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(2004年2月28日湘西土家族苗族自治州第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过 2004年5月31日湖南省第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第九次会议批准 2011年2月25日湘西土家族苗族自治州第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议修订 2011年9月30日湖南省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议批准 2011年10月13日湘西土家族苗族自治州第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会公告第5号公布 自2012年1月1日起施行)

第一章 总则

第一条 为加强国家级凤凰历史文化名城的保护,根据国家有关法律、法规,制定本条例。

第二条 凤凰历史文化名城保护范围:《凤凰历史文化名城保护规划》(以下简称保护规划)确定的凤凰古城、黄丝桥古城、南方长城(湘西边墙,下同)以及其它应当保护的地带。

第三条 凤凰历史文化名城的保护,应当遵循科学规划,统一管理,严格保护,合理利用的原则。

第四条 湘西土家族苗族自治州人民政府(以下简称州人民政府)及其有关部门应加强对保护、建设和管理工作的监督。




第五条 州人民政府、凤凰县人民政府应当将凤凰历史文化名城保护纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,并将保护、维修和管理经费列入本级财政预算,吸纳符合国家规定的拨款和社会资助。


第六条 凡在保护范围内活动的单位和个人都有保护凤凰历史文化名城的义务,遵守本条例,对违反本条例的行为有检举和控告的权利。


第二章 凤凰古城保护

第七条 凤凰古城分为核心保护区、风貌协调区和区域控制区。具体分区按照保护规划确定。


第八条 在核心保护区范围内,除经过审批的基础设施和公共服务设施外,不得进行任何新建、扩建活动。





第九条 核心保护区内的历史街道、巷道应保持原有的视线走廊及空间尺度,严禁拓宽或缩小,商业街巷立面应当保持历史样式。


第十条 凤凰古城内的建筑物或者构筑物、道路、水系和其它设施,需要进行保养、维修、改造、改建、新建的,应当根据保护规划确定的保护要求,按照保护管理等级分别由有关部门提出实施方案,经凤凰历史文化名城保护管理机构审核后,依照国家有关规定报批,由具有专业资质的施工单位实施。

第十一条 凤凰县人民政府应当控制凤凰古城的商业过度开发,对古城内的经营活动进行指导和监督,适时发布鼓励或者限制经营的项目目录,重点发展具有当地民族文化特色的无污染、无公害产业,合理安排古城内商品经营市场布局。凤凰历史文化名城保护管理机构负责具体实施。

第十二条 凤凰古城内的单位和个人应当积极保护环境,节能减排,推广应用低碳清洁能源。

第十三条 凤凰古城内应当加强垃圾站点的标准化建设,推行生活垃圾袋装化,禁止乱丢垃圾。

第十四条 凤凰历史文化名城保护区域应成立专职消防队,按照规定配备消防装备器材,承担凤凰古城的消防工作。

第十五条 凤凰古城内应按国家现行消防技术标准完善消防给水、消防车通道、消防通信等公共消防设施建设。无法按照标准和规范设置的,由凤凰县人民政府公安消防机构会同城乡规划主管部门制订相应的防火安全保障方案。


第十六条 在凤凰古城内不得占道摆设摊点、乱放杂物、乱写乱画乱贴、运用音响设备叫卖;禁止设置与古城历史风貌不协调的广告、招牌。禁止存放、销售易燃易爆和有毒有害物品。

