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  去比利时旅游,如果你是第一次去,建议第一天一定要去比利时当地最好玩的地方,布鲁塞尔皇宫就是最好的选择。而第二天则可以皇家美术博物馆,因为这个博物馆的科教作用非常大,欣赏价值非常高。游玩的第三天则可以去布鲁塞尔大清真寺,这是一个建筑非常雄伟壮观的建筑物,是当地最老的清真寺。  网上的比利时旅游攻略又多又杂,不一定是你自己喜欢的哦。我上次去比利时旅游那叫玩得一个嗨啊。我们一行四人除开玩了当地的热门景点,还跟着当地人玩了很多小众景点,体验了他们的日常生活。记得有一天我们是跟着几个渔民一起出海捕鱼,帮他们一起撒网,一起捞鱼,好多人我根本就不认识,真是大开眼界。  回到岸上之后我们一起跟他们去集市卖鱼,晚上渔民还给我们做一顿最地道的海鲜大餐哦,我那朋友差点都不想回国了。他们在比利时有好多旅游达人,除了帮我们精心安排这些好玩的,还提供远程翻译。其实我们的外语都不好,跟渔民能聊得那么嗨都是及时发语音或者拍照片让达人帮我们远程翻译的,效果比翻译软件好多了。  另外他们的手机导游也不错,有了它在比利时根本不用担心迷路,因为它能在比利时精准定位,全程中文语音导航指路。他们是小蝌蚪旅游,你先看看他们的网站吧,上面有很多国外新鲜奇特玩法和线路推荐,应该有你想要的。


去比利时自由行,当地治安条件是非常不错的,不用太担心啊。不过还是需要注意,一定要妥善保管好自已的护照和现金,我上次去比利时自由行自己没有做攻略,全部是委托了一家旅游俱乐部安 排。









1. 比利时一年四季都适合旅游,但最佳的旅行季节应该是从春末到秋初这段时间,即每年的5月至9月。这段时间是比利时的夏季,天气宜人,适合进行户外活动。

2. 比利时的纬度较高,夏天的光照时间特别长,有时晚上10点天还很亮。因此,如果你在夏天去比利时旅行,可以充分利用这段时间进行活动,但也要注意保持充足的休息。

3. 如果你在冬天去比利时旅行,请一定要穿大衣,因为冬天的气温可能会比较低。此外,在春季和秋季,最好带上一件毛衣或薄外套,因为有时晚上较凉。

4. 在比利时旅游期间,要尊重当地的风俗习惯和宗教信仰。避免因言行不当引发纠纷。

5. 重要证件如护照、签证、身份证、信用卡、机船车票要随身携带、妥善保管。出发前最好各复印一件放在手提包中,原件放在贴身的内衣口袋中。遇到有人查证件时也不要轻易答应,应报告领队处理。如领队不在场,可要求对方出示身份证或工作证件,否则应予拒绝。

6. 在遇到自然灾害或政治动乱、战乱、突发恐怖事件或意外伤害时,要冷静处理并尽快撤离危险区域,并及时报告我国驻所在国使领馆或与国内有关部门联系寻求营救保护。















Belgian travel shopping strategy? Go it what Belgian travel buys is good that what Belgian travel buys?

  Go Belgian travel, if you are to go for the first time, suggest the first day to must go to Belgian place's most amused place, brussels palace is best choice. And the following day museum of OK and royal art, because the effect of science and education of this museum is very big, appreciation value is very high. The 3rd day of amuse oneself can go Brussels big mosque, this is the building with a very grand and grand edifice, it is place's oldest mosque.  The Belgian travel strategy on the net much miscellaneous, not be yourself certainly those who like oh. I go last Belgian travel makes play then hey ah. 4 people divided our group to play popular tourist attraction of place, still followed local to play very much little numerous tourist attraction, experienced their daily life. Remember one day we are to follow a few fishermans to go to sea together fish, help their net, scoop up a fish together, I do not know a lot of person at all, it is big horizon really.  After returning a bank to go up, we go to market selling a fish with them together, the fisherman still makes the purest seafood big food to us in the evening, within an inch of of my that friend did not want to go back to the motherland. They have a lot of travel to amount to a person in Belgium, besides the side we arrange these meticulously amused, still offer long-range translation. Our foreign language is actually bad, so hey seasonable hair speech perhaps pats a photograph to let amount to a person to help us be translated remotely follow a fisherman to be able to chat, the effect compares a translation software a lot of.  Their mobile phone tourist guide is additionally good also, had it to need not worry about inner ear at all in Belgium, because it can follow fixed position in Belgian essence, navigation of speech of whole journey Chinese points to a road. They are small tadpole travel, you see their website first, outside there are a lot of states above fresh and peculiar play law and circuitry to recommend, should you want.

Is Belgian travel safe?

