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特斯拉Model S

特斯拉Model S作为特斯拉旗下的旗舰车型,无论是动力性能还是外观设计都堪称一流。其流线型的车身造型,配合独特的大灯组和隐藏式门把手,展现出未来科技感,内饰则融入大量科技元素,宽大的中控触控屏带来强烈的科技感受,堪称典范。








In recent years, Electric carRegard a kind of cleanness as the delegate of the sources of energy, walk into the eye shot of people gradually, make a travel new choice. Regard a car as the overturn person of the industry, electric car is having on dynamical system not only overturn sexual innovation, also present a move of unprecedented science and technology and prospective feeling on exterior design at the same time. The text will present the trendiest electric car picture for you, explore future to give the happiness of travel together.

Tesla Model S

Tesla Model S regards tesla as subordinate admiral model, no matter be dynamical performance or exterior,design can says top-ranking. Its clipper-built automobile body modelling, cooperate distinctive headlight group and conceal type doorknob hand, show a prospective science and technology to feel, interior trim blends in element of many science and technology, wide in accuse to touch accuse screen to bring intense science and technology to experience, can weighs example.

Day produces LEAF

Day produces LEAF is the dynamoelectric model with global the largest sales volume, its compact automobile body and fashionable exterior design got of consumer love extensively. Especially V-motion familial type takes gas grille and fluent automobile body line, for this electric car added the paragraph to use feeling and sense of science and technology.

Colourful comes ES8

Colourful of homebred and electric car comes an a dark horse that ES8 is Chinese market, its audacious design style drew the look of many consumer. The roof design of smooth back type, door handle that conceals type, distinctive before facial design, make colourful comes the elegant demeanour that ES8 shows an extraordinary on the exterior.

Above is the electric car picture with the trendiest part, each report motor-car reveals a distinct personality and prospective sense on exterior design. Hope these pictures can show the happiness of electric car for you, and friendly to the environment a pursuit of travel.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries these electric car pictures, can bring for you what go to did not go out is brand-new imagine and inspire.

