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1. 北欧极光之旅


2. 意大利托斯卡纳


3. 美国科罗拉多州的落叶观赏


4. 中国云南的丽江


5. 日本京都的红叶季


6. 希腊圣托里尼岛


7. 肯尼亚的马赛马拉大迁徙


8. 澳大利亚的大堡礁


9. 巴西里约热内卢的狂欢节


10. 西班牙的巴塞罗那





The optimal destination that October travels

October, dry,crisp air of autumn, be the inning of travel. No matter be home or abroad, have a lot of destination that suit October go on a journey. If you still are in indecisive for October the journey's end, might as well look to be recommended below, perhaps can give you a few inspiration.

1.The brigade of boreal Europe aurora

October is one of optimal time that boreal Europe grants aurora, inside the Arctic circle of the country such as Norwegian, Sweden and Finland, auroral activity is frequent, climate also have not freezing, it is the superexcellent opportunity that views and admire aurora.

2.Italy holds Sikana in the palm

The Tuosikana of October, the season of grape bumper harvest. Can stroll between grapery and Chinese olive woods, experience the atmosphere with Italian halcyon countryside, return the cate that can taste delicacy of have a taste of what is just in season and beautiful wine.

3.American division collect pulls the fallen leaves of much city to view and admire

Division collect of the autumn helps much city, glowed fallen leaves lets popular feeling gallop be charmed. Can drive or pedestrian pass through Mississippi and fall base mountain range, appreciate natural flowery picture scroll.

4.The Li Jiang of Chinese Yunnan

October, li Jiang's climate is delightful, it is the good place that be away for the summer holidays. White weather Hou Yi's person of Gu Cheng, night is cool and delightful, appropriate and pedestrian amuse oneself and savour cate.

5.The season of red autumnal leaves that Japan thes capital of a country

October end comes is the season of maple leaf red autumnal leaves of Kyoto at the beginning of November, ancient cloister and curtilage bespread red autumnal leaves, it is the season with Japanese the most beautiful autumn.

6.Greek Shengtuolini island

Insular tourist reduces the Shengtuolini of October, sun warmth, seawater is clear, it is to loosen the inning that enjoys beautiful scenery and cate to the top of one's bent.

7.The Marseilles Ma La of Kenya migrates greatly

October is the end that Kenya migrates greatly, it is the superexcellent time that views and admire wild animal to migrate like zebra and gnu.

8.Big fort reef of Australia

October is the optimal dive season of reef of Australian big fort, benthos is active, water is warm appropriate, it is the heaven of phreatic water lover.

9.The carnival of Brazilian Riode Janeiro

The Brazilian Riode Janeiro of October, it is one of the most lively carnival on the world, it is the main chance that experiences Brazilian culture and passion.

10.Spanish Barcelona

The Barcelona of October is the end of travel busy season, warm and delightful, can admire gothic building, sample pure cate, experience carefree rhythm of Spain.

No matter you are pursuit natural scene, still enjoy culture celebration, october has the destination that suits you, add a color for flat life.

Thank you to read this article, the hope can think your journey plans to provide a few helps and inspiration.

