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Elder brother hill, be located in to the south of city of Jiangsu province Suzhou, shanghai with on the west, element has " bright phearl of Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes " say. Its individual situation and rich historical culture are accumulated, make the travel bright phearl that Kun Shancheng brights for. Culture of the natural beautiful scenery that the article will take you to appreciate elder brother hill, history and characteristic are fastfood, discover the beauty of this town that fills glamour.

Natural beautiful scenery

Elder brother hill with its view of a region of rivers and lakes is well-known at the world, have numerous and beautiful natural tourist attraction. Among them, ancient town of bright and beautiful brook is elder brother hill has one of ancient garrison posts of representative a region of rivers and lakes most, the structure style of its elegant little bridge running water, of primitive simplicity, let a person as if passed through in archaic picture scroll. In addition, elder brother hill still has 1000 lamps lake, in relief settleclear lake, shake lustre to spend the natural landscape such as the sea, built for the tourist like the beautiful scenery with picturesque poem.

Historical culture

Elder brother hill has rich natural landscape not only, still have long historical culture precipitation. Among them, zhou Zhuang is one of ancient towns with elder brother famous hill, the street alley of its of primitive simplicity, grand edifice, deducing long history to grow roll. In museum of elder brother hill, the tourist can appreciate rich historical cultural relic not only, return the historical the course of change and development that can understand elder brother hill in the round and culture inheritance.

Characteristic is fastfood

Regard Changjiang Delta as a region of rivers and lakes, the characteristic of elder brother hill is fastfood also be the part that nots allow to miss. Dish of elder brother hill with its delicate and delicious, taste is distinctive and be famous in global, can sample in place the characteristic such as roast duck of hill of group of cake of hill of crab of delicate in relief settleclear lake, elder brother, elder brother is fastfood, aftertaste letting a person is boundless.


Elder brother hill is mixed with amorous feelings of its individual a region of rivers and lakes long historical culture, attracting countless tourists to come round to seek. Hope the article can open elder brother hill for you the mysterious veil of a region of rivers and lakes of this Changjiang Delta, let you having more thorough knowledge to elder brother hill. Thank you read, believe to pass the introduction of the article, you will more expect to step hill of sufficient elder brother personally, appreciate its distinctive glamour.
