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随着移动支付的兴起,许多国家已经实现了无现金支付的普及。在海外生活中,了解当地的移动支付方式和习惯将对你的日常生活产生重要影响。例如,中国的支付宝和微信支付在许多国家的旅游景点和商场已经非常普遍,而在一些国家则更常用信用卡、Apple Pay等。因此,在出国前,了解目的地国家的主流移动支付方式,将有助于你更加便利地消费和生活。









Abroad life needs 4 Xiaochang that know are known

To a lot of people, abroad life is a kind of brand-new experience, was full of novelty and challenge. Before stepping door going abroad, understand a few common abroad life little common sense to will conduce to you getting used to new environment better, avoid needless awkwardness and trouble. It is the 4 Xiaochang sign that abroad life knows surely below, the hope can be you to provide a few helps in the life of exotic an alien land.

Shift pays

What pay as shift is arisen, make what multilateral home had come true not to have out-of-pocket expense gain ground. In overseas life, those who know placeShift paysMeans and habit produce daily to yours life main effect. For example, chinese disbursement treasure and small letter pay the travel in a lot of countries tourist attraction and bazaar already special and general, and in a few countries more commonly used credit card, Apple Pay. Accordingly, before go abroad, understand the main aspect of destination countryShift paysMeans, will conduce to you more be consumed conveniently and live.

Urgent go to a doctor

In overseas life, the likelihood can face the situation of urgent go to a doctor that break out, accordingly, those who know placeUrgent go to a doctorFlow and service are crucial. In a few countries, you may need to buy the emergency treatment phone that medical treatment is sure or registers place ahead of schedule, so that be below emergency,can obtain a help in time. In addition, also want to understand the certificate that needs to carry when destination country go to a doctor and data, so that can accept treatment smoothly.

Culture is formal

Different country is having those who differCulture is formalHabit, the culture that be familiar with and respects place is formal will conduce to you blending in local society to reduce needless misunderstanding better. For example, a few countries are habit, formal to alimental have dinner etc having clear distinction, if you can understand what respect place somewhat to thisCulture is formal, will conduce to you obtaining better local experience and communication.

The language is communicated

In abroad life, meeting faces the likelihood undertake with local dwellerThe language is communicatedchallenge. In a few countries, english may not be the language that uses generally, accordingly, understand the main language of destination country and commonly used basic term ahead of schedule, produce the communication to you and daily life positive effect. In addition, also can consider to learn a few simple place languages, this will conduce to you blending in local society better.

Thank you to read the article, the life that hopes the little common sense of these abroad lives can be your overseas brings a few helps.

