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罗志祥(Show Lo),1979年7月30日出生于中国台湾省基隆市,中国台湾流行乐男歌手、主持人、舞者、演员。1995年因参加“四大天王就是你”模仿大赛正式出道。2003年推出首张个人专辑《Show Time》。2005年举行个人首场演唱会,成为第一位踏上台北小巨蛋体育馆的流行歌手。2008年发行第六张专辑《潮男正传》,获MTV亚洲音乐大奖。2010年专辑《罗生门》获“五白金”。2012年前往日本乐坛发展,首张日语单曲《Dante》推出首周即登上日本公信榜单曲周榜第十名,使罗志祥成为首位于日本公信榜单曲获得前十名的台湾男歌手。2013年第十张专辑《狮子吼》获认证四白金唱片,使罗志祥连续四年(2010—2013)成为台湾地区年度唱片销售总冠军。2016年,开启个人第四次世界巡回演唱会“CRAZY WORLD疯狂世界”。2000年主演《少年梁祝》。2005年以《斗鱼Ⅱ》入围金钟奖最佳男主角。2007年后相继主演《转角遇到爱》《篮球火》《海派甜心》,凭借《海派甜心》第三度入围金钟奖最佳男主角。2013年客串演出电影《西游·降魔篇》。2014年11月主演电影《美人鱼》,成为华语影史票房冠军。2016年与成龙合作主演《机器之血》。除了影视歌之外,罗志祥还担任台湾《娱乐百分百》主持。2006年自创潮牌“STAGE”,先后在台湾、香港、澳门、中国内地、新加坡开设分店。2014年发行新书《梦想拼图》,让其顺利加入畅销作家行列。2015年加盟东方卫视《极限挑战》。2019年担任街舞选拔类节目《这!就是街舞第二季》的明星队长。


stafe是时尚服装品牌。STAGE,全名为STAGE Hyaline of World,品牌创立于2006年,不断以创新、突破的原创理念,注入潮流时尚设计。STAGE一贯的设计理念“Trend equal to zero(nothing),STAGE equal YOU等于0,STAGE等于你”。由艺人罗志祥带领的STAGE设计团队,不断的以创新理念注入街头流行设计,除了原创品牌商品外,也不断与国际品牌合作。


罗志祥(Show Lo),中国台湾流行歌手、舞者、演员、主持人。1996年与欧弟组成罗密欧组合,随后组合解散,转型为综艺节目主持人。2003年罗志祥推出首张个人专辑《Show Time》。2006年自创品牌“STAGE”,先后在台湾、香港、新加坡开设分店。2009年罗志祥和杨丞琳合作拍摄偶像剧《海派甜心》,担任第一男主角。2010年、2011年和2012年的个人所有唱片获台湾销售总冠军。2013年1月4日在台北小巨蛋正式启动“2013舞极限”世界巡演。2013年11月8日发行个人专辑《狮子吼》。




香港有Edison的CLOT,台湾有五月天阿信的StayReal,小猪罗志祥的Stage,李灿森的subcrew,继蔡依林与黄奕分别于推出个人时装品牌“Seventy Two Changes(72变)”与“花帮”林俊杰自创潮牌SMUDGE, 赵晨浩环球热力兄弟2009年创办了自己的潮流设计室HBU Entertainment(简称HBU或UHB),罗志祥创立潮牌“STAGE HYALINE OF WORLD”简称:(STAGE)等。

内地有VJ李晨有NIC is coming。日本的川久保玲



罗志祥除了影视歌之外,罗志祥还担任台湾《娱乐百分百》主持。2006年自创潮牌“STAGE”,先后在台湾、香港、澳门、内地 、新加坡开设分店。2014年发行新书《梦想拼图》,让其顺利加入畅销作家行列。2015年加盟东方卫视《极限挑战》 。2019年,担任街舞选拔类节目《这!就是街舞第二季》的明星队长 。


One, what does broker company of Luo Zhixiang call?

