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  • 枯叶: 秋风吹落的每片叶子,如大地的余音,轻轻地落下,跌落在泥土上,成为大地的一份子。
  • 霜冻: 清晨的霜,披上大地的银装,枯草、枯叶上披上了一层晶莹剔透的霜花。
  • 丰收: 金黄的稻田、丰硕的果实,展现着丰收的季节,丰收的喜悦。
  • 金黄: 金黄的玉米地、金黄的树叶,仿佛给大地穿上了一层金黄的盛装,美不胜收。
  • 菊花: 那一种淡雅的香气,给了秋天一份诗意和生机。
  • 果实: 红艳的苹果、金黄的柿子、晶莹的梨子,丰收的果实让人感受到大自然的慷慨。




Autumnal scenery if the poem is picturesque

The autumn, stand before natural palette, you can see the corn ground like gold, golden, heavy ground controls the arm that bent autumn wind, leaf from deep green become dark yellow, again from dark yellow become weak yellow, red autumnal leaves is like glow like fire, ased if to drape a luxuriant appearance to the earth.

The pure and fresh breath of nature

Had blown when gentle breeze, the breath refreshing of the sort of clay and fallen leaves, copy is like place oneself at remote mountains or moor in, copy is like those who forgot city is blatant.

Cate regale of the autumn

The autumn still has the taste that belongs to itself -- the apple is sweet and goluptious, pear water portion is substantial; Still a big fresh vegetable enters town, golden corn, emerald green lotus lotus root, ruddy tomato; Have that one desk more big reunion mid-autumn meal, the beautiful wine of dripping wet of merry and lively, people is feeling the fall clearly.

How to convey this happiness with the sentence

If use a sentence to come to the beauty of the nature of autumn of bona fide expression, we can wait for an element to set out from withered leaf, frost, bumper harvest, golden, chrysanthemum, fructification, the scenery of depict autumn, represent the change of nature. For example:

  • Withered leaf: Autumn wind blows every falling leave, be like the lingering sound of the earth, fall gently, decline go up in clay, make the one one's share of the earth.
  • Frost: The frost of early morning, drape the silver-colored outfit of the earth, the frostwork that a glittering and translucent get rid of appears was draped on withered grass, withered leaf.
  • Bumper harvest: The fructification of golden rice field, plentiful and substantial, showing the season of the bumper harvest, the joyance of the bumper harvest.
  • Golden: Golden corn ground, golden leaf, ased if to put on to the earth golden full-dress, too many beautiful things.
  • Chrysanthemum: The aroma of that kind of quietly elegant, gave the autumn a poetic flavour and lease of life.
  • Fructification: Gong Yan's apple, golden persimmon, glittering and translucent pear, the fructification of the bumper harvest lets a person experience the generosity of nature.

With these keywords and description, what can let a reader experience autumnal nature more clearly is good, as if place oneself the gold days at this season.

Thank you to read this article, rare lets you experience the happiness of autumnal nature better, convey this beauty with the sentence better.
