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提供一些科学小论文的题目,供参考。人工改变天气科技小论文都有什么类型的?怎样馔写科技论文为什么衣服能使人暖和?电磁跑道彩色投影小磁针学生科技论文范文做勇于创新的人别把垃圾浪费掉皮鞋为什么越擦越亮对于生物能源,我们能做什么?双胞胎真的有心灵感应吗?冰棍为什么冒“汽”?暗物质的新理论怎样写科学论文?做个勇于创新的人科技俱乐部与我人类可以飞了不开门也能看到门外来人清洁雨伞养花时水中能否加食醋智能型水面垃圾搜集装置的发明科技创新小论文 - 折叠尺烟灰的妙用长城为什么千年不倒?研究蜘蛛的觅食习性螳螂的生命力植物也会睡觉论物体上浮至漂浮所受浮力与重力的关系鸭神奇的口水关于墨水的实验厨房油烟有什么危害?科学小论文范文1:树干为什么是圆的在观察大自然的过程中我偶然发现,树干的形态都近似圆的——空圆锥状。树干为什么是圆锥状的?圆锥状树干有哪些好处?为了探索这些问题,我进行了更深入的观察、分析研究。  在辅导老师的帮助下,我查阅了有关资料,了解到植物的茎有支持植物体、运输水分和其他养分的作用。树木的茎主要由维管束构成。茎的支持作用主要由木质部木纤维承担,虽然木本植物的茎会逐年加粗,但是在一定时间范围内,茎的木纤维数量是一定的,也就是树木茎的横截面面积一定。接着,我们围绕树干横截面面积一定,假设树干横截面长成不同形状,设计试验,探索树干呈圆锥状的原因和优点。  经过实验,我们发现:(1)横截面积和长度一定时,三棱柱状物体纵向支持力最大,横向承受力最小;圆柱状物体纵向支持力不如三棱柱状物体,但横向承受力最大;(2)等质量不同形状的树干,矮个圆锥体形树干承受风力最大;(3)风是一种自然现象,影响着树木横截面的形状和树木生长的高矮。近似圆锥状的树干,重心低,加上庞大根系和大地连在一起,重心降得更低,稳度更大;(4)树干横截面呈圆形,可以减少损伤,具有更强的机械强度,能经受住风的袭击。同时,受风力的影响,树干各处的弯曲程度相似,不管风力来自哪个方向,树干承受的阻力大小相似,树干不易受到破坏。  以上的实验反映了自然规律、自然界给我们启示:(1)横截面呈三角形的柱状物体,具有最大纵向支持力,其形态可用于建筑方面,例如角钢等;(2)横截面是圆形的圆状物体,具有最大的横向承受力,类似形态的建筑材料随处可见,如电视塔、电线杆等。  在我的观察、试验和分析过程中,逐渐解释、揭示了树干呈圆锥状的奥秘,增长了知识,把学到的知识联系实际加以应用,既巩固了学到的知识,又提高了学习的兴趣,还初步学会了科学观察和分析方法。范文2:皮鞋为什么越擦越亮每到星期天,我总要完成妈妈交给我的擦鞋任务。告诉你,这可是我一星期零花钱的来源哦!拿到沾满灰尘的皮鞋后,我先把鞋面的灰尘擦掉,然后涂上鞋油,仔仔细细地擦一擦,皮鞋就会变得又亮又好看了。可这是为什么呢  我找了同样牌子同样款式的新旧两双皮鞋进行对比观察。我先用手触摸两双皮鞋的鞋面,发现新皮鞋的表面比旧皮鞋的表面光滑得多。旧皮鞋涂上鞋油,仔细擦过后,虽然亮了许多,但仍无法与新皮鞋相比。皮鞋的亮度是否与鞋面的光滑程度有关呢?  我取来一双没擦过的旧皮鞋,在放大镜下鞋面显得凹凸不平的。然后,我再在皮鞋上圈出两块表面都比较粗造的A区和B区,A区涂上鞋油并仔细擦拭,B区不涂鞋油作空白对照。我发现A区擦拭后,表面明显变光滑了许多,而且放在阳光下也比B区有光泽。为什么两者会产生这样的差别呢?  我想到在物理课上老师曾经讲过:影剧院墙壁的表面是凹凸不平的,这样可以使声音大部分被吸收掉,让观众不受回声的干扰。同样道理,光线照到任何物体的表面都会产生反射,假如这个平面是高低不平的,光线就会向四面八方散射掉;假如这个平面是光滑的,那么我们就可以在一定的方向上看到反射光。  皮鞋的表面原来就不是绝对的光滑,如果是旧皮鞋,它的表面当然更加的不平,这样它就不能使光线在一定的方向上产生反射,所以看上去没有什么光泽。而鞋油中有一些小颗粒,擦鞋的时候这些小颗粒正好可以填入皮鞋表面的凹坑中。如果再用布擦一擦,让鞋油涂得更均匀些,就会使皮鞋的表面变得光滑、平整,反射光线的能力也加强了。  通过实验,我终于知道了皮鞋越擦越亮的秘密啦!范文3:醋对花卉有什么影响醋是生活中常用的调味品,花卉则能净化生态环境,并美化我们的生活。  你是否想到过,醋和花卉有什么关系呢?我们怀着好奇心,开展了这个课题的探究。据富有种花经验的人告诉我们,对盆栽花卉施些醋溶液,可改善盆花的生长,增加花朵,而且花艳叶茂。这一点我们在实验中很快就证实了。  浓度不同的醋溶液,对花卉有不同的影响吗?这是我们第二阶段的实验。我们选取长势相同的满天星、报春花、月亮花各四盆,分为四组,每组(三盆)各有三种花卉,分别编号、贴上标签。同时,我们取食用白醋配制成1%(pH值为2~3)、0.01%(pH值≈4)、0.0001%(pH值≈6)三种浓度不同的溶液,每天分别给三组盆花固定喷洒一种醋液,第四组盆花洒不含醋的清水。每五天观察记录花卉的生长情况。  这项实验的结果是:喷洒低浓度醋液(pH值≈6)对这几种花卉没有明显影响;喷洒中等浓度醋液(pH值≈4)的花卉明显长得比其他几组好,花苞多,开花期提前,而且花色较浓艳,花期也延长了;喷洒pH值2-3的高浓度醋液后,反而使花朵过早凋萎。  通过这次实验,我们可以告诉你:种花时适当喷洒一些醋液,可使花卉长得更好。不过要掌握好醋液的浓度,醋酸过浓则会伤害花卉。


Provide the subject of a few scientific small papers, offer reference. What kind does small paper of science and technology of artificial change weather have? How does food write paper of science and technology why can the dress make a person warm? Model essay of paper of science and technology of student of umbriferous small magnetic needle does electromagnetism runway color the person that is brave in to innovate fastens a rubbish to waste leather shoes why to brush Yue Liang more to biology the sources of energy, what can we do? Twin intentional really sharp reaction? Why is ice-lolly risked " steam " ? How does the new theory of dark material write scientific paper? Is the water when umbrella of cleanness of the bearer outside doing a club of person science and technology that is brave in to innovate and my mankind to you can fly not to open the door to you also can see the door raises a flower medium whether is the innovation of invention science and technology that adds unit of collect of rubbish of the intelligence that feed vinegar surface small paper - the magical function of fold feet cigarette ash? Study a spider forage can the vitality plant of characteristics mantis also sleep to come by object rise float what does the saliva with the relation magical duck that suffers buoyancy and gravity have to endanger about lampblack of inky experiment kitchen? Model essay of scientific small paper 1: Truncal I discover accidentally in the watching nature process that why is