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A 74-year-old woman has given birth to twin girls in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, reviving several controversies around geriatric pregnancies. 印度南部安得拉邦的一名74岁的女子生下一对双胞胎女孩,这再次引发了有关老年怀孕的争议。 The doctor who delivered the babies, Sankkayala Uma Shankar, told The Washington Post on Friday that the mother, Mangayamma Yaramati, provided a birth certificate showing that she is 74, though some news outlets have reported that she is 73. 周五为那名女子接生的医生珊卡亚拉·乌玛·尚卡尔告诉《华盛顿邮报》,那位母亲曼戈雅玛·雅拉玛蒂提供的出生证明表明她已经74岁了,不过有新闻报道她73岁。 Shankar, an IVF specialist, delivered the twins via Caesarean section and told The Post that the mother and the babies are doing well. 体外受精专家尚卡尔通过剖腹产接生了这对双胞胎,她告诉《华盛顿邮报》,这位母亲和两个孩子都很好。 Yaramati and her 82-year-old husband, Sitarama Rajarao, said they had wanted children for years, and that they had been stigmatized in their village for being childless, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,雅拉玛蒂和她82岁的丈夫斯塔拉玛·拉贾罗表示,他们多年来一直想要孩子,而且他们在村子里因为没有孩子而被侮蔑。

"We tried many times and saw numerous doctors," she said. "So this is the happiest time of my life." “我们试了很多次,而且请很多医生诊断过,”她说。“因此这是我一生中最幸福的时刻。” "The [pregnancy] was smooth. There were no complications," Shankar told The Post. "She only had respiratory issues, but that was taken care of." “‘怀孕’很顺利,也没有并发症,”尚卡尔告诉《华盛顿邮报》。“她只是呼吸系统有问题,但这个问题已经解决了。” The twins were conceived through in vitro fertilization. Because Yaramati had experienced menopause, a donor's egg was fertilized with Rajarao's sperm before it was implanted in the new mother, doctors told the Hindustan Times. 这对双胞胎是通过体外受精怀上的。医生告诉《印度斯坦时报》,因为雅拉玛蒂已经绝经,所以一位捐献者的卵子与拉贾罗的精子受精后被植入这位新妈妈的体内。 Shannon Clark, a professor of maternal and fetal medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, said Yaramati's delivery is atypical but not surprising given the existing technology around assisted reproduction. 德克萨斯大学加尔文斯敦医学分部的母婴医学教授莎珑·克拉克表示,雅拉玛蒂的分娩不具代表性,但考虑到有关辅助生育的现有技术,这不足为奇。 A woman's eggs deteriorate in quality and quantity over time, but her uterus "is not subject to the same age constraints," Clark explained. By turning to egg donors, as Yaramati did, women are able to carry babies at an advanced age. 随着时间的推移,女性卵子的质量和数量都会下降,但她的子宫“不受年龄的限制,”克拉克解释道。像雅拉玛蒂一样向卵子捐赠者求助,高龄女性也能怀孕。
