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有哪些传统文化? 传统文化有哪些?英文双语对照


有哪些传统文化? 传统文化有哪些?英文双语对照



1. 中国传统文化:中国传统文化包括儒家思想、道家思想、佛教、中国书法、中国绘画、中国音乐、中国戏曲、中国茶文化、中国传统节日(如春节、中秋节等)等。

2. 印度传统文化:印度传统文化包括印度教、佛教、耆那教、印度舞蹈、印度音乐、印度绘画、印度雕塑、印度传统服饰等。

3. 日本传统文化:日本传统文化包括日本茶道、日本花道、日本传统音乐(如雅乐、箏曲等)、日本传统戏剧(如能剧、歌舞伎等)、日本传统服饰(如和服)、日本传统建筑(如寺庙、城堡等)等。

4. 韩国传统文化:韩国传统文化包括韩国传统音乐(如箫曲、大鼓等)、韩国传统舞蹈(如扇舞、鼓舞等)、韩国传统绘画、韩国传统建筑(如宫殿、庙宇等)、韩国传统服饰(如韩服)等。

5. 西方传统文化:西方传统文化包括古希腊罗马文化、基督教文化、文艺复兴时期的艺术和文学、古典音乐、西方哲学思想等。
















农历十二月二十三日祭灶,是日入夜后要把灶台刷干净,把旧的灶君取下烧掉,除至夕日晨早把新像贴上,一送一迎,都要摆置酒肉、糖果、甘蔗、米果等,烧香、点烛、放纸炮。 [25]  民间祭灶,源于古人拜火习俗,祭灶在中国有几千年历史了,灶神信仰都是中国百姓对“衣食有余”梦想追求的反映。


新年前夕“腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子”(亦称扫屋)的习俗 。按民间的说法:因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除陈布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。每逢春节来临,家家户户都要打扫环境,清洗各种器具,拆洗被褥窗帘,洒扫六闾庭院,掸拂尘垢蛛网,疏浚明渠暗沟。到处洋溢着欢欢喜喜搞卫生、干干净净迎新春的欢乐气氛。





自汉代以来,新旧年交替的时刻一般为夜半时分。“一夜连双岁,五更分二天”,除夕之夜,全家团聚在一起,吃过年夜饭,点起蜡烛或油灯,围坐炉旁闲聊,等着辞旧迎新的时刻,通宵守夜,象征着把一切邪瘟病疫照跑驱走,期待着新的一年吉祥如意 。





















待 客







中国传统物品有虎头帽、剪纸、油纸伞、折纸扇、风筝 、中国字、玉佩 、玉手镯、 玉如意 、玉麒麟、香包石头镜、藏银饰品、水墨画、刺绣等。




中国剪纸是一种用剪刀或刻刀在纸上剪刻花纹,用于装点生活或配合其他民俗活动的民间艺术。传承赓续的视觉形象和造型格式,蕴涵了丰富的文化历史信息,表达了广大民众的社会认以、道德观念、实践经验、生活理想和审美情趣,具有认知、教化、表意、抒情、娱乐、交往等多重社会价值 。








One, what traditional culture is there?

Traditional culture is to show a nation or area develop the distinctive culture system that forms in the process in long-term history. The traditional culture of different country and area has distinguishing feature each, it is a few common traditional culture below:

1.Chinese traditional culture: Chinese traditional culture includes calligraphy of thought of Confucianism, Taoist school, Buddhist, China, China red-letter day of convention of culture of tea of opera of music of painterly, China, China, China, China (wait like the Spring Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival) etc.

2.Indian tradition culture: Indian tradition culture includes music of dancing of Hinduism, Buddhist, Jainism, India, India, India dress of tradition of sculpture of painterly, India, India.

3.Japanese traditional culture: Japanese traditional culture includes Japanese tea path, Japan to spend traditional music of path, Japan (be like elegant music of happy, Geng ) , Japanese tradition is Thespian (be like can ability of drama, singing and dancing) , Japanese tradition dress (be like kimono) , Japanese tradition is built (like cloister, .

