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  • 脊柱侧弯的英语是 "scoliosis"。



    • Scoliosis: 脊柱侧弯
    • Spine: 脊柱
    • Curvature: 弯曲
    • Adolescence: 青春期
    • Orthopedic: 骨科的
    • Brace: 支具
    • Surgery: 手术
    • Physical therapy: 物理治疗
    • Diagnosis: 诊断
    • Radiograph/X-ray: X光片

    Scoliosis is a medical condition in which a person's spine has an abnormal curvature, causing the spine to bend to one side. This can result in a range of symptoms, from mild to severe, depending on the degree of the curvature. The causes of scoliosis are not fully understood, but it is known that it can affect people of all ages, including children, adolescents, and adults.

    In children and adolescents, idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type, and it often develops during growth spurts. Early detection is crucial as it allows for non-surgical treatments such as bracing or physical therapy, which can help to slow or halt the progression of the curve. In some cases, if the curve becomes severe enough, surgical intervention may be necessary to prevent further complications.

    For adults, scoliosis can be a result of degenerative processes, such as arthritis, or it may be a progression of a childhood condition. Treatment options for adults often include pain management, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgery.

    Diagnosis of scoliosis typically involves a physical examination and imaging tests, such as X-rays, to assess the severity of the curve. The treatment plan is tailored to the individual's needs and may include observation, bracing, or surgery.






    Doctor: Good morning, how can I help you today?

    Patient: Good morning, doctor. My daughter has been complaining of back pain, and I noticed that her shoulders appear uneven.

    Doctor: I see. Let's do a physical examination first. Has she experienced any other symptoms, like difficulty breathing?

    Patient: Not really, but she does seem to have trouble sitting up straight sometimes.

    Doctor: It sounds like she might have scoliosis. We'll need to take an X-ray to confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of the curve.

    Patient: What are the treatment options if she has scoliosis?

    Doctor: Depending on the degree of the curvature, treatments can range from observation and regular check-ups to wearing a brace or even surgery in severe cases. Early detection is key to managing it effectively.

    Patient: Thank you, doctor. We will proceed with the X-ray.

    Doctor: You're welcome. Let's get her scheduled for the X-ray as soon as possible.

    医生: 早上好,今天有什么我能帮忙的吗?

    病人: 早上好,医生。我女儿一直抱怨背痛,我注意到她的肩膀好像不对称。

    医生: 我明白了。我们先做一个体检。她有没有出现其他症状,比如呼吸困难?

    病人: 没有,但是她有时确实坐不直。

    医生: 听起来她可能有脊柱侧弯。我们需要拍个X光片来确认诊断并确定弯曲的严重程度。

    病人: 如果她确实有脊柱侧弯,有哪些治疗选择呢?

    医生: 根据弯曲的程度,治疗方法可能包括观察和定期检查、佩戴支具,甚至在严重情况下进行手术。早期发现对于有效管理非常重要。

    病人: 谢谢你,医生。我们会进行X光检查。

    医生: 不客气。我们尽快安排她做X光检查。

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