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「生活小常识」| 你不得不知的150个生活技巧英文双语对照


「生活小常识」| 你不得不知的150个生活技巧英文双语对照



1. 在洗碗的时候,加几滴白醋可以去除油污。

2. 使用橡皮擦可以轻松擦去墙壁上的污渍。

3. 将香蕉的茎部分用保鲜膜包裹,可以延长香蕉的新鲜度。

4. 把洗净的塑料瓶用来盛放调料,可以方便挤压调料。

5. 使用洗碗布擦拭橡皮鞋,可以让橡皮鞋焕然一新。

.... (依此类推,持续分享150个生活小常识)




Life little common sense

There is a lot of to look in the life be like ordinary little detail, the great wisdom in becoming us possibly however to live daily. Will share 150 lives little common sense below, the life that lets you is more convenient, simple.

1.When washing a bowl, it add a few white vinegar is OK to add a few white vinegars purify is smeary.

2.UseRubber is brushedCan obliterate easily the besmirch on wall.

3.Use the cauline part of banana last velar wrap up, what can lengthen banana is fresh degree.

4.AbluentPlastic bottleUse Cheng Fang condiment, condiment of OK and convenient extruding.

5.UseWash bowl clothWipe rubber shoe, can let rubber shoe look brand-new.

. . . . (The rest may be deduced by analogy, share 150 lives little common sense continuously)

The life that hopes these little common sense can be you brings advantage, those who let you is daily more relaxed!

Thank you to read this article, hope these life little common sense can let you benefit a lot in the life.
