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育儿先| 如何成为一个合格的父母英文双语对照


育儿先| 如何成为一个合格的父母英文双语对照





  • 关爱:父母要用心倾听孩子的心声,给予他们足够的关怀和理解。愿意和孩子分享他们的喜怒哀乐,建立亲密的家庭关系。
  • 榜样:父母要成为孩子的良好榜样,言传身教,让孩子在观察父母的言行中汲取正能量。
  • 辅导:在孩子成长的过程中,父母要给予适当的引导和教育,帮助他们建立正确的人生观、价值观。
  • 支持:父母要在孩子追求梦想和面对挑战的时候给予理解和支持,不断鼓励他们勇往直前。





Yo first: How to become an eligible father and mother

Yo it is the main task that every family can face. As parents, how had acted oneself part, care child, teach the child, it is the issue that every parent needs to think seriously.

In current society, as the diversification of domestic structure and the diversity that teach way, a lot of parents' to how undertaking scientific Yo means feels bemused. So, after all the parents that what is qualification? How can you just be Yo be done weller in the process?

On the road that grows in the child, parents needs to accomplish the following:

  • Care: Parents should listen attentively to the child's aspirations attentively, give them adequate care and understanding. Be willing to share their feeling with the child, establish close domestic relationship.
  • Example: Parents should make good example of the child, teach by personal example as well as verbal instrution, the derive in letting the words and deeds that the child is observing father and mother energy.
  • Coach: In the process that grows in the child, parents should offer proper guiding and education, help them establish correct philosophy, viewpoint of value.
  • Support: Understanding and support give when parents should dream in child pursuit and facing a challenge, encourage them ceaselessly precipitant.

Eligible parents means them to be able to provide the growing environment of a warmth, harmony and health for the child, be in at the same time of the child proper guidance and education offer in growing. This need parents has certain family to teach knowledge and Yo skill, need to they learn ceaselessly and promote oneself.

Finally, yo it is a long-term project, need parents is summed up ceaselessly in specific practice and adjust. Try hard ceaselessly only, ability becomes eligible father and mother.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can help you understand how to become an eligible father and mother better.
