1. 金门国家公园:涵盖了金门的自然风光和人文景观,是金门最重要的旅游景点之一。您可以在这里欣赏壮观的海岸线、探索岛上的历史遗迹。
2. 金城镇:金门的中心城镇,古朴安静的街道上保存着许多古迹和历史建筑,例如碉楼群、民居、庙宇等。
3. 古寮港风景区:以丰富的历史文化和自然景观吸引着许多游客,渔村的风貌和海蚀地貌是这里的特色。
1. 金门烧仙草:一种以地道的金门特色植物为原料制成的甜品,口感独特,回味无穷。
2. 土鸡米线:金门当地的特色小吃,口感鲜美,值得一试。
3. 海鲜大餐:作为海岛,金门当然有着丰富的海鲜资源,各式鲜美海鲜任您品尝。
Golden gate, be located in southeast Chinese Fujian Province coastal, it is a the closest from Taiwan county, also be the island county with exclusive chinese mainland. What communicate as two sides is increasingly frequent, golden gate because its distinctive history culture and scenery scenic spot and suffer a tourist to favor fully.
No matter you are to want to seek historical culture, still enjoy beautiful scenery, golden gate can satisfy your requirement. We let understand the travel strategy of golden gate together below.
Arrive from Fuzhou golden gate, the tourist can choose to take ship or plane. The Fuzhou distance to golden gate is closer, range about 1 to 1.5 hours, very convenience. In addition, golden gate still has Taiwan of many course join other city, the tourist also can choose to arrive at golden gate by ship.
1.Park of golden gate state: Covered the natural scene of golden gate and humanitarian landscape, it is one of travel tourist attractions with the mainest golden gate. The history that you can admire island of grand coasting, exploration to go up here is vestigial.
2.Jin Cheng is pressed down: The central town of golden gate, the market with quiet of primitive simplicity on the road a lot of historic site and history build in store, for example watchtower group, civilian house, temple.
3.Beauty spot of harbor of ancient small house: Attracting a lot of tourists with rich historical culture and natural landscape, the scene of fishing village and sea corrode landforms are the characteristic here.
1.Golden gate burns celestial being grass: One kind is the sweetmeats that raw material makes with plant of typical golden gate characteristic, mouthfeel is distinctive, the aftertaste is boundless.
2.Line of earthy chicken rice: The characteristic of golden gate place is fastfood, mouthfeel is delicious, be worth to try.
3.Seafood big eat: As island, golden gate is having rich seafood resource of course, various and delicious seafood holds the post of you to sample.
Golden gate is had from warmth civilian constellation arrives high-grade go vacationing all sorts of accommodation choices of the village, no matter you are,enjoy costly, can find appropriate room in golden gate.
No matter you are to like to explore historical culture, sample cate, still enjoy natural scene, golden gate can satisfy your requirement. The journey that hopes directory of travel of this golden gate can be you provides a few helps.
Thank you to read the article, the travel of the golden gate that the hope can give you is brought a few inspire and help.