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Popular clothing store Uniqlo announced their plans to make a clothing line that is made from recycled plastic bottles. This clothing line will include shirts and jackets. 备受欢迎的服装连锁店优衣库宣布了用回收的塑料瓶制作一系列服装的计划,其中将包括衬衫和夹克。 The announcement came from Fast Retailing Co., the operator of the casual apparel chain of Uniqlo. They also stated that the clothes that are made from used plastic bottles would be produced in cooperation with Toray Industries Inc. so that they can deliver the new sustainability commitment. 这一消息来自优衣库休闲服装连锁店的运营商迅销公司。他们还表示,将与东丽工业公司合作生产用旧塑料瓶制成的衣服,以履行新的可持续发展的承诺。 Toray Industries Inc. is a textile and fiber company that supplies materials for aircraft. They are also responsible for developing technology and turning seawater into freshwater. 东丽工业公司是一家为飞机提供材料的纺织品和纤维公司。他们还负责开发技术,把海水变成淡水。 They also recycle plastic bottles and turn them into polyester fibers, which are made into Dry-Ex, a fabric that quickly wicks moisture and sweat away from the body. 他们还回收塑料瓶,把它们变成聚酯纤维,然后制成速干面料,一种能迅速吸干水分和汗水的织物。 Uniqlo held a press conference in London last month, and they stated that they are already starting to create the clothing line made from recycled plastic bottles. 上个月优衣库在伦敦举行了一场新闻发布会,并表示已经开始用回收的塑料瓶制作服装。

The Japanese fashion retail giant will introduce their sweat-wicking Dry-Ex products that are made from polyethylene fibers that they got from PET bottles that were reclaimed. 这家日本时尚零售巨头将推出用聚乙烯纤维制成的吸汗速干产品,而这种聚乙烯纤维是从回收的聚酯瓶中获取的。 This project is just the start of the long partnership from Uniqlo and Toray, as their goal is to create as many eco-friendly products as possible. Uniqlo added that their Japanese customers had normalized the process of recycling, so they make sure that the plastics that they throw away are cleaned, and the labels are removed, a practice that is not common worldwide. 这个项目只是优衣库和东丽长期合作的开始,因为他们的目标是创造尽可能多的环保产品。优衣库补充道,他们的日本顾客已经将回收过程标准化,所以他们相信扔掉的塑料已被清洗干净,并被撕掉了标签,而这种做法在世界各地并不常见。 The products have fibers that are made with advanced technologies; this is to make sure that the impurities have been properly removed before they are manufactured. 该产品使用的纤维是用先进技术生产的,以确保在生产之前彻底去除杂质。 Uniqlo will first use the new fibers with their Dry-Ex line of quick-drying clothing; next is the products are expected to be worn and endorsed by athletes with contracts with the company, including tennis player Roger Federer. 优衣库将首先在速干产品线上使用这种新的纤维材料,接下来有望在运动员穿戴并代言的产品中使用这种材料,例如由网球运动员罗杰·费德勒代言的产品。
