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{/* 嘉应美食,也是河源地区的特色美食之一。其以黄姜糕、荔枝糕、螺蛳粉等为代表的小吃深受当地人民喜爱,独特的口味和制作工艺让人流连忘返。 */}





River source cateBe famous in mountain not only south, it is the gem of Chinese food culture more. River source is located in another name for Guangdong Province east, the environment is beautiful, products is rich, be pregnant with distinctive local cate. Let us uncover cate of secretary river head together, appreciate the glamour of culture of the food austral mountain.

Wet Shan cate

River source is located in wet Shan hinterland, culture of wet Shan cate produced far-reaching effect to local food. Exquisite and delicate wet Shan dish, be likeRefreshments of cate of bittern of chaffy dish of wet Shan beef, wet Shan, kongfuEtc, with its distinctive cooking craft and delicious mouthfeel are attracting countless deadbeat to come round to sample.

Fine answer cate

{/* fine answer cate, also be one of characteristic cate of river source area. Its withPink of yellow ginger cake, litchi cake, spiral shellEtc those who be a delegate is fastfood love by local people, distinctive taste lets stream of people forget to return repeatedly with the craft that make. */}

Characteristic dish

Outside be being fed with Jia Yingmei besides wet Shan cate, river source still is having the cooked food that provides distinguishing feature alone, be likeWet Shan congee is tasted, congee of wet Shan arenaceous boiler, fine should forked carbonadoEtc, shirt-sleeve wet Shan, the Hakkas, fine the cooking craft that should wait for different district and gust, offerred the food of rich diversity to choose for people.

The nutrition with river source the taste with its tunnel, rich cate and distinctive dietary culture, attracting more and more tourists to come round to sample. The hope passes the introduction of the article, let more people understand and love river source cate, experience the glamour of culture of the food austral mountain.

