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俏佳人,对联? 俏佳人诗词?英文双语对照


俏佳人,对联? 俏佳人诗词?英文双语对照
















出自清代《题陈迦陵填词图,为张养如作 其六 古水仙子》




汉代李延年以诗向汉武帝荐其妹:“北方有佳人,绝世而独立。一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国。倾城复 倾国,佳人难再得”。

传说武帝后宫佳丽虽多,但自从王夫人死后,却没有一个得到武帝专宠的。宫廷乐师李延年精通音律,颇得武帝欢心,他所做的曲子凡听到者都会莫名感动。李延年有一个妹妹,是个歌女,生得姿容秀媚,体态轻盈。李延年想把她进献给武帝为妃。但因为自己出身微贱,不便自言,于是请求 平阳公主代为荐引。

  一天,武帝在宫中置酒,平阳公主也在座,李延年侍宴。待到酒酣,李延年起舞,唱自做的一首新歌,其歌曰:“北方有佳人,遗世而独立。一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国。 宁不知倾城与倾国,佳人难再得。”

  武帝平日所接触的女子无可计数,不过就是有几分颜色的,在那么多美女之中也失去了光彩,更无一能及王夫人。此时卫子夫年老,王夫人早死,武帝想再访求绝色佳人以慰 床笫之欢,可是一直不能如愿。听到李延年歌词,触动了潜藏已久的心事,不禁叹息说:“世间哪有你所唱的那种佳人?” 平阳公主在一边揣摩得知李延年歌中的寓意,于是趁势说:“陛下有所不知,延年的小妹,就是一位倾国倾城的绝世佳人。”武帝心中一动,立命召李氏入宫。不久李延年将其妹引入。武帝一看,果然是沉鱼落雁、妙丽善舞。武帝遂纳李氏为妃。





结局:钱在苏苏和贵媚的陪伴下出院时,碰到陪方秘书来医院检查的柳夏会,两人对视无语。回到事务所,钱宣布以后要像男人一样地生活。 钱小美生日,艾、苏苏、贵媚都装作忘记了她的生日,推说那天有事。钱和保险男孩去吃饭,回到家后却惊喜地发现所有朋友都来了。










Pretty beautiful woman, couplet?

Before the flowers and below the moon pretty beautiful woman; By the lamp in the temple old Gu monk.

Word of poem of pretty beautiful woman?

Be as follows about word of poem of pretty beautiful woman:

1. Lan Youxiu chrysanthemum has fragrant, bosom beautiful woman cannot forget.

Out of thorough of two Chinese Liu " autumn wind demit "

2. north has beautiful woman, unique and independent.

Out two Han Liyan year " plum delay year of song "

South 3. state-owned beautiful woman, look China is like one's pupils or disciples.

Out of establish of two Chinese Cao " miscellaneous poem 7 · its 4 "

4. Zhu Xian already was beautiful woman absolutely, because beautiful wine is horizontal,favor chats.

Of acting Huang Tingjian of out the Song Dynasty " enter fast cabinet "

Line of pretty beautiful woman?

Have about line of pretty beautiful woman:

Be afraid of be afraid of, die sweet fall of incomplete of silver cup pink. Old word celestial being went to jade building division. Card of pretty beautiful woman precious jade Chi Guo.

Out Qing Dynasty is acting " inscribe compose a poem to a given tune of ci of Chen Jia hill to pursue, make its for Zhang Yangru faery of 6 ancient water "

Beautiful words of pretty beautiful woman?

Did not make clear conclusion. Because " pretty beautiful woman " the plant that is not an actual existence or animal, pass the poetry diction that beautification machines however, use the female sex with fine-looking appearance. Accordingly, the beautiful words of nonexistent pretty beautiful woman. Nevertheless, "Pretty beautiful woman " this term may result from work of literature of Chinese ancient time, for instance " red Lou Meng " medium " Xue Baochai " , her beautiful words may be " wintersweet " or " Mo Yu " .

Story of pretty beautiful woman?

Chinese generation Li Yan year with Jian of emperor of Shi Xianghan fierce its younger sister: "North has beautiful woman, unique and independent. Visit bend person town, visit bend person country again. Bend city answer bend country, beautiful woman is gotten hard again " .

Although the Gong Jiali after fabulous Wu Di is much, but since Mrs. Wang after dying, however neither one gets Wu Di is bestowed favor on only. Musician plum delays palace year of perfectness swing, get fierce emperor favor quite, the person that the melody this mortal world that he makes is heard the metropolis is ineffable touch. Li Yan year have a little sister, it is a song daughter, be born appearance is beautifully fawn on, posture is lightsome. Li Yan year want to enter her give Wu Di is the wife of a prince. But because him one's previous experience is humble, disadvantageous from character, then the request makes the same score in relief princess for you Jian is brought.