第十七条 在核心保护区内禁止除消防车、救护车以外的任何机动车辆通行,非机动车不得随意停放。

第十八条 沱江水体保护区为长潭岗至官庄河段及护城河。








第十九条 凤凰县人民政府应当完善城市排污管网,收集城市污水,建设集中处理设施,保障正常运行。

第二十条 加强凤凰古城周边山体的保护,开展植树造林、封山育林,做好护林防火、森林病虫害防治工作。


第三章 黄丝桥古城和南方长城保护

第二十一条 黄丝桥古城保护范围分为核心保护区和风貌协调区、建设控制地带。具体分区按照保护规划确定。



第二十二条 黄丝桥古城所在地的镇人民政府,南方长城沿线的乡镇人民政府应当加强对黄丝桥古城、南方长城的保护管理工作,建立保护管理责任制。

第二十三条 在黄丝桥古城、南方长城保护范围内严禁放炮、采石及从事有损墙体保护的其他活动。

第二十四条 在黄丝桥古城、南方长城保护范围内的一切建设活动须经规划、建设、文物、环保、消防、旅游等部门审核批准。

第四章 规划与管理

第二十五条 凤凰县人民政府应当组织编制凤凰历史文化名城保护专项规划(以下简称专项规划),经省人民政府批准后公布实施。


第二十六条 专项规划应当注重保护历史文化名城的风貌、格局和环境,并为合理利用创造条件;应当确定历史文化名城保护的总体目标、保护原则和保护内容,划定历史城区、历史文化保护区、山水保护区、历史文化村镇、文物保护单位、其他不可移动文物、历史建筑的保护范围及建设控制地带。

第二十七条 任何单位和个人不得擅自修改、变更或者拒不执行已经批准的历史文化名城保护专项规划及其控制性、修建性详细规划。已公布的规划如需调整或者变更,应当按照原批准程序报批。


第二十八条 规划、建设、文化、文物等行政管理部门应当严格实施历史文化名城保护专项规划,加强对与历史文化名城保护有关的建设项目的审查、监督和对违法建设的查处。


第二十九条 在凤凰历史文化名城保护范围内安装遮光篷、遮雨篷、太阳能、空调、空气源、阳光棚以及地上管线、计量装置等设施,应当与凤凰历史文化名城风貌相协调,并经凤凰历史文化名城保护管理机构核准。


第三十条 凤凰古城内的室外噪音严格按照国家环境噪声标准执行,白天控制在55分贝以内,夜间控制在45分贝以内。需要在室外开展的公益性活动、群众性民族文化活动、社区活动,组织者应当事先向凤凰历史文化名城保护管理机构报告。

第三十一条 在凤凰历史文化名城保护范围内有暴力、危险倾向的流浪乞讨人员,由相关部门依法处置。


第三十二条 在凤凰历史文化名城保护范围内有下列情形之一的,凤凰历史文化名城保护管理机构应当予以制止;情节严重的,由有关部门依法取消其经营资格:






第三十三条 凤凰历史文化名城保护范围内的各级文物保护单位,应根据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》的要求,划定保护范围和建设控制地带,编制专项保护规划和保护方案,有计划地实施保护工程。对历史建筑及其它重点民居、吊脚楼群、古树名木实行建档、挂牌保护。

第五章 法律责任

第三十四条 违反本条例第八条规定,由执法局责令停止建设、限期改正或拆除,不停止建设或者逾期不拆除的,依法申请强制拆除,并处建设工程造价百分之五以上至百分之十以下的罚款。

第三十五条 违反本条例第九条第二款规定,由执法局责令停止违法行为、限期恢复原状或者采取其他补救措施;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;可并处五百元以上一千元以下的罚款。

第三十六条 违反本条例第十三条、第十五条、第十六条规定,在凤凰古城区乱写乱画乱贴、乱丢垃圾、占道摆设摊点、乱放杂物的,由执法局责令改正,可处以五元以上五十元以下的罚款;运用音响设备叫卖,设置与古城历史风貌不协调的广告、招牌的,由执法局责令改正,可处以五十元以上五百元以下的罚款;燃放烟花爆竹的,由执法局处以四十元以上一千元以下的罚款。存放、销售易燃易爆和有毒有害物品的,由凤凰县公安部门责令改正,可处以一百元以上一千元以下的罚款。

第三十七条 违反本条例十七条规定,由执法局责令改正,可处以五十元以上二百元以下的罚款。

第三十八条 违反本条例第十八条第三款规定的,由执法局会同工商、海事、畜牧等有关行政主管部门责令改正,拒不改正的,依法给予行政处罚。

第三十九条 违反本条例二十条第二款、第二十三条规定的,由执法局责令停止违法行为、限期恢复原状或者采取其他补救措施,没收违法所得,并处一千元以上一万元以下的罚款。

第四十条 具有保护管理职责的单位及其工作人员不依法履行职责,玩忽职守,徇私舞弊的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第六章 附则

