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1. 多喝水: 补充水分有助于稀释黏稠的鼻涕和缓解咽喉不适。

2. 良好休息: 足够的睡眠能增强免疫力,帮助身体对抗感冒病毒。

3. 适当运动: 适度运动可以增强身体抵抗力,但在发烧或症状严重时应静养。

4. 饮食清淡: 避免食用刺激性食物,多摄入富含维生素的水果和蔬菜。




1. 勤洗手: 经常用肥皂和水洗手有助于减少感染病毒的机会。

2. 避免密集场所: 尽量避免长时间停留在人群密集的地方,减少病毒传播风险。

3. 保持室内清洁: 定期清洁居住和工作场所,保持空气流通。




Understanding catchs a cold

The cold is the common disease that causes by infection of respiratory tract virus, main symptom includes cough, snorty, sore throat, have a fever etc. Cold virus is easy in human contact transmission, affect more easily in the season with air temperature big change especially.

Life little common sense

1.Drink water more: Compensatory moisture conduces to dilute sticky stiff drivel gentle solution is guttural and unwell.

2.Good rest: Enough sleep can enhance immune power, help virus of body antagonism cold.

3.Move appropriately: Moderate campaign can enhance body strength, but having a fever or answer when the symptom is serious sanatorium.

4.Food is delicate: Avoid edible excitant food, absorb the fruit that contains a lot ofa vitamin and vegetable more.


To cold symptom, can suggest to choose according to the doctor properPatulin, like antipyretic, relieve a cough medicine, fight constituent amine medicine to wait. But need to notice to abide by specification of medicines and chemical reagents and doctor to suggest to use.

Precautionary measures

1.Diligent wash one's hands: Conduce to the chance that reduces infection virus via commonly used soap and bath hand.

2.Prevent concentrated place: Avoid to stay for long in the place with dense throng as far as possible, reduce virus to spread a risk.

3.Maintain indoor cleanness: Fixed cleanness lives and yard place, maintain airiness.

In cold season, do good precaution and answer a cold in time, conduce to reduce disease transmission, what also can protect oneself better is healthy.

Thank you read, hope the article can help you understand cold, precaution cold to answer a cold effectively better, make you relaxed spend cold season.
