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一份删删减减修改了几夜的文稿,一个想说却又不知从何说起的梦想,今日,站在这里,我想讲给你们听,听我诉说我的梦——中国梦。 没有华丽的词藻,没有优美的文笔,仅仅只有一个简简单单的梦,我用我朴实无华的语言诉说这棵在我心中生根发芽逐渐成长的梦想之树。 我的家乡很美,即使没有青山绿水,即便没有草场莺飞,但那里的人们很善良,他们淳朴热情,朴素大方。记忆中的他们日出而作,日落而息,生活平淡却满足,生活在这里的人们日子虽算不上富裕,却也是不用担忧温饱的,孩子们有书可读,老人们有人照料,家家户户的脸上都挂着笑容,那笑容温暖了我整个童年的回忆。记忆中的家乡是个老有所养、幼有所依、家家户户幸福美满的村落,而不知从何时起,我突然惊觉,家乡的笑容渐渐少了。 随着时代的发展,路越修越宽,而人却越走越远,越来越多的年轻人走出了家乡,追逐着自己的梦想,却忘记了故乡,忘记了留守家中年迈的父母,忘记了留守家中年幼的稚子。而我的梦,则是回家,回到我那可爱的家乡,去陪一陪那些独自在家守望可怜的孩子们,去陪一陪那些渐渐老去无所依靠的老人们。 我没有什么雄心壮志,也从未想过百年之后可以名留青史,我只想,尽自己一点点微薄的力量,守住我的故乡,守住我的根。我曾独自游荡在灯火阑珊的繁华都市中,也曾为那灯红酒绿的喧嚣而沉迷,可当夜幕降临的那一刻,坐在公交车上、看着万家灯火的我、脑海中浮现的画面都是我的故乡、我的家。故乡,那是我的根,那是育我成人、助我翱翔的根源所在。 我承认我怯弱,我无法忍受夜幕降临之后的孤寂感,我甚至无比厌恶漂泊无依的感觉,而这种感觉,更加坚定了我的梦想。我要回家,我要回到我的故乡,我要为故乡漂泊在外的游子们守住他们的根,守住他们曾在这里成长的痕迹,守住他们在外闯荡的动力来源。 我知道,这很难,可那又如何?若这梦是一粒种,我将用我辛勤的汗水去浇灌它,使它开出绚烂的花;若这梦是一支芽,需要如同春笋一般厚积薄发,我将于黑暗的地底下积蓄力量,等待一场春雨的降临,一夜之间便可安然于天地之间;若这梦是一棵树,那它早已在我心里发芽生根,它为我指明了前行的方向,成为了我脑海中的执念,变成了我心中的信仰,深深牢记于我身,切切牢记于我心,我又怎会迷失了方向,而这般牢记梦想的我,又怎会到达不了梦想的终点呢。 也许在繁华城市中拥有一份高薪的工作是我的父母最希望我能做到的,但我却要违背他们的殷切期盼。我虽然远在他乡,负笈求学,但我依旧希望回到那一方生我养我的故土,去实现我的梦想,去和一群志同道合挚友为了家乡的中国梦而奋斗!有人说,你不是救世主,不过是杯水车薪。是啊,我并不是什么天才,也不是什么厉害的人,更不是什么救世主,但是我知道,我在故乡长大,故乡就是我的根,若根都不见了,那我的梦又该从何谈起,我所能做的,就是守住我的根,为故乡的中国梦献上我的一生。


Cutout of a cutout is decreased decrease the draft that revised a few night, one wants to say not to know to dream from what why speak of again however, now, the station is here, I want to tell you to listen, the dream that listens to me to recount me -- Chinese dream. Without the euphuism, without beautiful style of writing, have a simple dream only merely, I recount this to be in my heart with my simple and unadorned language rooted and gemmiparous the tree of the dream that grows gradually. My home town is very beautiful, although do not have green hill green water, even if flies without careless field warbler, but the people over there is very kind-hearted, they are honest and enthusiastic, simple and easy. Their sunrise in memory and make, sunset and breath, the life is flat contented however, although the people day that the life is here does not calculate go up rich, also need not worry about dress warmly and ear one's fill however, children have a book readable, old people somebody attends, there is smile on the face of every family, that smile is warm I am whole the memory of childhood. Remembering medium home town is often raise somewhat, young depend on somewhat, the dorp with every family perfect happiness, and do not know from when to rise, I am abrupt Jing becomes aware, the smile of home town is gradually little. As the development of the times, lu Yuexiu is wider, and the person goes further more however, more and more youths walked out of home town, angle is worn oneself dream, forgot native place however, forgot to stay behind the parents of the old in the home, forgot to stay behind the home is middleaged young child. And my dream, it is to come home, return me that lovely home town, go accompanying those to keep watch in the home alone poor children, go accompanying those to often do not have the old people of a support gradually. I do not have what lofty aspirations and great ideals, never also had thought hundred years later can the name takes annals of history, I think only, exhaust the power with him scanty little, defend my birthplace, defend my root. I ever loafed about in the flourishing city that lights wanes to the close alone, what ever also was that scene of debauchery is blatant and indulge, can arrive when curtain of night that momently, sit on the bus, I what look at a myriad twinkling lights of a city, the birthplace that the picture that emerges in brain is me, my home. Birthplace, that is my root, that is the Yo my grow upping, germ place that helps me hover. I admit my timid and weak-willed, I am intolerable the lonely feeling after curtain of night arrives, I am detested extremely even lead a wandering life unfriended feeling, and this kind of feeling, more sturdy my dream. I should come home, I should return my home, I should lead a wandering life for birthplace the root that outer boy far away from homes defend them, defend the trace that they ever grew here, defend them outer enter the dynamical source that swing. I know, this is very difficult, can that how? If this dream is,one is planted, my general irrigates with my arduous sweat it, make it opens a gorgeous flower; If this dream is a bud, need as bamboo shoots in spring general thick accumulate thin hair, my general accumulates power below the ground at darkness, await the advent of a rain during springtime, between one night but peacefully between heaven and earth; If this dream is a tree, then it sprouts in my heart already rooted, it points to the direction of the travel before palpability for me, in making my mind hold read aloud, turned my heart into medium belief, remember well deeply at my body, be sure to is remembered well at my heart, I can lose way how again, and I what remember a dream well so, the terminus that can not arrive to dream how again. My parents hopes I can accomplish the job that perhaps has a high pay in bustling town most, but what I violate them is ardent expect. Although I am far in an alien land, lose Ji attend school, but the native land that I hope to return that one party to give birth to me to raise me as before, go realizing my dream, go struggling for the Chinese dream of home town with bosom friends of a flock of have a common goal! Someone says, you are not Immanuel, it is an utterly inadequate method in dealing with a severe situation nevertheless. Be, I am not what talent, also not be the person with fierce what, not be what Immanuel more, but I know, I am brought up in birthplace, birthplace is my root, if the root disappeared, my dream should rise from He Tan again, I can do, defend my root namely, the Chinese dream that is birthplace is displayed on my lifetime.

上一篇:埃及旅游团哪个好? 古埃及和埃及区别?英文双语对照