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恒润科技的介绍? 恒润科技真实待遇?英文双语对照


恒润科技的介绍? 恒润科技真实待遇?英文双语对照











智能驾驶 恒润科技经过近20年的发展,在汽车电子配套和咨询服务两个方面均积累丰富的经验。智能化是汽车技术发展的重要方向,智能驾驶技术是汽车进化的必由之路。恒润科技紧跟行业发展趋势,聚焦网络化和智能化等技术变革机遇,积极创新,致力于为乘用车、商用车、共享出行、专用车辆、固定场景等提供智能驾驶整体解决方案,涵盖环境感知、传感器融合、智能决策、控制执行、系统集成和仿真测试等关键智能驾驶技术。

 数据事业部 公司集中自身在汽车电子行业多年的技术领先优势,将车联网及后市场核心业务定位于先进的车载智能终端配套产品研发、车辆大数据分析咨询服务及智慧工厂解决方案等,为车辆的信息化、智能化和共享经济提供创新性的产品。








基本工资为税前6000 元 / 月,试用期工资为基本工资的 80% ,若绩效考核达到中等及以上,平均月薪不低于 8000 元 / 月(税前)。



还好。工资公司统一,关键靠奖金,奖金还是很高的。每个部门也有点差异。完全自由的私企,也是锻炼的好地方,工作压力哪儿都有,否则不可能白给你挣那么多钱。 付出与回报成正比,你就不会觉得“有压力”。



工资奖金制度不合理,员工离职,公司会想尽办法少发奖金。公司的基本工资是很低的,员工的收入都靠奖金来养家。今年公司增长放缓,对离职的员工一律扣奖金,原则是今年的收入不能高于往年。公司每年的四月份是财年截至,一般员工提出离职都等到7、8月发奖金,这样公司就可以不用发这几个月的奖金。如果你5月初提出离职,奖金就会被扣很多。供恒润员工以及准备找工作的朋友参考。延展回答: 接下来是基本介绍。公司福利:五险一金。公司地址: 北京。企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)。所属行业:科技推广和应用服务业。总部地点:北京。北京经纬恒润科技有限公司(HiRain Technologies)成立于1998年,是一家高新技术企业,从事汽车、车联网、轨道交通等领域的电子产品研发生产、解决方案咨询服务、研发工具、及培训等。总部位于北京,设有上海、成都、深圳、美国底特律、德国慕尼黑分公司,长春、武汉、重庆办事处,并在上海、天津、南通建立现代化的汽车电子生产工厂,形成了完善的科研、生产、营销、服务体系。



北京经纬恒润科技有限公司(HiRain Technologies)是一家持续快速发展的高新技术企业,专业从事汽车电子、智能驾驶、车联网、新能源、人工智能等领域的电子产品研发生产、工程咨询、研发工具以及特定场景自动驾驶运维服务等。总部位于北京,设有上海、成都、深圳、美国底特律、德国慕尼黑分公司和长春、武汉、重庆、南昌、西安办事处,并在天津、南通建立了现代化的生产工厂,形成了完善的研发、生产、营销、服务体系。目前拥有员工2700余人,研发人员中54%拥有硕士及以上学历,成立近20年以来,公司一直致力于自主创新,先后被评为“北京市专利示范单位”、“中关村知识产权重点示范单位”和“国家专利审查员北京实践基地”,本着“价值创新,服务客户”的理念,目前已拥有国内外汽车行业客户千余家。


One, the introduction of constant embellish science and technology?

Enterprise of constant embellish science and technology is registered held water 1998, constant embellish science and technology held water 1998, it is a high-tech company that expands quickly continuously, headquarters is set in Beijing, be in Shanghai, chengdu sets agency.

2, is constant embellish science and technology true pay?

Constant embellish science and technology is a company of very big science and technology, company environment is elegant, pure and fresh. Treatment is favorable, development space is very large.

3, author of constant embellish science and technology?

Author of limited company of science and technology of embellish of constant of Beijing classics abb, general manager, northing alumnus Ji Ying is put

4, does constant embellish science and technology have many fierce?


Come ten years, electric advisory group has given car of constant embellish science and technology 100 many models had provided advisory service, the client spreads all over area of chinese mainland, America, Taiwan area, the project that has become domestic client to trust most consults a group.


Intelligence drives the development of constant embellish science and technology through nearly 20 years, with advisory service in car electron form a complete set two respects all accumulate rich experience. Intelligence changes the important way that is car technology development, intelligent road-sense is the only way of car evolution. Industry of follow closely of constant embellish science and technology grows a tendency, focusing network and intelligence are changed wait for a technology to change good luck, innovate actively, devote oneself to to use car, commercial vehicle to multiply, share a travel, special vehicle, fixed setting to wait offer intelligence to drive integral solution, cover confluence of environmental perception, sensor, intelligence decision-making, control is carried out, the system is compositive wait for crucial intelligence road-sense with emulation test.

