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大西北旅游短句? 大西北旅游文案?英文双语对照


大西北旅游短句? 大西北旅游文案?英文双语对照



1. "漫步在大西北的黄沙古道,感受历史的沧桑。"

2. "大西北的风光,是大自然的鬼斧神工,让人流连忘返。"

3. "在敦煌的莫高窟里,寻找千年的文化瑰宝。"

4. "穿越青海湖,感受高原湖泊的宁静与美丽。"

5. "走过张掖丹霞,领略大自然的神奇色彩。"

6. "站在嘉峪关前,领略古丝绸之路的辉煌历史。"

7. "大西北的美食,是味蕾的盛宴,让人回味无穷。"

8. "在宁夏的沙坡头,感受沙漠与黄河的壮美画卷。"

9. "漫步在喀纳斯湖畔,感受人间仙境的美丽。"

10. "在大西北的广袤天地,寻找心灵的归宿。"
















1. 兵马俑(陕西西安):位于西安市郊区的秦始皇陵附近,是世界上规模最大、保存最完整的古代兵马俑坑,被誉为世界八大奇迹之一。

2. 敦煌莫高窟(甘肃敦煌):敦煌莫高窟是中国古代艺术宝库之一,保存有丰富的佛教壁画和雕塑,被誉为东方的艺术宝库。

3. 张掖丹霞地貌(甘肃张掖):位于甘肃张掖市的丹霞地貌是中国最具代表性的丹霞地貌之一,以其奇特的红色山峰和峡谷而闻名。

4. 青海湖(青海西宁):位于青海省的青海湖是中国最大的内陆咸水湖,湖水清澈碧蓝,周围风景优美,是摄影爱好者和自然景观爱好者的天堂。

5. 喀纳斯湖(新疆阿勒泰):喀纳斯湖是中国最美的高山湖泊之一,湖水呈现出翠绿色,周围山峰环绕,风景如画,被誉为"神秘的湖泊"。

6. 嘉峪关长城(甘肃嘉峪关):嘉峪关是中国古代长城的重要关隘之一,是世界上保存最完整的长城之一,也是中国著名的旅游景点之一。








* **贺兰山。**位于宁夏西北部,南北走向,是宁夏与内蒙古的分界山脉,也是干旱区、非季风区与半干旱区、季风区的分界线,主峰海拔3556米。

* **祁连山。**位于河西走廊以南,西北——东南走向,是甘肃、青海两省界山,是我国第一级、第二级阶梯的分界线,主峰海拔5808米。

* **阿尔金山。**位于塔里木盆地与柴达木盆地分界线。

* **天山山脉。**位于新疆中部,东西走向,是北疆准噶尔盆地和南疆塔里木盆地的分界线,海拔最高为7435米。

* **阿尔泰山。**位于新疆北部,为中国与蒙古界山,西北——东南走向,海拔最高为4374米。

* **阴山。**位于内蒙古中部,东西走向,是季风区与非季风区、内流区与外流区的分界线,海拔最高为2364米。

* **昆仑山。**是一系列山脉的总称,东西走向,起于帕米尔高原,主体位于新疆南部,向东一支为阿尔金山,另一支为可可西里山、布尔汗布达山(这一支已进入青藏高原)。昆仑山——阿尔金山也是我国第一级、第二级阶梯的分界线。

* **华山。**古称“西岳”,为中国著名的五岳之一。在陕西省渭南市南部华阴市,南接秦岭山脉,北瞰黄渭,自古以来就有“奇险天下第一山”的说法。






1. 天气情况:大西北地区的天气在国庆节期间可能会有所变化,早晚温差较大。建议您带上一件轻薄的外套或羽绒服,以备早晚时段的寒冷。

2. 山区和高原地区:如果您计划前往大西北的山区或高原地区,注意气温较低,可能会有寒冷的天气。建议您携带保暖衣物,如羽绒服、毛衣、长袖衬衫等。

3. 防晒和遮阳:大西北地区阳光强烈,紫外线较强,建议您携带太阳镜、帽子、防晒霜等防晒用品,以保护皮肤和眼睛。

4. 舒适鞋和防滑鞋:如果您计划进行户外活动或徒步旅行,建议穿着舒适的鞋子,并选择具有良好防滑性能的鞋子,以应对不同地形和路况。

5. 多层次穿搭:由于大西北地区的气温变化较大,建议采用多层次穿搭的方式,方便根据天气变化增减衣物。您可以携带一些薄型内衣、T恤、长袖衬衫等,方便根据需要进行调整。

6. 注意风沙和干燥:大西北地区的部分地区可能会有风沙和干燥的情况。建议您携带口罩、围巾等物品,以保护呼吸道和皮肤。








Is big northwest travel short sentence?

