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初中化学生活常识大全 | 化学常识大全英文双语对照


初中化学生活常识大全 | 化学常识大全英文双语对照



化学反应: 我们将探讨各种化学反应,并了解它们在生活中的实际应用。例如,如何认识常见的酸碱中和反应,以及它们在中和消除酸性土壤和中和胃酸中的应用等。

常见物质的特性: 我们将研究一些最常见的物质,如水、盐、糖等,了解它们的性质,溶解度,燃烧特性等。这能帮助我们更好地理解它们在生活中的应用,比如水的沸点、盐的溶解性等。

常见家庭化学实验: 通过一些简单的家庭化学实验,我们可以更好地理解化学知识。例如,制备食盐、鉴别常见离子等。




Chemistry of junior high school gives birth to vivid common sense

Chemistry is us the indispensable one part in daily life. Mix to air from water and salt metal, nowhere is absent. Carry the article, you will understand the life common sense of a few keys in chemistry of junior high school, includeExperiment of chemistry of the character of chemical reaction, common material, common family.

Chemical reaction: We will discuss all sorts of chemical response, understand them the actual application in the life. For example, how to know common soda acid to counteract reaction, and they are in counteract eliminate acidity soil and the application in counteracting hydrochloric acid in gastric juice to wait.

The character of common material: We will study a few the commonnest matter, wait like water, salt, candy, understand their nature, solubility, combustion character. This can help us understand them to apply mediumly in the life better, for instance the dissolvability of the boiling point of water, salt.

Experiment of common family chemistry: Pass a few simple domestic chemistry tests, we can understand chemical knowledge better. For example, preparation salt, differentiate common ion to wait.

Learn life common sense through learning junior high school to change, we can understand chemistry to live to apply mediumly daily in us better, develop chemical interest, lay solid foundation for the study in the future and life.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand the life common sense of chemistry of junior high school better through this article.