4.Korea tradition culture: Korea tradition culture includes Korea tradition music (the music that be like xiao, tom-tom) , Korea tradition dancing (the dance that be like fan, encouragement) , tradition of Korea tradition brushwork, Korea is built (wait like palace, temple) , Korea tradition dress (if Han is taken) etc.

5.Western tradition culture: Thought of philosophy of the art that western tradition culture includes period of culture of ancient Greek Rome, Christian culture, renaissance and literature, classical music, west.

This is the example of culture of one fraction tradition only, there still are a lot of other countries and area to have distinctive traditional culture on the world. Every traditional culture has belief of its unique viewpoint of value, artistic form, religion and way of life, very important to understanding and the diversity that respect different culture.

2, what does traditional culture have?

Traditional culture includes as follows:

1, idea philosophy, for instance: The culture consciousness such as the Confucianist, Buddhist, the Eclectics, Political Strategists, Taoist school, Mohist School, Legalists, military strategist in ancient China.

2, traditional literature, for instance: " The Book of Songs " , " Chu Ci " , " on the west travel notes " , " red Lou Meng " wait.

3, dietary hutch art, for instance: Department of dish of culture of tea path, wine, China, 8 big vegetable.

4, China wushu, for instance: Shadowboxing, chant spring fist, fierce is become the fist.

5, traditional festival, for instance the Mid-autumn Festival, tomb-sweeping day, dragon boat festival.

6, China is Thespian, for instance: Drama of play of young of play of play of play of watchman's clapper of drama of Beijing opera, Shaoxing opera, Shaanxi opera, current theatrical work, Kunqu opera, Hunan opera, badge, Heibei, shadowgraph, Sichuan opera, yellow plum, Guangdong opera, flower-drum, Ba Ling play, puppet show, the operatic circle, song, cottage.

7, painting and calligraphy of musical instrument chess, for instance:

8, Chinese building, for instance: Pavilion of stage of temple of fane of booth cabinet memorial archway, gardens, belfry, booth.

9, medical medicine, for instance: Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese traditional medicine, " the classics inside Huang Di " , " classics of acupuncture armour second " wait.

10, civilian craft, for instance knot of paper-cut, inwrought, China, clay figurine.

3, what traditional culture does the Spring Festival have?

1, kitchen of hold a memorial ceremony for

The traditional Chinese calendar on December 23 kitchen of hold a memorial ceremony for, it is day a hearth clean down wants after at nightfall, get off old kitchen gentleman burn-up, except to night day morning early resemble newly affixing, send greet, want to place fruit of buy wine flesh, candied, sugar cane, rice to wait, the candle of burn joss sticks, dot, artillery piece that put paper. ? [25] ? ? Kitchen of civilian hold a memorial ceremony for, result from the ancients fire worship is consuetudinary, kitchen of hold a memorial ceremony for has history of a few chiliad in China, kitchen god belief is Chinese common people is opposite " back and belly is superabundant " the report that the dream goes after.

2, sweep dirt

New Year's Eve " the twelfth month of the lunar year 24, whisk dirt sweeps a room " (also say to sweep room) consuetudinary. Press civilian view: Because of " dirt " with " old " homophonic, the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day sweeps dirt to have " except Chen Buxin " meaning, its intention is to want to sweep all poor carry, unlucky completely go out. Whenever the Spring Festival comes, every family should clean an environment, clean all sorts of appliance, curtain of bedding of unpick and wash, sweep 6 gate court, cobweb of whisk stroke dirt, dredge bright canal dark channel. Be permeated with everywhere joyous jubilate happy event make the wholesome, joy that greets the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day completely atmosphere.

3, meal of the eve of the lunar New Year

Meal of the eve of the lunar New Year weighs a group again year meal, meal of annual the eve of the lunar New Year is all in all to the Chinese, each other of a grown-ups and children respects each other love, in all appraise the natural bonds and ethical relationships between members of a family, surround sit by table, times feeling is happy. People pays attention to the New Year's Eve very " round year of meal " , except reunion adding up to the home, get together outside family happiness, invocatory also a size is restful, the person of outer job hurrieds back will cross New Year. Round year the meal is the grand opera that crosses the Spring Festival, not only rich and colorful, and head of very exquisite meaning.

4, stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve

Stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve of the New Year's Eve is one of year of the most significant common activities, the common of stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve long-standing. In existent document, the earliest account sees what be in at week of the Western Jin Dynasty " clime writes down " : The night of the New Year's Eve, each get along with is given, call " make a present of year old " ; Photograph of food and drink is invited, call " not year old " ; Grow young compotation, express good wishes is complete, call " years old minute " ; Everybody eventually night not Mian, in order to wait for dawn,

Since Chinese generation, new old the general half that it is night divides year of alternant hour. "Connect overnight double year old, the five watches of the night divides a day " , the night of the New Year's Eve, the family reunites together, had eaten meal of the eve of the lunar New Year, the dot removes the candle or oil lamp, surround sit the prattle other furnace, waiting for demit old the hour that see the New Year in, all night keep watch at night, symbolic move understands epidemic disease of all seasonal febrile diseases of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease run drive goes, expecting a year of new good fortune as one wishes.

5, pay a New Year call

Visit during the Spring Festival paying a New Year call is Spring Festival tradition consuetudinary one of, it is people demit old see the New Year in, a kind of means that mutual expression happiness wishs. As the development of the times, those who pay a New Year call is consuetudinary also add new content and form ceaselessly. Greeting meaning place is New Year of congratulate of contact feeling, each other is visited between close friends, convey pair of feelings between close friend and the good blessing to new annual work. Greeting means is varied, have a plenty of agnate strip to get a certain number of people to pay a New Year call from door to door; Have a plenty of colleague photograph to invite a few people to pay a New Year call; Also everybody gathers mutual congratulation, call " the group is done obeisance to " . ?

4, what simplified a book does traditional culture have?

Chinese knot, pi Ying, types of facial makeup in operas, wushu, qin Zhuanhan is made of baked clay, 1000 bottoms, inwrought, peach blossom fan, cloisonne enamel, jade carving, chinese china, red lantern, wood-block watermark, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, zhong Dingwen, han Daizhu is signed, check, the four treasures of the study, 4 big inventions, thread-bound book of vertical setting of types, paper-cut, kite, buddha, path, confucianism, a magic weapon, yin and yang, zen, avalokitesvara hand, mourning dress, the dizi in musical instrument, a two-stinted bowed instrument with a lower register than Jingo, a bowed stringed instrument with a thin wooden soundboard, jinghu, beat, seven-stringed Chinese zither, the lute, shadowboxing, 36 plan etc too much. Shrink simply say, couplet, door-god, new Year picture, firecracker, riddle, dumpling, dance lion, mid-autumn moon cake.

5, what does traditional culture have south Fujian?

1, language culture: Traceable of the language austral Fujian fontal city, of the language austral Danmin stream sow already was not just south Fujian area, exceed provincial boundaries and national boundaries already, in the word austral provincial transmission Fujian the vastest area is mixed the country is Taiwan and Singapore.

2, building culture: Can divide civilian house, ancestral temple, cloister, Gong Guan, memorial archway, tower according to the function, , booth, stage, a pavilion or house on a terrace and bridge, sea prevents a building (Chong Wu ancient city) etc, build south the Fujian of rich and colorful, can says to be full of already Promethean what outside be being centered again, build is big into.

3, religious culture: The religious belief of the person austral Fujian and folk are devotional, it is the main component of the culture austral Fujian. Culture of clan of the area austral Fujian very develop, take clan seriously close affection, take seriously make up long pedigree of a clan and taking ancestral hall seriously to build is its mark.

4, folk-custom culture: Show the person austral Fujian is created jointly, enjoy and the civilian culture thing of inheritance is resembled (thing and phenomenon) general term.

5, dietary culture: The development of the dish austral Fujian and inheritance also have the process of an advance gradually. It originates from fontal city, in circulating the culture austral the Fujian such as Zhangzhou, Taiwan, Xiamen is encircled.

6, inside what does grave tradition culture have?

