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Parent of the novice that hold a class in the palm needs the life Xiaochang that know is known

To a lot of parents, child first time may let them sense insecurity and uneasiness into class of start going to a nursery. After all, this is children one of life main turning point, because this needs a few little common sense,will help parents answer the child to live in what hold a class in the palm better. It is the life that parent of a few novices that hold a class in the palm knows surely below little common sense, hope to be able to be helped somewhat to you.

Hold the daily work and rest of the class in the palm

The major metropolis that hold a class in the palm has fixed daily work and rest to arrange, for example noon break time, play time, study time. The parent can take class of start going to a nursery in the child before, let them get used to time of this kind of work and rest as far as possible. Additional, understanding asks the time of work and rest of the class, can help the parent arrange the child to be in better school and after school time.

Children food

Holding a class in the palm, children can have breakfast, lunch and snack time normally. The parent needs to understand the dietary standard that holds a class in the palm and food sort, so that be done to the child better corresponding nutrition is adjusted. Additional, if the child has special dietary convention or food allergy, also need to tell the teacher that hold a class in the palm ahead of schedule.

The child's individual is wholesome

Holding a class in the palm is the space of a collective life, children are met the thing with various bring into contact with, because this individual sanitation is attached most importance to especially,want. Church child washs his hands correctly, the wholesome habit such as use paper towel, can help them get used to the life that hold a class in the palm better, also reduce the risk that catchs a disease.

Hold a common minor accident in the palm

Holding a class in the palm, children amuse oneself, study, can produce a few minor accidents now and then, for example trip, suffer slight abrade to wait. The parent needs understanding to ask the processing kind of a minor to these accident, also want to do good psychology to prepare ahead of schedule at the same time, know how to face these situations jointly with the child.

The life little common sense that hopes parents of these the novice that hold a class in the palm know surely can help you, also wish your child is holding the thrive in the class in the palm, spend happy childhood time.

