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地铁 在英语中都有哪些说法?


地铁 在英语中都有哪些说法?

  • 地铁,作为现代城市交通的重要组成部分,不仅极大地便利了人们的出行,也成为了城市文明的象征。在世界各地,地铁系统以其高效、准时、环保的特点,成为了城市公共交通的首选。

    "地铁" 在英语中通常被称为 "subway",尤其是在美国,而在一些其他国家,比如英国,它被称为 "metro" 、 "underground"、"the Tube" 或 "London Underground"。


    • Subway: 地铁(美国英语)
    • Metro: 地铁(法国、俄罗斯等国家)
    • Underground: 地铁(英国英语)
    • Train: 列车
    • Station: 车站
    • Platform: 站台
    • Ticket: 票
    • Fare: 车费
    • Schedule: 时间表
    • Route: 路线
    • Line: 线路
    • Transfer: 换乘
    • Commuter: 通勤者
    • Tunnel: 隧道
    • Signal: 信号
    • Track: 轨道
    • Overcrowded: 拥挤的
    • Rush hour: 高峰时段
    • Interchange: 换乘站
    • Accessibility: 无障碍设施
    • Egress: 出口
    • Infrastructure: 基础设施
    • Maintenance: 维护
    • Safety: 安全
    • Emergency: 紧急情况
    • Evacuation: 疏散

    The first metro system in the world was the London Underground, which began operation in 1863. This pioneering system set the stage for the development of similar networks around the globe. Following London's lead, other major cities like Paris, New York, and Berlin developed their own metro systems in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

    世界上第一个地铁系统是伦敦地铁(London Underground),于1863年开始运营。这个开创性的系统为全球类似网络的发展奠定了基础。在伦敦的带动下,巴黎、纽约和柏林等其他主要城市在19世纪末和20世纪初发展了自己的地铁系统。

    Modern metro systems use electric multiple units (EMUs) that draw power from an electrified third rail or overhead lines. These trains are designed to accelerate and decelerate quickly, making frequent stops at close intervals. The tracks are usually standard gauge, but some systems use broad or narrow gauge depending on historical and local considerations.

    现代地铁系统使用电力动车组(Electric Multiple Units,EMUs),这些车辆从电化的第三轨或架空线中获得电力。这些列车设计用于快速加速和减速,在短距离内频繁停车。轨道通常是标准轨距,但一些系统根据历史和当地考虑使用宽轨或窄轨。

    Metro operations are typically controlled by centralized command centers that monitor train positions, speed, and other operational parameters in real-time. Advanced signaling systems ensure safety and efficiency by preventing collisions and optimizing train schedules. Many systems have adopted automatic train control (ATC) and communication-based train control (CBTC) technologies to further enhance performance.

    地铁运行通常由集中指挥中心控制,这些中心实时监控列车位置、速度和其他操作参数。先进的信号系统通过防止碰撞和优化列车时间表来确保安全和效率。许多系统采用了自动列车控制(Automatic Train Control,ATC)和基于通信的列车控制(Communication-Based Train Control,CBTC)技术,以进一步提高性能。

    Metro systems provide significant economic and social benefits. They offer a reliable and efficient mode of transportation that supports economic activities by facilitating the movement of workers and consumers. Additionally, metros contribute to urban development by increasing property values and encouraging investment in areas near stations.


    Despite their benefits, metro systems face several challenges, including high construction and maintenance costs, security concerns, and the need for continuous technological upgrades. However, future trends such as the integration of smart technologies, expansion into suburban areas, and the use of sustainable materials hold promise for addressing these issues.


    Metro systems are a vital component of urban infrastructure, providing efficient, reliable, and sustainable transportation for millions of people worldwide. As cities continue to grow and evolve, the role of metros in shaping urban mobility and promoting sustainable development will only become more critical.


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