 Company of data career department centers oneself to precede in the technique with car electron old industry advantage, fixed position of business of core of the market after reaching car couplet net carries big data of research and development of product of intelligent terminal form a complete set, car to analyse advisory service and wisdom factory solution to wait at advanced car, offer the product of innovation sex to the informatization of car, intelligence is changed and share economy.

5, science and technology of Jing Weiheng embellish what class?

Science and technology of embellish of classics abb constant is class of a gleam of inside the industry, embellish of classics abb constant is a business of new and high technology that expands quickly continuously. Pursue a car (intelligence drives, car couplet net) representative of tool of advisory service of the production of electronic product research and development of the domain, solution, research and development and specific setting drive automatically carry thought service,

Headquarters is located in Beijing, set subsidiary of Munich of Detroit of Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, United States, Germany, agency of Changchun, Wuhan, Chongqing, the car electron that builds modernization in Shanghai, Tianjin, Nantong produces a plant, formed system of perfect scientific research, production, sale, service.

6, is whole nation of science and technology of Beijing Jing Weiheng embellish ranked?

Rank without the whole nation, but although science and technology of embellish of constant of Beijing classics abb is not to belong to 500 strong companies of world, but also be to belong to very strong company, in have a branch domestic and internationally

7, pay of science and technology of embellish of constant of Beijing classics abb how ah?

Income of company formal staff by base pay, award and allowance are comprised end of the year, individual income makes outstanding achievement couple with individual labour directly.

Before base pay is duty 6000 yuan / month, probation salary is the 80% of base pay, if performance is assessed,wait reach above, average monthly pay not under 8000 yuan / month (before duty) .

Registered permanent residence: The Master is insoluble!

8, constant embellish science and technology how? Pay pay?

Not bad. Salary company is unified, the key relies on bonus, premium is very high still. Every branch also has bit of difference. Completely free illicit look forward to, also be the good place that take exercise, actuating pressure where has, make so much money impossibly to you in vain otherwise. Pay become direct ratio with redound, you won't feel " have pressure " .

9, company of science and technology of embellish of constant of Beijing classics abb how?

The company is very big.

Salary bonus system is unreasonable, employee leaves his post, the company can think gold of method little award prize. The base pay of the company is very low, the income of employee relies on bonus to raise the home. Company growth puts delay this year, uniform to the employee that leave one's post deduct bonus, the income that the principle is this year cannot prep above in former years. The company is annual April is money year up to, general staff puts forward to leave one's post when 7, will deliver premium in August, such companies need not use the bonus that sends these a few months. If you put forward to leave one's post at the beginning of May, bonus can be buckled a lot of. Employee of the embellish that offer constant and the friend that prepare to apply for a job are referenced. Extend an answer: It is basic introduction next. Company material benefits: 5 danger one gold. Firm address: Beijing. Enterprise type: Finite liability company (the natural person invests or accuse a) . What belong to an industry: Promotion of science and technology and application serve industry. Headquarters site: Beijing. Limited company of science and technology of embellish of constant of Beijing classics abb (HiRain Technologies) held water 1998, it is company of a new and high technology, production, solution seeks advice from the electronic product research and development that pursues the domain such as traffic of net of couplet of car, car, orbit tool of service, research and development, reach groom etc. Headquarters is located in Beijing, set branch of Munich of Detroit of Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, United States, Germany, agency of Changchun, Wuhan, Chongqing, the car electron that builds modernization in Shanghai, Tianjin, Nantong produces a plant, formed system of perfect scientific research, production, sale, service.

10, is science and technology of embellish of constant of Beijing classics abb a good unit?

Beijing patent demonstrative unit " , " demonstrative unit of stress of ZhongGuanCun intellectual property " and " Beijing of national patent examinant carries out base " ,

Limited company of science and technology of embellish of constant of Beijing classics abb (HiRain Technologies) it is a business of new and high technology that expands quickly continuously, major is engaged in car electron, intelligence driving, the production of electronic product research and development of the domain such as car couplet net, new energy resources, artificial intelligence, project seeks advice, tool of research and development and specific setting drive automatically carry thought service. Headquarters is located in Beijing, set agency of branch of Munich of Detroit of Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, United States, Germany and Changchun, Wuhan, Chongqing, Nanchang, Xi'an, built modern manufacturing plant in Tianjin, Nantong, formed system of perfect research and development, production, sale, service. Have stuff at present 2700 more than person, in personnel of research and development 54% have Master and above record of formal schooling, since holding water nearly 20 years, the company devotes oneself to own innovation all the time, be judged to be early or late " Beijing patent demonstrative unit " , " demonstrative unit of stress of ZhongGuanCun intellectual property " and " Beijing of national patent examinant carries out base " , act on " value blazes new trails, service client " concept, already had client of industry of domestic and international automobile at present more than 1000.
