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1. 弄清自己的脸型:不同的脸型适合的眼镜款式不同。如圆脸适合角形眼镜、长脸适合圆形或横向较宽的眼镜。

2. 根据个人肤色选择:浅肤色适合暗色系眼镜框,而深肤色适合金属或明亮的眼镜框。

3. 考虑主要搭配服饰的颜色:如果经常穿搭黑色系服饰,可以选择黑色系眼镜框;如果穿搭色彩丰富,可以选择中性色的眼镜框。


1. 无框眼镜:时尚感强,适合追求个性的人群。

2. 复古眼镜:能够展现独特的品味和魅力,适合有个性的人。

3. 大尺寸眼镜:适合想要凸显脸部轮廓的人,能达到拉长脸型的效果。


1. 到正规眼镜店或者验光点购买,选择质量有保障的眼镜品牌。

2. 选择适合自己脸型、肤色以及个人风格的眼镜。

3. 确保眼镜的舒适度和视力矫正效果。




The definition of fashionable glasses

Fashionable glasses is one kind can decorate a face model, promotion individual deserves temperamentally to act the role of. It can satisfy the functional requirement with correctional eyesight already, can become fashionable formative again one part.

Choose the key of fashionable glasses

1.Make clear oneself face: Different face suitable glasses pattern is different. If round face suits horny form glasses, long face,suit a circle or transverse wider glasses.

2.According to choice of individual color of skin: Shallow color of skin fits the dark lubricious picture frame that tie a small hole, and deep color of skin fits metal or bright eye picture frame.

3.Consider the facial expression of main and tie-in dress: If often be worn,building black is dress, can choose black to fasten glasses casing; If wear,build colour to abound, can choose the eye picture frame of neuter color.

The design of fashionable glasses

1.Without casing glasses: Fashionable sense is strong, suit to go after the crowd of individual character.

2.Glasses restoring ancient ways: Can show be savoured distinctly and glamour, fit individualizing person.

3.Large size glasses: Suit to want to highlight the person of facial ministry outline, can achieve spin face the effect.

Purchase the proposal of fashionable glasses

1.To normal glasses inn or check spot is bought, choice quality has the glasses brand of safeguard.

2.The choice suits him face, the glasses of color of skin and individual style.

3.Ensure the easy of glasses is mixed moderately eyesight is correctional the effect.

Hope to suggest through above, you can choose to suit your fashionable glasses better.

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