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  • 身份证复印件:买卖双方的身份证复印件。
  • 车辆技术大本:要进行过户的车辆的技术大本。
  • 机动车行驶证:要进行过户的车辆的行驶证。
  • 车辆购买发票:交易发票、转让发票等购车凭证。
  • 车辆购买合同:买卖双方签订的车辆购买合同。



  1. 双方到当地车辆管理所办理车辆过户手续。
  2. 填写过户申请表,并提交相关材料。
  3. 工作人员审核资料,交验车辆,确定车辆状态和一致性。
  4. 缴纳过户手续费,办理过户手续。
  5. 领取新的机动车行驶证。



  • 及时办理:购车后应尽快办理过户手续,避免发生意外责任纠纷。
  • 谨慎选择车辆管理所:选择正规、有信誉的车辆管理所办理过户手续,避免被套路费用。
  • 遵守交通规定:在过户前后,车辆仍应按规定停放和使用,避免违章。




Formalities of car transfer ownership: Detailed measure reachs a note

Car transfer ownership is the move process that points to car ownership, it is the necessary process when buying two handcart to perhaps transfer car ownership. It is the detailed measure of formalities of car transfer ownership and note below:

Preparation works

Before undertaking car transfer ownership, buyers and sellers needs to prepare relevant data, include:

  • Id photocopy: The Id photocopy of buyers and sellers.
  • Car technique is old: The technology that wants the car that has change the name of owner in a register is old.
  • Card of motor vehicle travel: Want to have the travel card of the car of change the name of owner in a register.
  • Car buys bill: Trade bill, make over the proof buying a car such as bill.
  • Car buys a contract: The car that buyers and sellers signs buys a contract.

Measure of change the name of owner in a register

The concrete move of average car transfer ownership is as follows:

  1. Both sides deals with formalities of car transfer ownership to place of local registration of vehicles.
  2. Fill in application form of change the name of owner in a register, submit relevant data.
  3. Data of staff member examine and verify, make check car, decide car condition and consistency.
  4. Poundage of pay change the name of owner in a register, formalities of conduction change the name of owner in a register.
  5. Get evidence of new motor vehicle travel.


When formalities of conduction car transfer ownership, need notices the following item:

  • Deal with in time: Formalities of change the name of owner in a register should be dealt with as soon as possible after buying a car, avoid to produce accident liability issue.
  • Discretion chooses place of registration of vehicles: Choose the place of normal, registration of vehicles that has reputation to deal with formalities of change the name of owner in a register, avoid cost of bedding bag road.
  • Abide by traffic regulation: In around of change the name of owner in a register, car still should be mixed by formulary park use, avoid violate the rules and regulations.

Anyhow, formalities of conduction car transfer ownership needs to cooperate with all possible means, also need to notice relevant details. Hope afore-mentioned content can deal with car transfer ownership to provide a few helps for you.

Thank you to read the article, hope to you formalities of conduction car transfer ownership is helped somewhat!