Heaven and earth adds up to recreation, source live entertainment

Luo Zhixiang (Show Lo) , was born in Chinese Taiwan to visit Keelung town on July 30, 1979, the person that Chinese Taiwan sheds picnicky male singer, compere, dance, actor. 1995 because attend " 4 days of big king are you " imitate a contest to go out formally. Rolled out first pieces of individual special 2003 " Show Time " . Held concert of individual head field 2005, become the first to set foot on Taipei the popular singer of gymnasium of small gigantic egg. Issued the 6th piece of special 2008 " wet male passing " , win large award of MTV Asia music. 2010 special " Luo Sheng door " obtain " 5 platinum " . Happy toward Japan altar develops before 2012, only music of first pieces of Japanese " Dante " roll out a Japan on Zhou Jideng a list of names posted up of week of only music of public letter a list of names posted up the 10th, before making Luo Zhixiang becomes the first place to be obtained at only music of a list of names posted up of Japanese public letter 10 Taiwan male singer. 2013 dicker special " lion growl " obtain attestation 4 platinum disc, make Luo Zhixiang successive 4 years (2010, 2013) becomes record of Taiwan area year to sell total champion. 2016, open individual concert of tour of the 4th world " world of CRAZY WORLD insanity " . Acted the leading role 2000 " teenager Liang Zhu " . 2005 with " the Ⅱ that fight a fish " be seleted Jin Zhong award optimal hero. Act the leading role in succession after 2007 " corner encounters love " " basketball fire " " sea manner and air is sweet heart " , by right of " sea manner and air is sweet heart " tierce is seleted Jin Zhong award optimal hero. Guest play the role of gave the motion picture 2013 " · swims to fall on the west demon piece " . Acted the leading role in November 2014 the film " mermaid " , become Chinese champion of shadow history booking office. Acted the leading role with the collaboration that become dragon 2016 " the blood of the machine " . Besides song of movie and TV, luo Zhixiang still holds the position of Taiwan " recreation hundred " chair. Started wet shop sign oneself 2006 " STAGE " , open a branch in inland of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, China, Singapore early or late. Published new book 2014 " the dream spells a plan " , make its successful join popular writer procession. Joined in east is defended 2015 inspect " the limit is challenged " . Held the position of street dance choose 2019 kind program " this! It is street dance the 2nd season " star header.

2, what brand is Stcef?

Stafe is fashionable clothing brand. STAGE, full name is STAGE Hyaline Of World, the brand founds 2006, ceaseless with innovation, breakthrough start a concept formerly, infuse tide vogue is designed. The design concept with consistent STAGE " Trend Equal To Zero(nothing) , STAGE Equal YOU is equal to 0, STAGE is equal to you " . The STAGE that by actor Luo Zhixiang guides designs a group, ceaseless design with popularity of street of innovation concept infuse, besides achieving brand merchandise formerly, also cooperate with international brand ceaselessly.

3, dry what is Luo Zhixiang?

Luo Zhixiang (Show Lo) , singer of Chinese Taiwan popularity, dance person, actor, compere. Comprised Romeo to combine with Ou Di 1996, subsequently combination is disbanded, transition is master of ceremonies of put together art. Luo Zhixiang rolled out first pieces of individual special 2003 " Show Time " . Started a brand oneself 2006 " STAGE " , open a branch in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore early or late. Luo Zhixiang and Yang Chenglin collaboration filmed 2009 idol play " sea manner and air is sweet heart " , hold the position of the first hero. 2010, with the individual 2012 all disc obtained Taiwan to sell total champion 2011. In Taipei small gigantic egg was started formally on January 4, 2013 " 2013 dance limit " world make one's rounds acts. Issued individual special on November 8, 2013 " lion growl " .

4, how was inn of net of the Stage that clean out treasure done not have?

The likelihood disobeyed the relevant provision that cleans out treasure to bring about. Clean out treasure to have a lot of regulations, if sold the home to disobey among them, clean out treasure to may undertake condemnatory to shop, include but commodity, limitation is not worn below be confined to operation, even put up the shutters. Clean out treasure to also have his superintendency mechanism, if the user informs against problem of existence of a certain shop, clean out treasure to also can undertake investigating. Shop is informed against or violated a regulation possibly, bring about punishment of the treasure that be cleaned out to perhaps be rectified, so shop may disappear suddenly. Additional, shop is shut possibly also because of personal account, if sell domestic individual reason to perhaps turn to wait all right, bring about shop to disappear. If be this kind of circumstance, sell the home to should inform a client to perhaps show an account in shop announcement ahead of schedule, lest bring needless worry to the client.

5, so called " wet card " what to have?

Hong Kong has the CLOT of Edison, taiwan has the StayReal that day A believed in May, the Stage of piggy Luo Zhixiang, li Cansen's Subcrew, afterwards Cai Yilin and yellow Yi part at rolling out brand of individual fashionable dress " Seventy Two Changes (72 change) " with " beautiful side " Lin Junjie achieves wet card SMUDGE oneself, zhao morning grand is round-the-world heating power brother established 2009 HBU of oneself abbreviation of HBU Entertainment(of tide drawing office or UHB) , luo Zhixiang founds wet card " STAGE HYALINE OF WORLD " abbreviation: (STAGE) wait.

Inland has VJ Li Chen to have NIC Is Coming. Of Japan plain long Bao Ling

6, what meaning is group of vermicelli made from bean starch calls SFC that SFC?

It is global backing meets Luo Zhixiang.

Luo Zhixiang besides song of movie and TV, luo Zhixiang still holds the position of Taiwan " recreation hundred " chair. Started wet shop sign oneself 2006 " STAGE " , open a branch in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, inland, Singapore early or late. Published new book 2014 " the dream spells a plan " , make its successful join popular writer procession. Joined in east is defended 2015 inspect " ultimate challenge " . 2019, hold the position of street dance choose kind program " this! It is street dance the 2nd season " star header.
