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  • 1. 资格审查:申请人需提交有关经营者资质、场所、设备等相关材料,文化行政部门将对其进行资格审查。
  • 2. 环保审查:涉及场所装修、消防安全等环保方面需要满足相关要求。
  • 3. 行政许可:经资格审查合格后,文化行政部门将出具文化经营许可证。



  • 1. 具有独立法人资格或依法设立的企事业单位;
  • 2. 经营场所符合规定的条件,有安全保障措施并经文化行政部门批准;
  • 3. 有良好的营运管理能力和财务管理能力;
  • 4. 经营项目和业务内容符合文化行政部门的规定。



  • 1. 提前规划:提前了解并规划好办理流程,明确办理条件和所需材料;
  • 2. 材料准备:准备好符合规定的相关材料,确保申请资料的真实性、完整性;
  • 3. 沟通协调:与文化行政部门进行充分沟通,协调办理过程中的各项事宜。




The conduction flow of culture business certificate

Culture business certificate is the administrative license certificate that in showing in culture the market runs an activity, obtains. Conduction culture business certificate needs according to relevant provision, need to operator offers written application and submit relevant data, lection changes service examine and verify and make a decision rear can issue. Specific conduction flow includes commonly:

  • 1.Qualification test: The applicant needs to submit the relevant data such as concerned operator aptitude, place, equipment, culture service will have qualification test to its.
  • 2.Environmental protection examines: Involve a place to decorate, the environmental protection respect such as fire control safety needs to satisfy relevant requirement.
  • 3.Administrative license: Via qualification test qualification hind, culture service will give mere formality to change business certificate.

The application condition of culture business certificate

Conduction culture business certificate, normally need satisfies the following requirement:

  • 1.What have independent corporate organization or establish lawfully is enterprise or business unit;
  • 2.Management place accords with formulary condition, safety ensures measure and approve via culture service;
  • 3.Good battalion fortune runs ability and financial management ability;
  • 4.Management project and business content accord with the regulation of culture service.

The note of conduction culture business certificate

In process of conduction culture business certificate, need notices the following item:

  • 1.Plan ahead of schedule: Understand ahead of schedule and had planned to conduct technological process, deal with condition and place clearly to require data;
  • 2.Material preparation: Prepare the relevant data that accords with a regulation, ensure the authenticity that files a material, integrality;
  • 3.Communicate harmonious: Undertake be communicationed adequately with culture service, coordinate each matters concerned in conduction process.

As a whole, the conduction need of culture business certificate accords with certain condition, conduction technological process is not complex, but need prepares relevant data seriously and communicate actively with relevant section.

Thank you to read the article, hope the conduction technological process that understands culture business certificate to you, condition and note are helped somewhat.
