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时势造英雄 用英文怎么表达?


时势造英雄 用英文怎么表达?

  • “时势造英雄”是一个汉语成语,意思是指在特定的历史时期和社会环境中,会产生出杰出的人物。这个成语强调了社会历史条件对个人成长和成功的影响,认为英雄人物的出现是时代的产物,他们的成就往往与所处的时代背景和社会环境密切相关。简单来说,就是特定的时代背景和社会条件为某些有才能的人提供了展示和发挥其才能的机会,从而使得他们成为英雄。

    "时势造英雄" 这个成语在英文中可以表达为“A hero is known in the time of misfortune” 、"Heroes are shaped by the times" 或者 "Great events call forth great men"。

    英语作文 1: The Emergence of Heroes in Adversity

    Heroes in the Face of Adversity

    In times of crisis, the true character of individuals is revealed. It is during these moments of misfortune that heroes emerge, not because they seek fame or glory, but because they embody the courage and resilience needed to face challenges head-on. These heroes are not defined by their physical strength or social status, but by their actions that inspire hope and provide comfort to those in need. They remind us that in the darkest hours, it is the collective spirit of humanity that shines brightest, and that every individual has the potential to be a hero.



    • Adversity (逆境): A difficult or unfortunate situation.
    • Revealed (显现): To make something known or visible.
    • Embodied (体现): To represent or express something in a concrete form.
    • Resilience (韧性): The ability to recover quickly from difficulties.
    • Inspire (激励): To fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something.
    • Collective spirit (集体精神): The shared attitude or feeling of a group of people.

    英语作文 2: The Making of a Hero

    The Making of a Hero in Times of Misfortune

    A hero is not born; they are made in the crucible of misfortune. It is the trials and tribulations that test the mettle of a person, revealing their inner strength and compassion. In the face of adversity, heroes rise to the occasion, not because they are immune to fear or pain, but because they choose to act despite these feelings. They are the ones who stand up for what is right, who offer a helping hand, and who never give up hope. Their actions, born out of the need to protect and serve, define heroism and serve as a beacon of light in the darkest of times.



    • Crucible (熔炉): A severe test of patience or belief.
    • Trials and tribulations (艰难和挑战): Difficulties or troubles.
    • Mettle (品质): The quality of courage and determination.
    • Inner strength (内在力量): The mental or moral strength to overcome difficulties.
    • Compassion (同情心): A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune.
    • Beacon of light (明灯): A symbol of hope or guidance.

    英语作文 3: The Hero's Journey

    The Hero's Journey in Times of Misfortune

    The hero's journey is not a path of convenience but one of purpose and sacrifice. It is a narrative that unfolds in the backdrop of misfortune, where the hero's actions are not just for personal gain but for the greater good. These heroes are ordinary people who, when faced with extraordinary circumstances, rise to the occasion. They are the ones who, through their unwavering commitment and selflessness, become the pillars of hope and strength for others. Their stories teach us that heroism is not about being invincible but about having the courage to stand up when it matters most.



    • Journey (旅程): A process or series of events leading to a particular outcome.
    • Purpose (目的): The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
    • Sacrifice (牺牲): The act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.
    • Unwavering (坚定不移的): Firm and resolute; not changing or weakening.
    • Pillar (支柱): A person or thing that provides essential support or stability.
    • Invincible (不可战胜的): Impossible to defeat or overcome.

    英语作文 4: The Timeless Role of Heroes

    The Timeless Role of Heroes in Times of Misfortune

    Heroes are timeless figures who emerge when the world needs them most. They are the ones who, through their actions, remind us of the power of the human spirit and the potential for good in every individual. In times of misfortune, heroes do not wait for recognition or reward; they act because it is the right thing to do. Their stories are etched into the fabric of history, serving as a testament to the enduring human capacity for courage and compassion. They are the embodiment of the saying, "A hero is known in the time of misfortune."



    • Timeless (永恒的): Existing or lasting forever; not affected by time.
    • Emerging (出现): To come into view or into existence.
    • Human spirit (人类精神): The qualities that make humans unique, such as courage, compassion, and creativity.
    • Enduring (持久的): Continuing to exist or last for a long time.
    • Embodiment (体现): The representation of an idea or quality in a person or thing.
    • Testament (见证): A fact or circumstance that serves as evidence or proof.

    英语作文 5: The Essence of Heroism

    The Essence of Heroism in Times of Misfortune

    Heroism is not about grand gestures or superhuman feats; it is about the quiet strength and unwavering resolve found in the heart of a person when faced with adversity. It is the everyday heroes who, in the time of misfortune, show us the true essence of heroism. They are the ones who, without fanfare or expectation of reward, step forward to help, to protect, and to make a difference. Their actions, though seemingly small, have a profound impact, reminding us that heroism is not a title but a choice we all have the power to make in times of need.



    • Grand gestures (宏大的姿态): Large, impressive actions or displays.
    • Superhuman feats (超人的壮举): Extraordinary actions that seem beyond the capabilities of an ordinary person.
    • Unwavering resolve (坚定不移的决心): A firm and unchanging determination.
    • Fanfare (喧嚣): A lot of public attention or excitement.
    • Profound impact (深远的影响): A significant and long-lasting effect.
    • Choice (选择): The act of choosing between two or more possibilities.