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A 7-year-old boy complaining of jaw pain was found to have 526 teeth inside his mouth, according to the hospital in India where he was treated. 印度一家医院称,最近收治的一名下巴疼痛的7岁男孩竟然被发现多长了526颗牙齿。 The boy was admitted last month in the southern city of Chennai because of swelling and pain near his molars in his lower right jaw. 这名男孩上个月由于右侧下颌磨牙附近肿胀疼痛而在印度南部城市金奈住院治疗。 When doctors scanned and x-rayed his mouth, they found a sac embedded in his lower jaw filled with "abnormal teeth," Dr. Prathiba Ramani, the head of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology at Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, told CNN. 萨维塔牙科医学院和医院的口腔与颌面病理学主任普拉蒂巴·拉马尼博士告诉CNN说,当医生用CT和X光扫描他的牙齿时,发现他的下颌内有一个囊,里面长满了“异常的牙齿”。 While the surgery to remove the teeth took place last month, doctors needed time to individually examine each tooth before they could confirm their findings. 移除牙齿手术是上个月进行的,医生需要花时间检查每一颗移除的牙齿才能确认诊断结果。 After discovering the sac, two surgeons removed it from the boy's mouth. Then Ramani's team took four to five hours to empty the sac to confirm its contents and discovered the hundreds of teeth. 在发现这个囊后,两名外科医生从男孩口中将其切除。拉马尼的团队花了四到五个小时清空这个囊来确定内容物,并在其中发现了数百颗牙齿。 "There were a total of 526 teeth ranging from 0.1 millimeters to 15 millimeters. Even the smallest piece had a crown, root and enamel coat indicating it was a tooth," she said. 她说:“总共有526颗长度从0.1毫米到15毫米不等的牙齿。即使最小的牙齿也有牙冠、牙根和牙釉质表层。”

The boy was released three days after the surgery and is expected to make a full recovery, Ramani said. 拉马尼说,男孩在做完手术三天后出院了,应该可以完全康复。 Ramani said the boy was suffering from a very rare condition called compound composite odontoma. She said what caused the condition is unclear, but it could be genetic or it could be due to environmental factors like radiation. 拉马尼说,这名男孩患有非常罕见的复合牙瘤。她说,病因尚不清楚,可能是基因变异,也可能是受到辐射等环境因素的影响。 The boy actually may have had the extra teeth for some time. His parents told doctors that they had noticed swelling in his jaw when he was as young as 3, but they couldn't do much about it because he would not stay still or allow doctors to examine him. 实际上,这名男孩可能早就长出了这些多余的牙齿。他的父母告诉医生说,从男孩三岁起,他们就注意到他下巴的肿块,但是他们也无计可施,因为男孩总是动来动去,不肯让医生好好检查。 Dr. P. Senthilnathan, head of the hospital's Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department and one of two surgeons who operated on the boy, detailed the procedure to CNN. 该医院的口腔颌面外科部主任P·森蒂尔纳桑医生是给男孩做手术的两名外科医生之一,他向CNN记者介绍了手术详情。 "Under general anesthesia, we drilled into the jaw from the top," he said. "We did not break the bone from the sides, meaning reconstruction surgery was not required. The sac was removed. You can think of it as a kind of balloon with small pieces inside." “在全身麻醉状态下,我们从上面钻进了牙床。我们没有打碎侧面的骨头,这意味着他无需重建手术。那个囊被摘除了。你可以将其想象成里面有小碎片的气球。” Dr. Senthilnathan said the discovery showed it was important to seek treatment for dental issues as early as possible. 森蒂尔纳桑医生说,这一发现表明,牙齿问题应尽早就医,这很重要。 Awareness about dental and oral health was improving, he said, though access in rural areas remained problematic. 他说,人们对牙齿和口腔健康越来越重视,但是在农村地区看牙依然困难重重。 "You can see people in cities have better awareness but people who are in rural areas are not as educated or able to afford good dental health." “城里人这方面的意识更强,但农村人文化程度没那么高,也没钱维护牙齿健康。” In the boy's case, all has turned out well; the boy now has a healthy count of 21 teeth, Dr. Senthilnathan said. 好在这个男孩最后结果还不错。森蒂尔纳桑医生说,这个男孩现在的牙齿数量是正常的21颗。
