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如何选择适合孩子的车行游戏? | 车行游戏推荐与玩法指南英文双语对照


如何选择适合孩子的车行游戏? | 车行游戏推荐与玩法指南英文双语对照




1. 年龄段:不同的车行游戏适合不同年龄段的孩子。对于幼儿,可以选择大块拼装的车行游戏,有利于培养他们的操作能力;对于较大的孩子,可以选择需要搭建和设计的车行游戏,培养他们的设计和动手能力。

2. 材质:车行游戏的材质应该符合安全环保的要求。优质的塑料材料具有一定的耐磨性和抗摔性,可以降低游戏中发生意外的概率。

3. 知识教育:一些车行游戏设计了丰富的场景和元素,例如道路交通标志、汽车知识等,这有助于孩子在游戏中学到一些交通常识和汽车知识。


  • 乐高城市系列车行游戏:适合3岁以上的孩子,拼装性强,可以培养孩子的操作能力和创造力。
  • 哈利迪车行游戏套装:适合5岁以上的孩子,具有丰富的场景元素和交通标志,有助于教育孩子交通安全知识。
  • 多层立体车行游戏:适合7岁以上的孩子,需要搭建和设计,培养孩子的空间想象力和动手能力。


1. 与孩子一起玩:家长可以陪伴孩子一起玩车行游戏,引导他们认识各种场景元素和交通标志,同时加强亲子互动。

2. 鼓励创造:鼓励孩子根据自己的想法设计和建造属于自己的车行场景,培养他们的想象力和创造力。

3. 游戏衍生:可以在车行游戏的基础上,进行一些扩展的游戏,例如模拟交通规则、设计道路地貌等,让孩子在玩乐中学习。




To the child, car travel game is a kind of fun not only, it is means of a kind of education more. The car travel play that chooses to suit the child can let them enjoy pleasure in game not only, the logic that still can foster them thinks of peace keeping to start work ability. So, how to choose to suit car travel game of the child? Next, we will be offerred for you a few proposals and recommend.

How to choose to suit car travel game of the child?

1.The age paragraph: Different car travel game suits different age paragraph the child. To cheeper, can choose chunk to spell the car travel game of outfit, be helpful for developing their operation ability; To bigger child, the car travel play that can choose to need to build and be designed, the design that develops them and start work ability.

2.Material is qualitative: The material of car travel game should accord with the requirement of safe environmental protection character. High grade plastic material is had certain wearability and fight throw a gender, can reduce the probability that the accident produces in game.

3.Intellectual education: Game of travel of a few cars designed rich setting and element, for example knowledge of road traffic sign, car, this conduces to the child acquiring common sense of a few traffic and car knowledge in game.

Recommend car travel game

  • Happy fast city fastens train travel game: Suit the child of above 3 years old, spell outfit sex strong, can foster operation ability of the child and creativity.
  • Suit of game of travel of Ha Lidi car: Suit the child of above 5 years old, have rich setting element and traffic sign, conduce to educational child traffic bringing all-knowing knowledge.
  • Game of travel of multilayer and stereo car: Suit the child of above 7 years old, need to build and be designed, the dimensional imagination that rears the child and start work ability.

The guideline playing a way of car travel game

1.Play together with the child: The parent can accompany the child to play car travel game together, guide them to know all sorts of setting elements and traffic sign, strengthen at the same time close child interactive.

2.Encourage creation: The idea that encourages child him basis is designed and create the car travel setting that belongs to oneself, foster their imagination and creativity.

3.Game derives: Can go up in the foundation of car travel game, have a few patulous game, for example the general configuration of the earth's surface of road of imitate traffic regulation, design, let the child learn in libertinism.

Thank you to read the article, carry this article, hope period the car travel game that can assist you to choose to suit the child, let the child get education in joy.