County of the grave inside Xing stage city is the birthplace of flat magpie of age name cure, have here inside Qiu Bian magpie is sacred, the Guo that has one of 24 dutiful sons with the famousest ancient time is gigantic, formed Guo Juxiao culture, still have jump world smooth culture is waited a moment

7, what content does traditional culture have?

Chinese traditional culture includes thought, character, language, 6 art (ceremony, happy, shoot, drive, book, number) , calligraphy, music, wushu, quyi, chess kind, festival, folk-custom. Covered content still is special rife.

8, what does traditional culture teacher have?

Traditional culture teacher has a lot of, include to have the ethical dance teacher, teacher such as Sichuan opera of Beijing opera Guangdong opera, teacher of inwrought teacher traditional Chinese painting and acupuncture teacher are waited a moment.

It is a few areas or the traditional culture teacher that are province for the most part, be in those places only commonly or of province, teacher of traditional Chinese painting is the whole nation has, but the most general and most teacher or teacher of calligraphy brush word.

9, what traditional culture does current state have?

Current state is like next traditional culture

Current state folk is consuetudinary

Entertain a guest

Enthusiasm of current state person is hospitable. Often recieve with congou when the guest is excellent. The strong bubble of congou is more exquisite. The first rush to be not drunk commonly, the 2nd rush even if respectful those who ask a guest. The family member outside old times brigade is long fasten return to one's native place to arrive home or be a guest, or come to first time the guest of be a guest, family or host should ask him to eat sweet egg, pay attention to this one ceremony not quite now.

Marry female consuetudinary

A compasses imparts when espouse:

When the woman gets married, teach except parental elder in order to become outside the common sense of daughter-in-law and knowledge, having a ceremony is to want a daughter to sit on water jar, just go up next bridal sedan chair. This common contain shows a daughter to want like water jar " big caliber " , breadth of mind is open-minded, do not haggle over every ounce.

Identify rice crock: Listen old man population of the size in position of crock of aunt introduction rice, home cooks the amount that burn congee.

10, what does traditional culture product have?

Chinese traditional article has bracelet of word of fan of umbrella of tiger head cap, paper-cut, oilpaper, paper folding, kite, China, Yu Pei, jade, jade flexibly, silver of lens of stone of Yu Qilin, popular package, Tibet is acted the role of article, wash, embroidery.

1, tiger head cap

Tiger head cap is the tiger head cap of figure with the tiger, it is style of a more typical kind of child cap in dress of Chinese folk children. The bag of abdomen of face of bib of it and tiger head shoe, tiger, tiger main component in making children clothing, have bright distinguishing feature, these children dress implied meaning that are figure with the tiger are far-reaching, get the influence of element of culture of Chinese traditional tiger.

2, paper-cut

Chinese paper-cut is one kind uses scissors or burin cuts engraved designs grain on paper, use at deck life or the folk art that coordinate other folk-custom activity. The visual figure of inheritance Geng add and model format, the culture history information that contained to abound, the society that conveyed numerous people admits with, ideal of experience of moral sense, practice, life and aesthetic appeal, have the multiple society value such as acknowledge, Jiaohua, token, lyric, recreation, association.

3, oilpaper umbrella

Oilpaper umbrella is one of Chinese traditional handicraft, a kind of paper that regards traceable as China is made or cloth makes an umbrella, each district of Yi Chuanzhi Asia is like and other places of Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, send the oilpaper umbrella that has local distinguishing feature showpiece in each district.

4, wash

Wash: ?  of rapid of  of Lu of coxa of  of  of  of the rapid that hurt  does the sword ask   to Suo bakes emperor of  of  of Ying   swims in extensive of bursa of  of Biao of antrum of  of  of act of Bao of  of ǘ person  Mu of  of  of gun of fade of book of  of  of Biao of Chen of  of  discharge  ?

5, inwrought

Embroidery is one of Chinese folk traditional handicraft, there are 229 years of histories at least in China. Embroidery is all sorts of decorates design floorboard that needlework makes in the embroider on fabric. Use needle general silk thread or other staple, yarn to be with definite pattern and colour on embroider makings namely puncture, make the adornment fabric of decorative pattern with embroider mark. It is to use the design of needle and line the person and a kind of skill that make the fabric that is added in any existence go up.
