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1. 蛋白质: 优质的蛋白质来源包括鸡蛋、鱼肉和豆类制品。这些食品有助于儿童维持肌肉和组织的健康发育。

2. 钙: 牛奶、奶酪和酸奶是良好的钙质来源,有助于儿童骨骼的发育和牙齿的健康。

3. 铁: 红肉、全麦面包和绿叶蔬菜含有丰富的铁元素,对于儿童的血液健康至关重要。

4. 维生素: 新鲜水果和蔬菜是维生素的绝佳来源,有助于儿童的免疫系统和细胞健康。







The importance of children health

To every family, the child's health is first job from beginning to end. Food is crucial to children health, compensatory and enough nutrition is crucial to their growing development. But in the food in the full of beautiful things in eyes on market, the healthy nutrition food that how chooses to suit children is a worth while and soul-searching question however.

Nutrient demand

The body of children is in grow quickly period, bigger to nutrient demand. They need enough protein, calcic, iron, vitamin to wait, grow in order to support their skeleton, cerebrum development and immune system health. Accordingly, these nutrient demand must consider when choosing food.

Choose suitable food

1.Protein: High grade protein origin includes egg, cruelly oppress and legume product. These food conduce to children maintaining the healthy growth of muscle and organization.

2.Calcic: Milk, cheese and yoghurt are good calcic qualitative origin, conduce to the health of the development of children skeleton and tooth.

3.Iron: Bread of red meat, whole wheat and greenery vegetable contain rich iron element, crucial to the haemal health of children.

4.Vitamin: Fresh fruit and vegetable are the superexcellent origin of the vitamin, conduce to the immune system of children and cellular health.

Avoid bad food

When choosing food, should avoid overmuch treatment cent of food, candy and saturation are adipose. These food can bring empty quantity of heat to children and lack necessary nutrition.


Be arranged through reasonable food and choose suitable food, can ensure children obtains enough nutrition, help their health grow. Parents need to examine the label that pack seriously when choosing food, ensure food accords with the food safety standard related the country, and the physiology characteristic that whether accords with children. Make right food choice, positive to healthy generation of the child effect.

Thank you to read this article, the healthy nutrition food that the hope chooses to suit children to you is helped somewhat.
