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1. 多样饮食: 1岁宝宝需要开始接触各种新食物,包括蔬菜、水果、蛋类、肉类等,以确保获得全面营养。

2. 避免添加糖盐: 避免给宝宝食物中添加糖和盐,以养成良好的饮食习惯。


1. 规律作息: 建立良好的作息习惯,固定的睡前游戏、洗漱等步骤可以帮助宝宝建立入睡信号。

2. 安全睡眠环境: 睡床上不要堆放玩具和枕头,确保宝宝睡眠的安全。


1. 家居安全: 家里需要做好防护措施,避免宝宝触碰到危险物品。

2. 监护: 1岁宝宝已经会尝试行走,父母需要随时监护,避免意外发生。


1. 陪伴互动: 多和宝宝进行亲子互动,讲故事、玩游戏等,以促进宝宝情感发展。

2. 鼓励表达: 鼓励宝宝表达自己的情感和需求,给予积极的回应。




Darling growing guideline: Yo of 1 year old of darling whole strategy

The growing development of darling to every parent it is one of the most important things. In darling 1 year old of this one important growing level, we need to give them more care and support, grow healthy and happily in order to help them.

When 1 year old, ability and force of carry kinetic energy are in the acknowledge of darling promote ceaselessly, accordingly, the respect such as the food that parents needs to pay close attention to darling, Morpheus, safe, affection communication, offer for them coach appropriately and take care of.

South drink forefinger

1.Diversiform food: 1 year old of darling need to begin to contact all sorts of new food, include vegetable, fruit, egg kind, the flesh kind etc, obtain comprehensive nutrition in order to ensure.

2.Avoid to add candy salt: Candy and salt are added in avoiding baby food, with nurturance good food is used to.

Morpheus management

1.Regular work and rest: Build convention of good work and rest, it is the fixed game before sleeping, OK to wash the measure such as gargle help darling is built fall asleep signal.

2.Safe Morpheus environment: Do not pile up on berth toy and pillow, ensure the safety of darling Morpheus.

Safety defends

1.Household is safe: The need in the home makes good preventive measure, it is dangerous to avoid darling lay a finger on to arrive article.

2.Custody: 1 year old of darling can have tried to walk, parents needs to be guarded at any time, avoid accident happening.

Affection communication

1.Company is interactive: Undertake kissing with darling more child interactive, taletelling, play game to wait, develop in order to promote darling affection.

2.Encourage expression: Encourage darling to convey his affection and demand, give positive response.

Pass above Yo whole strategy, the hope can help the parent understand better 1 year old the growing characteristic of darling, the health that is them thereby grows provide more care and support.

Thank you to read this article, the darling Yo that hopes to be able to be you the road brings a help.

