke extraordinary level of Li Si, and can swim very long distance, natant staying power is quite striking.

Wang Wu: Wang Wu is a well-known actress, his natant technology is quite outstanding also. In first gear in program of put together art, wang Wu showed his backstroke skill, caused everybody's exclaim. Allegedly he ever was a of natant school team in one's childhood, maintaining right natant level all the time.


Through can seeing than going all out, star people also having in natant domain not the expression of common, their natant technology outstanding, because they are paid attention to at ordinary times,also be take exercise, maintain good physique. Let us expect more star is swimming ratio a different elegant demeanour is shown in going all out!

Thank you to read this article, hope understanding stars the person of natant technology can get assistance from which.

