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1. 柯基、贵宾犬、哈士奇等中小型犬(洗剪吹):¥150 - ¥250

2. 金毛、边境牧羊犬等大型犬(修剪美容):¥200 - ¥350

3. 吉娃娃、泰迪等小型犬(修剪美容):¥100 - ¥180

4. 指甲剪辑服务:¥30 - ¥50


1. 波斯猫、英国短毛猫等长毛猫(洗剪吹):¥180 - ¥280

2. 折耳猫、暹罗猫等短毛猫(修剪美容):¥120 - ¥200

3. 猫咪美甲服务:¥50 - ¥80


  • 以上价格仅供参考,实际价格可能因宠物店地域、设施、服务内容等因素略有差异。
  • 建议提前预约,以免因排队等待而耽搁您的时间。
  • 在选择宠物店时,除了关注价格外,更要注意宠物店的环境、设施、服务质量等方面,确保宠物在剪毛过程中能够得到良好的照顾。



General view of price of pet shop poodle

What undertake for pet in pet shop poodle is pet nurses daily is important one annulus. Different pet shop is aimed at the pet of different breed, provided all sorts of poodle services, have corresponding rate to every service. It is the price general view that poodle of shop of a few common pet serves below, consult in order to offer you:

Price of dog dog poodle

1.Dog of Ke Ji, honoured guest, Hashiji medium or small dog (wash cut blow) : ¥ of ¥ 150 - 250

2.The large dog such as sheperd dog of golden wool, border land (clip hairdressing) : ¥ of ¥ 200 - 350

3.The small-sized dog such as auspicious baby, Tai Di (clip hairdressing) : ¥ of ¥ 100 - 180

4.Fingernail editing and rearrangement serves: ¥ of ¥ 30 - 50

Price of feline Mi poodle

1.The long hair cat such as Persia cat, British undercoat cat (wash cut blow) : ¥ of ¥ 180 - 280

2.The undercoat cat such as the cat that change side, Xian collect cat (clip hairdressing) : ¥ of ¥ 120 - 200

3.Feline Mi beautiful shell serves: ¥ of ¥ 50 - 80


  • Above price offers reference only, real value is potential wait for an element because of content of pet shop district, establishment, service somewhat difference.
  • The proposal makes an appointment ahead of schedule, lest await and stay your time because of queueing up.
  • When choosing pet shop, besides paying close attention to the price, should note the respect such as quality of the environment of pet shop, establishment, service more, ensure pet can get be takinged care of goodly in poodle process.

Thank you to read the article, hope above information can help you understand the poodle price of pet shop and relevant service better.