Go Belgian free travel, condition of local public security is very pretty good, need not worry too. Do not pass or need to notice, must appropriate has kept from already passport and cash, I go last Belgian free him travel did not make a strategy, was to entrust arrangement of club of a travel entirely.

Easy to handle of Belgian travel visa?

Easy to handle manages. Belgium belongs to boreal Europe country, go the person of Belgian travel is more, normal registered permanent residence wants only when dealing with visa so this, can Id deal with visa to tourism bureau?

Go Belgian travel, charge about how many?

Charge probably 100 thousand the left and right sides, haw, your accommodation bussiness trip, accommodation probably 20 thousand next by air, take a car these probably 50 thousand the left and right sides, if eating 30 thousand the left and right sides, of course what you should eat is better, those who play more hey if, millions of OK

Easy to handle of visa of Belgian individual travel?

Easy to handle of visa of Belgian free travel, the applicant can be dealt with according to the relevant data that asks to prepare visa place to need. Visa of Belgian free travel does not need to make an appointment, the applicant can receive embassy to send a label continuously inside the time that receives data, the flow of Belgian conduction visa is 15 weekday, the applicant that lives for a long time in each different province needs to undertake to Beijing Belgian embassy visa is dealt with, still need to undertake interview when conduction visa, the applicant when interview wants clothing decent.

Go what does Belgian travel need to notice?

Go Belgian travel needs to notice the following:

1.Belgium suits travel all the year round, but first-rate journey season should be from spring end arrives Qiu Chu this paragraph of time, namely annual came in May September. This paragraph of time is Belgian summer, weather is delightful, suit to have outdoors activity.

2.Belgian latitude is taller, the illumination time of summer is particularly long, sometimes the day is very light still at 10 o'clock in the evening. Accordingly, if you go in summer,Belgium travels, can make full use of take action of this paragraph of time, but the rest that also should notice to keep enough.

3.If you go in the winter,Belgium travels, must wear a coat please, may compare because of the air temperature in the winter low. In addition, in spring and autumn, had better take a sweater or thin coat, because sometimes cooler in the evening.

4.During Belgian travel, the custom habit that should respect place and religion are devotional. Because statements and actions is inappropriate,avoid to cause dispute.

5.Important papers wants to be carried like ticket of passport, visa, Id, credit card, motor vessel, appropriate is custodial. Before setting out, had better copy each one is put in the handbag, original is put in close-fitting underwear pocket. When encountering somebody to examine certificate, also do not agree easily, should report the leader of a sports team is handled. If the leader of a sports team is not present, can ask the other side shows Id or working papers, should grant to refuse otherwise.

6.Be in encounter natural disaster or when incident of political convulsion, chaos caused by war, sudden horror or accident harm, should be handled calmly and evacuate dangerous area as soon as possible, our country of seasonable report is stationed in place country diplomatic and consular missions or with home concerned branch connection is sought rescue protection.

Above goes namely the item that Belgian travel needs to notice, hope these information can help you. Wish you travel in Belgium happy!

Belgian travel 10 go surely greatly tourist attraction?

Basically have tower of atom of big square of Brussels palace, Brussels, Brussels, cloth cathedral of goddess of center of history of Lu Ri of museum of center of art of square of market of Lu Ri of Lu Rizhong building, cloth, Belgian caricature, Belgian royal art, cloth, Antwerp.

Go how many money does Belgian travel want?

Belgian travel expenses basically sees yourself how be consumed, shopping Duobuduo.

Additional, I still tell you a bit most the most important. Belgian very much place, even some of hotel does not have a network, do not have a network you are clear also much suffering forces. A WiFi must be hired to take the past before going abroad so. And must choose network of the sort of OK and automatic switch, signal just is stabilized. The tourist guide tells me at that time, he uses the paragraph is then OK at the same time 5 people are used, want ten Qian Yitian only unexpectedly. The exterior returns pretty lovely, it is a name too disgusting, call small tadpole WiFi, yourself checks next seeing, wish you those who play is happy.

Go what does Belgian travel need to notice?

Belgian sincerity, heavy feeling, humanness plays careful, do not like make public, making public circumstance light up with pleasure rarely. Social situation dress is orderly, decent. When social situation and guest meet, active handclasp makes self introduction, close friends meets, the habit uses hug gift, the relationship is close feasible the ceremony that stick a face, if do not know to do ` manage to sign ` card, accept beautiful travel agent but ` is acting.

What does Belgian travel have to be worth bought thing?

Belgian travel shopping strategy: Household utensils of leather goods, headgear, coat turning over wool, female outfit, soldering tin and chocolate are Belgian special local product.

The lacy craft of Brussels and cloth Lv conspicuous is very famous.

Row day is the ground that shotgun and crystal taste.

Antwerp calls world diamond center.

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