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生活技能 | 5个不可不知的自救小常识英文双语对照


生活技能 | 5个不可不知的自救小常识英文双语对照



1. 火灾中的自救技能


2. 溺水中的自救方法


3. 自然灾害中的自救要点


4. 突发状况下的自我急救


5. 交通事故中的自救要领





Accident hour, necessary save oneself little skill

In the life, accident circumstance avoids hard, society a few save oneself little common sense can help us protect his in the moment of truth, even minister others. 5 introduce below cannot insensible saves oneself little common sense, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

1.Fire saves oneself mediumly skill

If produce fire, want to keep calm above all, rapid along urgent flee for one's life the passageway withdraws the spot. Be like in road be perplexed by smother, need to fall on one's knees, sticking the travel before wall is procumbent, breath stands by the fresh air of the ground as far as possible.

2.Drown to save oneself mediumly method

Once be stranded to be in water, want to keep calm as far as possible, use both hands thrash to maintain surface to balance, try to search floater or the lifesaving appliance all round. In the meantime, avoid as far as possible excessive struggle, lest extinct physical strength.

3.Natural disaster saves oneself mediumly point

In earthquake or other nature calamity, the most important is the home that finds relative safety, avoid the collapse of headroom dropping content and building. If be outdoors, want to be far from cliff and the place that produce hill body coast possibly.

4.The ego emergency treatment below sudden state

When experience the accident is harmed or heart disease is broken out wait for a circumstance, brave station comes out inflict aids. Master basic heart lung anabiosises and hemostatic knowledge is crucial to saving life.

5.Traffic accident saves oneself mediumly essentials

Encounter traffic accident, want to ensure oneself is safe above all, the person that dial emergency treatment telephone quickly next and be provides necessary first aid. In the meantime, set caution mark according to spot circumstance, ensure other vehicle notices to avoid let.

Anyhow, master these saving oneself little skill, what can protect oneself and another person in the moment of truth is safe. Hope everybody is imposing a practice more at ordinary times, treat seriously save oneself knowledge, so that proper response is made below emergency.

Thank you to read the article, hope these save oneself little common sense can be you to bring a help in the life.