Big northwest area includes the province such as Shaanxi, Gansu Province, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang, have rich natural landscape and humanitarian history. Sharing last a period of time of classics of big northwest travel, you can be used a few brief and those who be full of poetic flavour is short a feeling that will convey you. It is a few proposals consult for you below:

1." ramble fizzles out in big northwest sandy ancient road, experience historical vicissitudes of life. "

2.Scene of " big northwest, it is the uncanny workmanship of nature, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person. "

3." is in the Mo Gao hole of Dunhuang, search the culture gem of chiliad. "

4." passes through Qinghai lake, experience highland laky halcyon with beauty. "

5." has taken Zhang Yedan glow, appreciate the magical colour of nature. "

6." stands before fine valley closes, appreciate the brilliant history of ancient the Silk Road. "

7.Cate of " big northwest, it is the regale of taste bud, aftertaste letting a person is boundless. "

8." is in the Sha Po head of Ningxia, those who experience desert and Yellow River is strong beautiful picture scroll. "

9." ramble is in bank of Si Hu of accept of noise made in coughing or vomiting, experience the beauty of terrestrial elfland. "

10." lengths and breadth of land in big northwest heaven and earth, search interior a home to return to. "

These are short sentence can be experienced actually according to yours and experience undertake adjustment, hope in the friend to you the circle shares experience of big northwest travel to be helped somewhat.

Table of article of big northwest travel?

1, big northwest journey is published say, each other have boundless word, swallow goes lovesickness.

2, say about big northwest, of the province by it burning temperature is sear, in the knapsack of the back in becoming aware replete.

3, praise the sentence of big northwest scene, you, drama of scene of riches and honour of life and death; Debus gay feminine attire.

4, big northwest journey is published say, play the cigarette ash in playing a hand to just discover, meet to theirs.

5, northwest line travels, be brought up even if such, the meaning just is able to appear.

6, big northwest journey is published say, aiaji rub want to win this bet intently, alone breed gives great mind and exalted art.

7, character of northwest journey feeling, close an eye, but the promise is,be written on sand.

8, big northwest travels, friendship if the autumn is same, if the dream is in.

9, northwest travel says, feeling is like water, what is that? Sound like the war piece.

Condition of body of big northwest travel?

Northwest area relatively altitude of area of the eastpart part lifts somewhat, climate is dry, sand blown by wind is bigger, should look specific where to go to, the place with particularly high height above sea level of if it were not for, the body of general health can suit, the place with higher height above sea level, have the disease such as hypertensive heart disease do not suit to go. I have been to Gansu Province, qinghai, top height above sea level is in 3500~4000, reaction of it doesn't matter. What should notice of course still is to should notice, big northwest weather is dry, want to drink water more, prevent a cold, not too overworked

Tourist attraction of big northwest travel?

Big northwest is the northwest area that points to China, include the province such as Shaanxi, Gansu Province, Ningxia, Qinghai and Xinjiang. This area has a lot of gallant travel tourist attractions, it is the tourist attraction with famous wh some of which below:

1.Military forces tomb figure (Shaanxi Xi'an) : Near the imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor that is located in Xi'an environs area, it is the dimensions on the world the biggest, save hole of the most complete tomb figure of archaic military forces, be known as one of 8 big miracles of world.

2.Dunhuang Mo Gao hole (Gansu Province Dunhuang) : Dunhuang Mo Gao hole is one of treasure house of art of Chinese ancient time, store rich Buddhist mural and sculpture, be known as Oriental artistic treasury.

3.Landforms of Zhang Yedan glow (Gansu Province piece assist) : The red glow landforms that is located in Gansu Province Zhang Yefu is China has one of representative Dan Xia the general configuration of the earth's surface most, famed with its peculiar gules mountain peak and gorge.

4.Qinghai lake (Qinghai Xining) : The Qinghai lake that is located in Qinghai province is China's biggest inland lagoon, lake water is clear dark blue, all round the scenery is beautiful, it is the heaven of photography lover and natural landscape lover.

5.Na Sihu of noise made in coughing or vomiting (Xinjiang A Le Tai) : Na Sihu of noise made in coughing or vomiting is China the most beautiful high mountain is laky one of, lake water appears piece emerald, mountain peak surrounds all round, the scenery is picturesque, be known as the laky " with mysterious " .

6.Fine valley closes the Great Wall (fine valley closes Gansu Province) : Fine valley closes one of important pass that are Great Wall of Chinese ancient time, be one of the most complete Great Walls are saved on the world, also be one of China's famous travel tourist attractions.

The one part that above is big northwest area only is famous tourist attraction, still have a lot of other and worth while the place that swims, like Xi'an city wall, Mo Gao this world of hole, Dunhuang closes, tower Er temple. No matter be natural landscape or historical culture relics, big northwest area has the travel resource of rich diversity, be worth one explore.

Does big northwest travel end article case?

     Chose big northwest to regard travel as destination. In this wonderful journey, already favour appreciated the natural sight with big magnificent northwest and rich culture legacy. Below big desert scene, the desert that passed through to length and breadth of land and desert, experienced the sand blown by wind of boundless and extensive sky. Visited grand and magnificent Dunhuang Mo Gao hole, savoured history of ancient the Silk Road. Fresh air breathed on Qinghai-Tibet Platean, appreciation arrived grand divine hill and laky. Still visited the famous places and historical sites of Xining, experienced the amorous feelings with the individual minority such as Tibetian, the Hui nationality.