第四十一条 凤凰历史文化名城民族民间文化的保护按照《湘西土家族苗族自治州民族民间文化遗产保护条例》的规定执行。

第四十二条 每年的十二月十七日定为凤凰历史文化名城保护宣传日。

第四十三条 本条例自2012年1月1日起施行,原2004年7月1日起施行的《湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰历史文化名城保护条例》同时废止


(on Feburary 28, 2004 eleventh of autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of West Hunan the Tujia nationality the 2nd times the conference passes people's congress standing committee on May 31, 2004 Hunan Province the 9th times the conference approves the 10th people's congress standing committee autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of West Hunan the Tujia nationality is dozenth on Feburary 25, 2011 a people's congress standing committee the 4th times the conference edits on September 30, 2011 Hunan Province eleventh the 24th times the conference approves people's congress standing committee on October 13, 2011

General principles of the first chapter

The first is the protection that strengthens famous city of culture of history of national level phoenix, concern law, code according to the country, enact this ordinance.

Famous city of culture of history of the 2nd phoenix protects range: " famous city of phoenix history culture protects a program " (the following abbreviation protects a program) Gu Cheng of affirmatory phoenix Gu Cheng, yellowish filament bridge, southern Great Wall (wall of West Hunan side, similarly hereinafter) and the region that other ought to protect.

The protection of famous city of culture of history of the 3rd phoenix, ought to follow scientific program, consolidate management, protect strictly, reasonable the principle that use.

Government of people of autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of the Tujia nationality of the 4th West Hunan (government of people of city of the following abbreviation) reach its to should strengthen what pair of protection, construction and government work to supervise about the branch.

Government of phoenix county people ought to protect a program strictly according to what the country approves, the protection that is in charge of famous city of phoenix history culture in the round, construction and government work.

Administration of protection of famous city of phoenix history culture and government of phoenix county people are in charge of the specific work that protect and supervises according to respective duty about the branch.

Government of government of people of the 5th city, phoenix county people ought to bring into protection of famous city of phoenix history culture national economy and social development plan, include this class finance the budget protection, maintenance and administrative funds, induct those who accord with national regulation to allocate funds to be aided financially with the society.

Famous city of phoenix history culture safeguards capital to raise money about the regulation according to country, province, special the protection that is used at famous city of phoenix history culture.

The unit that the 6th every is safeguarding the activity inside limits and individual have the obligation of famous city of culture of protective phoenix history, abide by this byelaw, have the right of impeach and charge to violating the act of this byelaw.

Government of people of county of city people government, phoenix is right the unit with successful famous city of culture of protective phoenix history and individual give commend and reward.

Gu Cheng protects phoenix of the 2nd chapter

Cent of ancient city of the 7th phoenix coordinates area and area control division for core groove guard, scene. Specific partition plans to decide according to protection.

Government of phoenix county people ought to coordinate area and area control division to establish clear sign to core groove guard, scene. Any units and individual do not get setting of do sth without authorization, mobile, alter to perhaps mar a mark.

The 8th is inside limits of core groove guard, outside the infrastructure that examines and approve except the course and public service facilities, must not undertake any building, extend activity.

Those who build thing is the building inside core groove guard, reparative, break up build, must take reservation crust, rebuild in-house safeguard, hold original historical view. Capacity of its structure style, system, tonal the position that must hold period of bright Qing Dynasty and scene, repair old as usual. Building height must be controlled in 2 the following, height of mouth of brim of a building does not exceed 3 meters, height of mouth of 2 buildings brim does not exceed 5.6 meters, tonal control is color of black, white, ash and dust-colour, log.

Inside core groove guard person or management use ancient architectural fee the person transforms to ancient building maintenance, ought to plan according to protective maintenance and ask to undertake construction. Maintain capital truly inconvenient, can protect an administration to apply for appropriate allowance to famous city of phoenix history culture.