One day, wu Di is in palace buy wine, the princess that make the same score this world also is present, plum delay year of serve banquet. Wait for wine to one's heart's content, li Yan the dance since year, sing a when do oneself new song, its song says: "North has beautiful woman, world of involuntary discharge of urine and independent. Visit bend person town, visit bend person country again. Do not tell bend city and bend state rather, beautiful woman is gotten hard again. Beautiful woman is gotten hard again..

The woman that place of Wu Diping day contacts is not had but computation, be part color nevertheless, also lost luster in so much belle, more without can reach Mrs. Wang. Wei Zifu is right now aged, mrs. Wang dies early, wu Di thinks revisit begs a girl of unrivaled beauty in order to comfort of bed bed joyous, but cannot be like all the time,wish. Hear Li Yan year libretto, touched hide long already worry, can't help heaving a sigh say: "The sort of beautiful woman that worldly where has your place to sing? " the princess that make the same score this world is fathommed aside be informed Li Yan year the implied meaning in the song, take advantage of a favorable situation then say: "Majesty does not know somewhat, delay year little younger sister, it is an extremely beautiful unique beautiful woman. " in Wu Dixin easily, li enters call together establishing a lot palace. Before long Li Yan year its younger sister introduces. Wu Di looks, it is heavy fish falls as expected wild goose, clever dance of beautiful be apt to. Fierce emperor satisfies accept plum family name to be the wife of a prince.

Ending of wind month pretty beautiful woman?

Final result, " wind month pretty beautiful woman " the male hero in, press osmund osmund installed intention, became the rider that rescues her. When she does not agree to become his lover, he ever had asked her, what do you want then. She: "I want a myth. "I want a myth..

He satisfied her cherished desire.

Ending of law politics pretty beautiful woman?

Ending: ? Zhang of  call on dips in protruding Zhu male He of Chou Gan rash perch protects hurry of Gao of faint of correct of Zhui of  Bao foot all allow of large of dumpling of  of curtain of act of  of herd of Hangzhou Hu Lv swims pull out Sha; An ancient nationality in China wrings raw meat or fish of patch up of  of large bamboo hat of courtyard of  of  of contraction Ge  Home  birthday of Qian Xiaomei of? of Sui of  of lie  Yan, moxa, the birthday that Su Su, Gui Mei pretended to forget her, push say occupied that day. Money and insurance boy go having a meal, after returning the home, discover all friends come surprizingly however.

Does pretty beautiful woman introduce village?

There are many fashionable and beautiful countrywomans staying behind in the village, their temperament and charm were not defeated at urban female! The husband is outer work, they not only the heavy burden that should bear a family, still those who bear loneliness suffer. One day, two handsome boys walked into the village, original quiet and as dry as a chip life...

Is pretty beautiful woman poisonous?

Pretty beautiful woman does not have poison.

Composition of pretty beautiful woman is luxurious the feeling that does not have massiness however, fight old beauty to be not stimulated however in vain in the round. The quality of a material of whole cream also is embellish and not oily. The core composition of platinic gold cream is platinic Jin Xuan sulfur of water, ergot because, a variety of tender skin such as alcohol of hydrolysis horn albumen, white black false bellebore are pithy.

Line of Changjiang Delta pretty beautiful woman?

1. as before peach blossom face, the top margin of a page of page of frequency low willow. Look with Yu Xi alone suddenly. Into not Yan Xi goes out not demit, carry Yun Qi by Hui Fengxi. Bei Mo Beixi gives birth to take leave of, happy Mo Lexi's new bosom friend!

2. its form also, pian is like Jing grand, beautiful be like You Long. Rongyao autumn chrysanthemum, hua Maochun is loose. As if the my month that is like small cloud, wave wave if shed a snow of wind. Far and look, clear and bright if the sun rises alpenglow; approach and of examine, if bright lotuses wave giving Lu. Yao fine gets heart, long short close degree. If the shoulder is cut, waist as agreed upon element. The show that extend a neck, bright shows dew character. Fragrant lustre without add, drive of plumbic Hua Fu. Cloud hair worn in a bun or coil highs, repair eyebrow couplet beautiful. Outside red lip bright, the delicacy inside bright tine, bright eye be apt to looks at, dimple complementary bear authority. Marvellous appearance colourful ease, idle of appearance quiet style. Tender feelings ampling condition, fawn on at the language. Strange take outstanding, bone resembles should pursueing. Wrap around Luo Yi's Cui brights, earring made of jade or pearl preciouses jade the Hua Ju of green jade. Dai Jincui's headgear, compose bright phearl with boast human body. The article that carry out travels faraway is walked on, of drag mist Xiao the full front of a Chinese gown gently. Small deep and remote Lan Zhifang is amiable, pace hesitate Yu Shanyu. Hu Yan is then vertical body, with stroll with play. Zun Yi collects Mao, right shade laurel banner. Yu Shenhu of soil bright wrist, collect the Xuan Zhi of rapid Lai. Yuqing Yue Jishu is beautiful, heart oscillation and not happy. ... divine light separation and reunion, suddenly shade suddenly in relief. ... approach wave small step, collect socks gives birth to dirt. (Cao Zhi " god of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces is endowed with " )

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