a circle, truncal pattern is similar round -- empty conic shape. Truncal why be conic shape? Is conic shape truncal what profit is there? To explore these issues, I undertook more thorough observation, analysis studies. Coaching below the teacher's help, I consulted to concern a material, understanding has the effect that sustains frond, carriage moisture and other nutrient to floral bine. Arboreous bine basically is formed by vascular bundle. Supportive function of the bine basically is assumed by xylem wood fiber, although the bine of xylophyta is met,year after year is added thick, but inside proper time limits, wooden fiber amount of the bine is certain, namely the cross section area of arboreous bine is particular. Then, we around area of truncal cross section certain, assume truncal cross section blossoms different figure, the design experiments, exploration is truncal the reason that submits conic form and advantage. Through the experiment, we discover: (1) cross section is accumulated and length times, object of 3 prism shape is fore-and-aft supportive power is the greatest, transverse bear force is the smallest; Fore-and-aft support force is inferior to columnar shape object object of 3 prism shape, but transverse bear power is the greatest; (The quality such as 2) is different of appearance truncal, short a cone form is truncal bear wind-force is the biggest; (3) wind is a kind of natural phenomenon, affecting the height that the appearance of arboreous cross section and tree grow. Of approximate and conic shape truncal, core is small, add huge root system and earth to be connected together, core drops lowlier, spend firmly bigger; (4) truncal cross section shows a circle, can reduce loss, have stronger mechanical strength, can endure the raid of wind. In the meantime, suffer wind- driven effect, truncal everywhere curve degree likeness, no matter wind-force comes from wh which direction, volume of truncal susceptive obstruction is similar, truncal and not easy be destroyed. The experiment of above mirrorred the order of nature, nature to give us inspiration: (What 1) cross section shows a triangle is columnar object, have power of the largest fore-and-aft support, its configuration can be used at building an aspect, for example angle iron; (2) cross section is round shape object of the circle, have the biggest transverse bear force, the housing materials everywhere of similar pattern is visible, wait like television tower, telegraph pole. In my observation, experiment and analytic process, explain gradually, announced truncal the mystery that submits conic form, grew knowledge, try acquired intellectual connection actually to apply, consolidated already acquired knowledge, increased the interest of study again, preliminary still learned to science observes and analyse a method. Model essay 2: Why does leather shoes brush Yue Liang more every arrive on Sunday, I always want the mom that finish to give my task that brush a shoe. Tell you, this can be the origin of a week of my pin money! After taking the leather shoes that is stained with dirt, I first the dirt erase vamp, besmear next sole a shoe is oily, brush carefully, leather shoes can become shine again good-looking. But this is why I looked for same brand of similar pattern new old two pairs of leather shoes undertake contrasting observing. I feel the vamp of two pairs of leather shoes with the hand first, the surface that discovers new leather shoes is slicker than the surface of old leather shoes much. Sole a shoe of besmear of old leather shoes is oily, after careful brush, although shined a lot of, but still cannot compare with photograph of new leather shoes. Whether is the brightness of leather shoes concerned with the smooth pitch of vamp? My fetch does