Scene is built inside harmonious area, rebuild, the building of extend, its build a style to should be timberwork or little green brick wall, housetop of slope of black made of baked clay area, high control is in 2 less than, height of 2 brim mouth does not exceed 6 meters, tonal, body is measured and structure style ought to be coordinated with photograph of scene of core groove guard.

Area control division is built, rebuild, the building of extend, its build a style to must be coordinated with photograph of style and features of phoenix ancient city, building height control is in three-layer less than, height of three-layer brim mouth does not exceed 8.5 meters.

Street, tunnel should preserve the history inside groove guard of the 9th core corridor of original line of sight and dimensional measure, forbidden widen or narrow, business street alley establishs a face to ought to maintain historical pattern.

Forbidden take up clearing of river of edge of street of road, Gu Jing, edge reachs afforest ground to wait for public activity place. The building that face a market is not gotten new open the door window, window of door of forbidden use guard against theft, rolling door, aluminium alloy door, cement is beautiful board wait for modern building facilities and material.

The building inside ancient city of the 10th phoenix perhaps builds content, road, water system and other establishment, need undertakes maintaining, maintenance, transform, rebuild, build, the protection that ought to decide according to protecting a program asks, according to protective management grade is put forward to implement plan by concerned branch respectively, after famous city of culture of classics phoenix history protects administration examine and verify, according to country is approved about formulary newspaper, carry out by the construction unit that has professional aptitude.

Eleventh the business that government of phoenix county people ought to dominate phoenix Gu Cheng is excessive development, undertake coach and be supervisoried to the management activity inside Gu Cheng, timely release encourage or restrict management project list, the free from contamination that key development has distinguishing feature of local people culture, without industry of social effects of pollution, the commodity inside reasonable arrangement ancient city manages market position. Administration of protection of famous city of phoenix history culture is responsible and specific carry out.

Dozenth an unit inside phoenix ancient city and individual ought to protect an environment actively, energy-saving decrease a platoon, promotion uses the sources of energy of low carbon cleanness.

Thirteenth the standardization construction that phoenix ought to strengthen rubbish site inside Gu Cheng, carry out life rubbish in bags to change, prohibit litter.

Famous city of culture of history of the 14th phoenix protects area to should establish full-time fire department, provide material of fire control equipment according to the regulation, the fire control that assumes phoenix ancient city works.

A plant of ancient city of the 15th phoenix presses a country standard of technology of active fire control perfects communication of passageway of fire control water supply, fire engine, fire control to wait for construction of establishment of public fire protection. Cannot install according to standard and standard, be in charge of sectional formulate jointly with urban and rural program by orgnaization of fire control of public security of government of phoenix county people corresponding fire prevention safety guarantees program.

The unit of public activity place, living place and individual must do safety of good fire control to work, prohibit setting off firework cracker.

The 16th must not occupy a decoration to spread out dot, chaos puts chaos of graffito of sundry, scratch to stick inside phoenix ancient city, apply sound equipment to peddle; Prohibit setting and advertisement of incongruous of scene of ancient city history, fascia. Prohibit depositing, the sale is combustible explode easily and poisonous and harmful article.

The seventeenth prohibits dividing any motor-driven car beyond fire engine, ambulance to pass through inside core groove guard, blame motor vehicle does not get optional place.

Groove guard of system of water of river of the 18th a small bay in a river comes to grow Tan Gang government-owned banker reach and moat.

Protect system of water of river of a small bay in a river and cross-strait view strictly, the landscape line of sight that holds along the line of river of a small bay in a river connects corridor, maintain river water clean to be mixed completely water quality is wholesome.

Inside limits of protection of system of water of river of a small bay in a river, prohibit following behavior:

(one) the trade that is engaged in having pollution to water system;

(2) on surface do sth without authorization is engaged in running an activity;

(3) discharge litter of solid of sewage, dump to wadi;

(4) poisonous fish, scamper fish, crampfish;

(5) the project that initiate has pollution.

Government of people of county of the 19th phoenix ought to perfect urban blowdown to manage a network, collect urban foul water, construction handles installation centrally, safeguard moves normally.

The 20th strengthens the protection of body of the hill side phoenix Gu Chengzhou, begin Yo of afforestation, seal a moutain pass forest, had done protect forest prevention and cure of plant diseases and insect pests of fire prevention, forest works.

