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1. 织金洞: 位于毕节市织金县的织金洞是中国著名的国家5A级旅游景区,是一处集溶洞、瀑布、地下河为一体的综合性景区。游客可以领略到瑰丽的溶洞钟乳石景观,感受到神奇的地下世界。

2. 黔西南千户苗寨: 毕节市黔西南布依族苗族自治州是苗族文化的重要发源地,千户苗寨是中国最大的苗族村寨之一,也是国家级重点文物保护单位。这里保存着完整的苗族建筑风格和独特的苗族文化,让人仿佛穿越到古老的苗族世界。

3. 赫章石林: 赫章县的赫章石林是中国著名的喀斯特石林景区,属于国家地质公园。这里奇峰峻岭、峥嵘峭立,千姿百态,被誉为“石头博物馆”,每一块石头都饱含着亿万年的沧桑和韵味。




1. 在毕节旅游时,因地处山区,气候多变,建议游客随身携带外套、雨具等防护用品。

2. 参观景点时,请注意保护环境,不随意丢弃垃圾,爱护自然风景。

3. 尊重当地风俗习惯,文明旅游,增进与当地居民的友好互动。




Brief introduction of Bi Jie city

Be located in the Bi Jie city of ministry of Guizhou Province southwest, it is the travel bright phearl that Chinese southwest brights. Finish holiday town is located in hinterland of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the scenery is pretty, climate is delightful. Rows of mountains of here chain of mountains, fluvial freely, natural view is strong beautiful, hold a variety of geology such as landforms of the glow that have red, gorge landforms and karst landforms concurrently landscape, it is the travel resort with one advantaged place.

Tourist attraction of Bi Jie travel

1.Knit golden hole: Be located in those who finish holiday town knits golden county to knit golden hole is China's notable national 5A step travel scene area, it is river of cave of one office market, chute, underground the omnibus scene area that is an organic whole. The tourist can appreciate the cave stalactite landscape of magnificent, feel magical subterranean world.

2.Guizhou is southwest 1000 Miao Zhai: Finish autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of southwest the Bouyei nationality of holiday town Guizhou is the principal home of Miao Zu culture, 1000 Miao Zhai are one of China's oldest Miao Zu villages, also be unit of protection of cultural relic of national level key. The Miao Zu with complete in store builds style and distinctive Miao Zu culture here, let a person as if pass through old Miao Zu world.

3.Hertz chapter stone forest: The hertz chapter stone forest of hertz chapter county is area of China's famous scene of karst stone forest, belong to national geology park. Rise steeply of peak high mountain, extraordinary surprises here, 1000 appearance 100 condition, be known as " stone museum " , the vicissitudes of life of each stone is full of hundred million all ages and lasting appeal.

Cate of Bi Jie characteristic

Arrived to finish the section cannot miss characteristic cate of place of course. For instance, Pink of Bi Jieniu flesh, choose fresh beef, deserve to make pepper sauce with secret, sweet hot goluptious; Chop of Bi Jie dried meat, choose bone of high grade pork chop, souse boil is boiled and become, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, fragrance is tangy; Acerbity Shang Yu of home of Bi Jie earth, with acid of earthy home characteristic soup is footing, join fresh fish and pickled Chinese cabbage, acid is hot appetizing.

Note of Bi Jie travel

1.When Bi Jie travels, because be located in a mountainous area, climate is changeful, proposal tourist carries the protective equipment such as coat, rain gear.

2.When visiting tourist attraction, notice to protect an environment please, do not discard at will rubbish, cherish natural scenery.

3.Respect local custom habit, civilization travels, promotional with local dweller friendly and interactive.

Natural landscape of Bi Jie city is beautiful, humanitarian landscape is rich, it is the travel resort that manages forgetting to return making a person. No matter be culture of pursuit nature scene or understanding minority, bi Jie can satisfy all sorts of your expectation, believe regular meeting keeps good memory to you.

Thank you to read the article, the friend that before the hope can be a plan, travels toward Bi Jie provides a few reference and help.

