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山西面食历史悠久,源远流长,从可以考证的时间算起,至少有2000多年的历史。以面条为例,东汉称之为“煮饼”;魏晋则名为“汤饼”;南北朝谓“水引”;而唐朝叫“冷淘”……。面食名称推陈出新,因时因地而异,俗话说娇儿宠称多,面食众多的称谓与名堂,正说明山西人对它的重视和喜爱。山西面食种类繁多,一般家庭主妇就能用小麦粉、高粱面、豆面、荞面、莜面做成数十种的面食,如刀削面、拉面、圪培面、推窝窝、灌肠等。到了厨师手里,更被舞弄得花样翻新,让人目不暇接。有据可查的面食在山西就有280种之多。 一般家庭妇女能做几十种,到了厨师手里,更是花样翻新,达到一面多样、一面百味的境界。



是山西最有代表性的面条,堪称天下一绝,已有数百年的历史。传说,蒙古鞑靼侵占中原后,建立元朝。为防止“汉人”造反起义,将家家户户的金属全部没收,并规定十户用厨刀一把,切菜做饭轮流使用,用后再交回鞑靼保管。一天中午,一位老婆婆将棒子、高粱面和成面团,让老汉取刀。结果刀被别人取走,老汉只好返回,在出鞑靼的大门时,脚被一块薄铁皮碰了一下,他顺手拣起来揣在怀里。回家后,锅开得直响,全家人等刀切面条吃。可是刀没取回来,老汉急得团团转,忽然想起怀里的铁皮,就取出来说:就用这个铁皮切面吧!老婆一看,铁皮薄而软,嘟喃着说:这样软的东西怎能切面条。老汉气愤地说:“切”不动就“砍”。“ 砍”字提醒了老婆,她把面团放在一块木板上,左手端起,右手持铁片,站在开水锅边“砍”面,一片片面片落入锅内,煮熟后捞到碗里,浇上卤汁让老汉先吃,老汉边吃边说:“好得很,好得很,以后不用再去取厨刀切面了。”这样一传十,十传百,传遍了晋中大地。至今,晋中的平遥、介休、汾阳、孝义等县,不论男女都会削面。后来,“凤阳”出了朱皇帝(朱元璋)统一了中国,建立明朝,这种“砍面”流传于社会小摊贩,又经过多次改革,演变为现在的刀削面。刀削面柔中有硬,软中有韧,浇卤、或炒或凉拌,均有独特风味,如略加山西老陈醋食之尤妙。































The world cooked wheaten food, all be in 3 advance:

Shanxi cate

History of Shanxi cooked wheaten food is long, can take an examination of have 2000 old histories. Noodle, the Eastern Han Dynasty is called " the cake that boil " , name of advance of the Kingdom of Wei is " soup cake " ; The Northern and Southern Dynasties " water is brought " ; And Tang Chao cries " Leng Tao " . Sort of Shanxi cooked wheaten food is various, raw material is make it of face of face of wheat flour, broomcorn, bean flour, Qiao, You face, breed cuts an area for the knife, pull face, Ge to earth up the face, nest that promote a shelter, clyster to wait. Have amount to more than kinds 280 according to the cooked wheaten food that can examine.

Chinese name: Shanxi cate

Basically feed capable person: Wheat flour, broomcorn face, bean flour, qiao face, you face

Classification: Advance dish

Taste: One side diversity, one side 100 flavour


"The world cooked wheaten food, all be in 3 advance " , shanxi cooked wheaten food is moved toward from remote antiquity today, also move toward the whole nation from loess plateau, trend world. Shanxi cooked wheaten food, it is the main component in culture of food of the Chinese nation not only, also be one of world food culture strange flower.

History of Shanxi cooked wheaten food is long, of long standing and well established, from can the time of textual research calculates case, have 2000 old histories at least. It is with noodle exemple, the Eastern Han Dynasty says for " the cake that boil " ; Name of Wei Jin criterion is " soup cake " ; The Northern and Southern Dynasties calls " water is brought " ; And Tang Chao cries " Leng Tao " ... . Get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh of name of cooked wheaten food, because of when because of the ground different, common saying says charming bestow favor on say much, the appellation with numerous cooked wheaten food and variety, demonstrative Shanxi person takes it seriously and loving. Sort of Shanxi cooked wheaten food is various, general housewife can use make it of face of face of wheat flour, broomcorn, bean flour, Qiao, You face the cooked wheaten food that tens of planting, if the knife cuts an area, pull face, Ge to earth up the face, nest that promote a shelter, clyster to wait. Arrived in chef hand, more face-lifting of the pattern that be gotten by brandish, too many things to see letting a person. Have what there is 280 to plant in Shanxi according to the cooked wheaten food that can examine. General housewife can do a few kinds, arrived in chef hand, it is pattern face-lifting more, reach one side diversity, one side the state of 100 flavour.