Protecting program delimit south the circumjacent hill body such as garden of temple of slope of building of Mount Hua, anise, magpie, strange peak, north prohibits inside protective limits bury grave, quarry, take the earth, cutting action that destroys vegetation, landscape, do not get build building without approval, build thing.

Gu Cheng of bridge of yellowish filament of the 3rd chapter and southern Great Wall are protected

Cent of limits of protection of ancient city of bridge of the 21st yellowish filament is appearance of zephyr of core groove guard to coordinate area, construction to dominate a region. Specific partition plans to decide according to protection.

Limits of protection of southern Great Wall is city wall of along the line of the Great Wall inside phoenix county region, close, fort of stage of Diao card, chirp, collect and Jing Bian close, kiosk closes etc.

The protection of ancient city of yellowish filament bridge consults to be carried out what ancient city of phoenix of the 2nd chapter protects this byelaw about the regulation.

The town people government of seat of ancient city of bridge of the 22nd yellowish filament, the protective management that the government of people of villages and towns of along the line of southern Great Wall ought to strengthen Gu Cheng, southern to yellowish filament bridge Great Wall works, build protective management system of job responsibility.

The 23rd is inside limits of protection of ancient city of yellowish filament bridge, southern Great Wall forbidden blowout, quarry and the other activity that are engaged in caustic wall body is protected.

In yellowish filament bridge Gu Cheng, southern Great Wall protects everything inside limits the 24th to build an activity to need the sectional examine and verify such as classics program, construction, cultural relic, environmental protection, fire control, travel to approve.

Program of the 4th chapter and management

Government of people of county of the 25th phoenix ought to organize famous city of culture of history of work out phoenix to protect special program (the following abbreviation is special program) , after be being approved via province people government, announce carry out.

Prefectural program administration is in charge of a branch to ought to wait for administration department basis to sex of control of bourg of culture of block of culture of history of special program work out, history plans in detail and build a gender to plan in detail jointly with construction, culture, cultural relic, carry out via be being announced after approval of prefectural people government.

The 26th special program ought to pay attention to the view that protects historical culture famous city, pattern and environment, it is reasonable use creation condition; Principle of the overall goal that ought to decide historical culture famous city is protected, protection and protective content, architectural of unit of protection of bourg of culture of groove guard of culture of delimit history the city zone, history, landscape groove guard, history, cultural relic, other not portable cultural relic, history protects limits and construction to dominate a region.

Any the 27th units and individual do not get do sth without authorization to revise, change or refus does not carry out the historical culture famous city that has approved to protect special program to reach its to control a gender, build a gender to plan in detail. If the program that already announced needs to adjust or be changed, ought to approve according to newspaper of original approval process.

Work out, edit special program and its control sex, build a gender to plan in detail, ought to listen to the opinion of social all circles extensively, organize expert demonstration.

The administration department such as the 28th program, construction, culture, cultural relic ought to carry out historical culture famous city strictly to protect special program, strengthen what build a project to what concern with protection of historical culture famous city to examine, the investigating that supervise and builds to breaking the law.

Do not accord with historical culture famous city to protect special program to reach its to control the gender, structure that builds a gender to plan in detail and establishment, ought to be transformed stage by stage according to the requirement of the program or demolish.

The 29th protects the establishment such as the cop on canopy of source of awning of sail of shading of the installation inside limits, block, solar energy, air conditioning, air, sunshine and ground, metric device in famous city of phoenix history culture, ought to coordinate with photograph of scene of famous city of phoenix history culture, protect administration approve via famous city of phoenix history culture.

Build in disorder, pull in disorder, hang in disorder, bask in those who wait for refus of scene of famous city of influence history culture to be not corrected in disorder, by execute the law bureau give eliminate compulsively.

Thirtieth the outdoor noise inside phoenix Gu Cheng is carried out strictly according to level of national environment noise, control is in by day 55 decibel less than, nightly control is in 45 decibel less than. Need is outdoor activity of the commonweal sex activity that develop, culture of people of of a mass character, community activity, the organizer ought to protect an administration to report to famous city of phoenix history culture beforehand.