 The travel of big northwest has ended, but in the heart that its beauty and memory will take in me forever. Experienced humanitarian gem, brought halcyon and loosen.


What mountain does big northwest travel have?

Big northwest travel has the following mountain:

Hill of * ** He Lan. ** is located in Ningxia northwest ministry, trend of north and south, it is the dividing line mountain range of Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, also be arid area, blame monsoon area and the boundary of half arid area, monsoon area, altitude of the highest peak in a mountain range 3556 meters.

* ** Qi Lianshan. ** is located in river westing corridor with south, northwest -- southeast trend, it is Gansu Province, Qinghai hill of two provincial boundaries, it is the boundary of a flight of stairs of the first class of our country, the 2nd class, altitude of the highest peak in a mountain range 5808 meters.

Golden hill of Er of * ** A. ** is located in Dalimu basin and boundary of Chai Damu basin.

Mountain range of mountain of * ** day. ** is located in Xinjiang mid, the thing is moved toward, it is the boundary of ground of the tub in basin of Er of boreal border accurate Ga and Na Jiang tower, height above sea level is top it is 7435 meters.

Mount Taishan of Er of * ** A. ** is located in Xinjiang north, for China and Mongolia bound hill, northwest -- southeast trend, height above sea level is top it is 4374 meters.

* ** the Yinshan Mountains. ** is located in Inner Mongolia mid, the thing is moved toward, it is monsoon area and blame monsoon area, inside the boundary that sheds area and outflow division, height above sea level is top it is 2364 meters.

Hill of * ** Kunlun. ** is the floorboard of a series of mountain ranges, the thing is moved toward, result the Pamirs, main body is located in Xinjiang south, eastwards golden hill of an Er that it is A, another is cocoa on the west in hill, Boer single jersey amounts to hill (this one already entered Qinghai-Tibet Platean) . Kunlun hill -- the boundary that A Er golden hill also is a flight of stairs of the first class of our country, the 2nd class.

* ** Mount Hua. ** is ancient say " Xi Yue " , for one of China's famous the Five Mountains. Southern part of the city austral short for Weihe River is saved in Shaanxi China shade city, mountain range of mountain of the Qin Dynasty is received south, boreal overlook yellow short for Weihe River, have from of old " strange danger the world the first hill " view.

Northwest area can go to what mountain-climbing travels still having a lot of, you can go to place referring understanding more information.

What song does big northwest travel match?

I think big northwest travel should deserve to go up " the former scenery of birthplace " this song. This song is mixed with its honest air pure and fresh libretto, those who conveyed pair of birthplace is yearning and cherish. Travel big northwest, the prairie view that can appreciate boundless, vigorous and firm strong group of beautiful Shan Jiyan and beautiful and attractive laky river, it is the beautiful scenery of the sort of relaxed and happy making a person, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave. In addition, pair of traditional culture conveyed in this song cherish, this also waits for bring out the best in each other of traditional culture element with the Tibetian of rich and colorful of big northwest area, the Monggol nationality, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person.

Is travel of National Day big northwest clad strategy?

If you plan to head for big northwest area to travel during the National Day, it is the clad strategy of a few proposals below:

1.Weather situation: The weather of big northwest area may change somewhat during the National Day, difference in temperature of morning and evening is bigger. Suggest you take a frivolous coat or eider down to take, with the chill of equipment time period of time.

2.A mountainous area with downy area: If you plan to head for big northwest a mountainous area or downy area, notice air temperature is inferior, may have cold weather. Suggest you carry heat preservation clothings, if eider down is taken, shirt of sweater, long sleeve.

3.Prevent bask in and sunshade: Sunshine of big northwest area is intense, ultraviolet ray is stronger, suggest you carry sunglass, tag, prevent bask in frost to wait prevent bask in things, in order to protect the skin and eye.

4.Comfortable shoe and prevent slippery shoe: If you plan to have outdoors activity or hike, the proposal is wearing comfortable shoe, choose to have good skid resistance can shoe, in order to answer different landform and way besides.

5.Mutiple level wear build: Because the air temperature change of big northwest area is bigger, the proposal is used mutiple level wear the kind that take, convenient basis clothings of weather variation increase and decrease. You can be carried a few thin model shirt of underwear, T-shirt, long sleeve, convenient basis needs to undertake adjustment.

6.Notice sand blown by wind mixes dry: The partial area of big northwest area may have sand blown by wind and dry case. Suggest you carry the article such as guaze mask, scarf, in order to protect respiratory tract and skin.

The most important is a basis your specific journey and destination, understand weather situation of place, had made corresponding preparation. In addition, notice body condition of the individual even, avoid the problem such as excessive overworked and downy reaction. The journey that wishs you are in big northwest area is happy!

Does body of big northwest travel ask?

The body wants health, cannot have high blood pressure, northwest height above sea level is higher

Is the sentence experienced after big northwest travels?

In big northwest journey, what I experienced nature deeply is magical and great. Let me cherish life and environment more.

In desert, I saw endless dune and bleak picture. What also saw people is laborious with gritty spirit.
