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  • 跳绳:双脚微微分开,双手握住跳绳向身体两侧,然后用手腕带动跳绳,保持腿部微微弯曲,脚尖着地。
  • 仰卧起坐:仰卧,双腿弯曲并脚掌着地,双手交叠放在胸前,然后用腹部力量向上起身,注意动作要缓慢。
  • 俯卧撑:平躺在地面上,双手与肩同宽,用手臂力量将身体推起,然后缓慢放下身体,保持身体挺直。



  • 在运动前进行充分的热身活动,避免受伤。
  • 呼吸要均匀,不要屏住呼吸。
  • 每个动作的次数和频率应该根据个人的身体状况和健身目标来调整。
  • 健身过程中保持饮水,以补充水分。




Have the profit of oxygen setting-up exercise

Setting-up exercise having oxygen regards a kind of low intensity, duration as longer motion having oxygen, conduce to enhance heart lungs function, reduce weight, improvement the healthy profit of the many sided such as body metabolization and immune function.

quadruplet has introduction of oxygen setting-up exercise

quadruplet has oxygen setting-up exercise is a fitness that comprises by the movement such as skip, situp, push-up exercises a project. Train through joining rapid movement having oxygen and force, can enhance the harmonious sex of the body, flexibility and staying power in the round, it is a kind of very efficient fitness way.

Correct quadruplet has pose of oxygen setting-up exercise and action

When undertaking quadruplet has oxygen setting-up exercise, should notice to hold correct pose and action, achieve expectant gymnastical result in order to ensure to avoid to get hurt.

  • Skip: Double foot parts slightly, both hands handholding skip to the body two side, drive skip with the artifice next, maintain leg ministry to bend slightly, tiptoe touchdown.
  • Sit-ups: Lie on one's back, double leg bends and sole touchdown, both hands is handed in fold before be being put in the bosom, rise up with abdominal force next, notice the movement wants slow.
  • Push-up: Lie low is on the ground, both hands and shoulder are the same as wide, push the body with arm force, next slow put down the body, hold the body straight.


When undertaking quadruplet has oxygen setting-up exercise, notice the following item without fail, in order to ensure gymnastical effect and security:

  • Sufficient warm up activity has before motion, avoid to get hurt.
  • Breath wants even, do not want screen to live breath.
  • The frequency of every movement and frequency should be adjusted according to body state of the individual and gymnastical target.
  • Gymnastical process middleman and guarantor is held water, with compensatory moisture.

Pass correct pose and act, combine proper note, quadruplet has oxygen setting-up exercise to be able to help you exercise better, improve heart lungs function, improve posture and health.

Thank you to read the article, the hope undertakes quadruplet has oxygen setting-up exercise to be helped somewhat correctly to you.