Thirtieth protects what there is violent, dangerous tendency inside limits to roam about in famous city of phoenix history culture cadge personnel, deal with lawfully by relevant section.

The rasorial cattle that puts in a suitable place to breed inside limits, pet is protected in famous city of phoenix history culture, by execute the law bureau adopt deal with compulsively measure.

Thirtieth protects what there are one of following states inside limits 2 times in famous city of phoenix history culture, administration of protection of famous city of phoenix history culture ought to give check; The clue is serious, cancel its to manage a qualification lawfully by concerned branch:

(one) do not manage according to designation place;

(2) use multiform chase after a guest to pull a guest to slaughter a guest;

(3) occupy manage what manage with flow;

(4) have shocking price action;

(5) other lawbreaking laws and regulations sets with this byelaw.

The various cultural relic inside limits of protection of famous city of culture of 3 phoenix history protects thirtieth unit, should basis " cultural relic of People's Republic of China protects a law " requirement, delimit protects limits and construction control region, the staff is special protection plans and protect program, designedly implements protective project. To historical architecture and other key wood executes Lou Qun of foot of civilian house, condole, Gu Shuming build archives, hang out one's shingle protection.

Responsibility of law of the 5th art of composition

Thirtieth violates this ordinance 4 times the 8th regulation, by execute the law bureau instruct stop to construction, deadline is corrected or be demolished, stop ceaselessly build or exceed the time limit does not demolish, apply for to be demolished compulsively lawfully, manage construction project cost 5% above comes 10% the following amerce.

Thirtieth violates this ordinance 5 times the 9th the 2nd section provision, by execute the law bureau instruct stop to violate behavior, time limit restorable perhaps adopt other remedy measure; Have illegal income, confiscate illegal earning; Can be in 500 yuan of above 1000 yuan of the following amerce.

Thirtieth disobeys this byelaw thirteenth 6 times, the 15th, the 16th regulation, in phoenix chaos of graffito of scratch of ancient the city zone is stuck, litter, occupy a decoration to spread out dot, chaos is put sundry, by execute the law bureau instruct correct, can be in with 5 yuan of above 50 yuan of the following amerce; Apply sound equipment to peddle, of setting and advertisement of incongruous of scene of ancient city history, fascia, by execute the law bureau instruct correct, can be in with 50 yuan of above 500 yuan of the following amerce; Set off firework cracker, by execute the law bureau place with 40 yuan of above 1000 yuan of the following amerce. Deposit, the sale is combustible explode easily and of poisonous and harmful article, instruct by branch of phoenix county public security correct, can be in with 100 yuan of above 1000 yuan of the following amerce.

Thirtieth violates this ordinance 7 times seventeen regulation, by execute the law bureau instruct correct, can be in with 50 yuan of above 200 yuan of the following amerce.

Thirtieth violates this ordinance 8 times of the 18th the 3rd section provision, by execute the law bureau jointly with the concerned administration such as industrial and commercial, maritime, pasturage director branch is instructed correct, refus does not correct, give administration punishment lawfully.

Thirtieth violates this ordinance 9 times 20 of the 23rd the 2nd paragraph, regulation, by execute the law bureau instruct stop to violate behavior, time limit restorable perhaps adopt other remedy measure, confiscate illegal earning, be in 1000 yuan of above 10 thousand yuan of the following amerce.

The 40th unit that has protective management responsibility and its staff member do not fulfil obligation lawfully, derelict, of practise favouritism fraud, give disciplinary sanction lawfully; Those who make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully.

Supplementary articles of the 6th chapter

The protection of culture of folk of nation of famous city of culture of history of the 41st phoenix according to " rules of protection of bequest of culture of folk of nation of autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of West Hunan the Tujia nationality " the regulation is carried out.

The 42nd annual will be famous city of phoenix history culture to protect propagandist day surely on December 17.

This the 43rd rules applies since January 1, 2012, apply since July 1, 2004 formerly " famous city of culture of history of phoenix of autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of West Hunan the Tujia nationality protects byelaw " abolish at the same time

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