not have the old leather shoes of brush one pair, below magnifier vamp appears uneven. Next, I give two appearances in the circle on leather shoes again thicker the A division that create and B area, a area besmears oil of sole a shoe is wiped carefully, b area does not besmear shoeshine makes blank contrast. After I discover A area is wiped, the surface becomes smooth apparently a lot of, and put below sunshine to also compare B area luster. Why does both meeting produce such difference? I think of on physical class the teacher once had told: The surface of cinema wall is uneven, can make voice major so by sponge, let an audience do not suffer the interference of echo. Same argument, the light illuminates the surface of any objects to be able to produce reflection, if this plane is rugged, the light can be dropped to scattering of far and near; If this plane is smooth, so we are OK reflex sees on certain way. The surface of leather shoes is not so absolutely smooth, if be old leather shoes, its surface of course more rough, such it cannot make the light produces reflection on certain way, look so without what burnish. And there are a few little grains in shoeshine, in the indentation that when brushing a shoe, these little grain as it happens can fill leather shoes surface. If reoccupy cloth is brushed, let shoeshine besmear some more equably, can make the surface of leather shoes becomes smooth, level off, the ability of reflex line also was strengthened. Pass a test, I knew leather shoes brushs brighter secret more eventually! Model essay 3: What vinegar has to affect vinegar to flowers is the commonly used dressing in the life, flowers can purify zoology environment, and beautification our life. Whether had you thought of, what do vinegar and flowers have to concern? We cherish curiosity, began the make a thorough inquiry of this task. The person that occupies the rich experience that plant a flower tells us, impose some of vinegar solution to potted flowers, ameliorable basin grows beautifully, increase flower, and beautiful colourful Xie Mao. This we confirmed very quickly in the experiment. The acetic solution with different chroma, have distinct effect to flowers? This is us the experiment of the 2nd phase. We choose the way corp is growing to be all over the sky identically star, primrose, moon spends each 4, cent is quadruplet, every groups (3) each have 3 kinds of painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, part number, labelled. In the meantime, we take edible white vinegar to make up 1 % (PH value is 2~3) , 0. 01 % (PH is worth ≈ 4) , 0. 0001 % (PH is worth ≈ 6) the solution with 3 kinds of different chroma, give flower of 3 groups of basins to secure respectively everyday spray fluid of a kind of vinegar, quadruplet potted flower sprinkles the clear water that does not contain vinegar. Every 5 days of growth that observe record flowers circumstance. The result of this experiment is: Spray fluid of low density vinegar (6) of PH value ≈ does not have apparent effect to these a few kinds of flowers; Chroma vinegar fluid waits in spraying (PH is worth ≈ 4) flowers grows to compare apparently other a few groups good, petal is much, open florescence to shift to an earlier date, and design and color relatively rich and gaudy, florescence also was lengthened; Spray PH is worth 2 - after the fluid of high concentration vinegar of 3, make flower premature instead languish. Pass this test, we can tell you: When planting a flower, spray appropriately fluid of a few vinegar, can make flowers grows weller. Want to master the chroma of good vinegar fluid nevertheless, acetic acid is too thick can hurt painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style.

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