Characteristic cooked wheaten food

The knife cuts an area

It is Shanxi has representative noodle most, can calls the world a special skill, already had history of hundreds years. Fabulous, mongolia is Tartar after embezzlement Central Plains, build yuan of day. To prevent " the Han people " rebellious uprise, confiscate the metal of every family entirely, set to frankpledge uses hutch knife, cut dish to cook use by turns, after using, hand in again time Tartar and custodial. A day midday, a granny mixes face of maize, broomcorn dough, let old man take a knife. Result knife is taken away by others, old man is forced to return, when giving Tartar entrance door, the foot was touched by a weak iron sheet, he arranges hand-sort to rise in Chuai Zaihuai. After coming home, boiler leaves so that ring continuously, the knife such as family person cuts noodle to eat. But the knife was not taken, old man turns urgently all round, remember the iron sheet in the bosom suddenly, take out for: Use tangent plane of this iron sheet! Wife looks, iron sheet is weak and soft, toot Nan wears say: So soft thing can cut noodle how. Old man says furiously: "Cut " do not move " chop " . "Chop " the word reminded wife, she puts dough on a board, left hand end rises, the right hand holds iron piece, the station is by the side of boiled water boiler " chop " face, one-sided piece fall into boiler inside, the bowl is scooped up after thoroughlying cook in, irrigate on thick gravy lets old man eat first, old man edge eats an edge to say: "Very good, very good, need not take hutch knife tangent plane later again. " pass so 10, 10 pass 100, spread everywhere to the earth in advance. Up to now, the Ping Yao in advance, interpose rests, the county such as Fen this world, filial piety justice, no matter the men and women can cut an area. Later, "Feng Yang " gave bright red emperor (Zhu Yuanzhang) united China, build Ming Dynasty, this kind " cut an area " circulate at social small faker, pass reform for many times again, evolve to cut an area for present knife. The knife cuts an area soft in have hard, soft in have pliable but strong, irrigate bittern, or fry or cold and dressed with sause, all have distinctive local color, what if add Shanxi slightly,old mature vinegar feeds is especially clever.

Needle of get rid of

This is the high-quality goods in Shanxi person cookbook, needle of get rid of of face of needle of needle of flour get rid of, broomcorn face get rid of, food grains other than wheat and rice is waited a moment.

Common says " bat of face of get rid of " ) go up to come with tailor-made chopstick get rid of. The pick that ace get rid of gives is pointed, submit pointed form of intermediate circle, both ends, some is returned with special skill

But get rid of gives wide Yu Tie board the top of chief clean with a pointed instrument of 3 times comes 2 ~ . What craft depends on noodle leaving iron plate is flashy, take advantage of an opportunity of the head that use chopsticks spins the face,

From iron plate. Operation of this kind of cooked wheaten food is chic, muscle is soft tastily, digest easily, deserve to go up to fry element of the flesh, fried bean sauce, meat or fish to make stew in soy sauce greatly, having a unique style.

Brush a face

Press the flour of become reconciled on flat look eraser, from eraser leakage unloads boiled water thoroughly cook in boiler, deserve to get on all sorts of irrigating the head, edible that make stew in soy sauce, this kind of cooked wheaten food

Easy mastication, good digest, comfortable reach the person edible with undesirable tooth at old age.

Hold tight piece

After face become reconciled, roll becomes an area piece cut a inch many wide, with the hand a hold tight enters boiled water boiler in (size and finger abdomen are identical) , after thoroughlying cook

Deserve to get on all sorts of irrigating head edible. Way of this kind of cooked wheaten food is simple, eating muscle to slip.

The river leaks

The face become reconciled throws tailor-made river leakage bed, force a side from lower part boiler leaves inside even aperture in. It is certain to wait for a face to overwhelm length, with the knife from lower part

Cut off noodle, thoroughly cook deserve to irrigate a head or hit bittern edible.

Dial a fish

Put mixed very soft face in a belt to get on face plate, carry face plate single-handed, make a chopstick with iron single-handed

Dial fish or wooden chopstick one stirs pot downward inside, if small fish is in water,hop. Continous of softness of this kind of face slips, digest easily, deserve to go up to element of meat or fish irrigates a head or make stew in soy sauce can edible.

Feline ear

Appearance of flour cat ear is exactly like feline ear, small and exquisite, taste have tenacity, interest opening. The practice is to use the become reconciled such as face of flour, You or broomcorn face, face roll

Into the face piece. Cut small diamonds, press with big toe turn chip, shape of ear of cat of natural roll into, if match with hotpot spice, flavour is more beautiful.

Lao of You face wicker basket

Use the You face make it with nutrient extremely high value, rub the face essence of life, dough of will small You is kneaded, one rub, circle toward finger again, change gave hank

The Lao of You face wicker basket that coil, erect in basket in evaporate is ripe become namely.


Brains is a kind of Taiyuan city's peculiar renown breakfast, for soup state provision. In paste of a bowl of soup, put fat hotpot of on 3 chunk, dish of a lotus,

Grow yam. Shang Li's spice has yellow rice or millet wine, lees and the root of remembranous milk vetch. The mixture fragrance of wine, medicine and hotpot can feel when sampling, delicious and goluptious, eat more more

Sweet. Have function of nourishing, invigorate the circulation of blood. Annual White Dew of the traditional Chinese calendar arrives during the Beginning of Spring, restaurant of Taiyuan city each Islamic has mostly " brains " appear on the market.

Touch a gramophone record

Food of characteristic of Shanxi Taiyuan periphery, boil feed. With spinach, celery the foliaceous ministry that wait or fabaceous horn, aubergine, wrap thoroughly cook in order to do flour, mix vinegar is harmonic (vinegar, salt, chopped green onion is fried make) or dip in water water can edible.

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