1. 位置:选择离家近、交通便利的宠物店,方便随时购买宠物食品和用品。
2. 口碑:可以向身边养宠物的朋友、家人打听,或者在互联网上查看该店的客户评价和口碑。
3. 服务:选择服务周到、态度友好的宠物店,有专业的宠物护理、驯养和健康知识。
4. 商品:宠物店的商品种类丰富、质量可靠、价格实惠,这样可以一站式购齐宠物所需用品。
1. 遵守法律法规:宠物店的经营要合法合规,不能贩卖濒危野生动物或者参与非法买卖行为。
2. 安全卫生:宠物店的环境要保持整洁卫生,对宠物进行必要的防疫和消毒。
3. 宠物护理:提供专业的宠物护理服务,包括洗澡、美容、体检等,确保宠物的健康和幸福。
4. 知识普及:宠物店应该为顾客提供宠物养护知识和技能培训,让顾客更好地照顾自己的宠物。
Pet shop is to supply all sorts of pet to reach its the shop of relevant things, include dog, cat, avian, puppy and reptile.
1.The position: The choice leaves home the pet shop with close, easy communication, go to the lavatory to buy pet food and articles for use at any time.
2.Public praise: Can to beside the friend that raises pet, family asks, perhaps examine the client evaluation of this inn and public praise on Internet.
3.Service: The choice serves the pet shop with considerate, friendly manner, the pet that has major nurses, domesticate and healthy knowledge.
4.Commodity: The type of merchandise of pet shop rich, quality reliable, price is substantial, so OK one-stop buy neat pet place to require articles for use.
1.Abide by legal laws and regulations: The management of pet shop should close legally compasses, cannot traffic endangered wild animal to perhaps participate in illegal business conduct.
2.Safety is wholesome: The environment of pet shop should maintain neat sanitation, undertake necessary epidemic prevention and disinfection to pet.
3.Pet nurses: The pet that offers major nurses service, include to bathe, hairdressing, check-up, ensure the health of pet and happiness.
4.Knowledge gains ground: Pet shop should offer pet conserve knowledge and skill to groom for the client, let a client take care of his pet better.
The pet shop with right choice is crucial to the health of pet and happiness, hope afore-mentioned proposals can help you find satisfactory pet store.
Thank you to read the article, hope when to choosing pet shop to you, be helped somewhat.