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历史上的今天 ‧ 1945年-冲绳岛战役结束


历史上的今天 ‧ 1945年-冲绳岛战役结束

  • 冲绳岛战役,也被称为“冰山行动”(Operation Iceberg),是第二次世界大战太平洋战场中规模最大的两栖登陆行动之一。这场战役发生在1945年4月1日至6月21日,是美国和日本之间的一场重要战役,对第二次世界大战的最终结果产生了重大影响。

    The Battle of Okinawa, also known as Operation Iceberg, was the last major battle of World War II, taking place from April 1 to June 22, 1945. It was the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific theater of World War II and was codenamed "Iceberg" by the Allies due to the significant scale of the operation.


    The battle was a significant turning point in the Pacific War, as it marked the beginning of the end for Japanese resistance against the Allied forces. The objective of the campaign was to capture the Ryukyu Islands, which would provide a strategic position close to the Japanese mainland, facilitating further operations towards the ultimate goal of ending the war.


    The Battle of Okinawa was characterized by fierce and brutal combat. The Japanese defenders, under the command of General Mitsuru Ushijima, adopted a defensive strategy, utilizing a network of caves and tunnels to resist the American advance. They were determined to make the Allies pay a high price for every inch of ground gained.


    The United States forces, led by Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr., faced numerous challenges, including the formidable Shuri Line, a complex Japanese defensive position. The battle also saw the use of kamikaze attacks by the Japanese, which caused significant damage to the U.S. Navy and contributed to the high casualty rate.

    美军由西蒙·玻利瓦尔·巴克纳 Jr. 中将领导,面临了包括强大的首里防线在内的众多挑战。这场战斗还见证了日本神风特攻队的使用,这给美国海军造成了重大损失,也导致了美军的高伤亡率。

    One of the most tragic aspects of the battle was the involvement of Okinawan civilians, who suffered greatly during the fighting. Many were caught in the crossfire, while others were victims of the Japanese military's ruthless policies.


    The battle concluded with an Allied victory, but at a high cost. The high number of casualties on both sides highlighted the ferocity of the fighting and the desperation of the Japanese defense. The U.S. military suffered over 50,000 casualties, including killed, wounded, and missing, while Japanese casualties were estimated to be over 100,000, with few survivors.


    The significance of the Battle of Okinawa extended beyond the immediate military outcome. The heavy losses suffered by the United States influenced the decision to use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in the hope of avoiding an even more costly invasion of the Japanese mainland.


    In summary, the Battle of Okinawa was a pivotal moment in World War II. It demonstrated the tenacity of the Japanese defense and the resolve of the Allied forces. The battle's high cost in lives and its role in shaping the end of the war in the Pacific make it a significant and somber chapter in history.



    1.Battle of Okinawa - 冲绳岛战役 2.Operation Iceberg - 冰山行动 3.World War II - 第二次世界大战 4.amphibious assault - 两栖登陆作战 5.Pacific theater - 太平洋战区 6.Shuri Line - 首里防线 7.kamikaze attacks - 神风特攻队攻击 8.U.S. Navy - 美国海军 9.casualties - 伤亡人数 10.Allied forces - 盟军部队 11.Japanese resistance - 日本抵抗 12.Ryukyu Islands - 琉球群岛 13.strategic position - 战略位置 14.ultimate goal - 最终目标 15.fierce and brutal combat - 激烈而残酷的战斗 16.defensive strategy - 防御策略 17.caves and tunnels - 洞穴和隧道 18.high price - 高昂代价 19.resolve - 决心 20.tenacity - 坚韧 21.desperation - 绝望 22.significant turning point - 重大转折点 23.influence - 影响 24.atomic bombs - 原子弹 25.invasion - 入侵 26.pivotal moment - 关键时刻
    27.somber chapter - 沉痛的篇章