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Cats in New York are free to scale couches, window screens and curtains with their claws unclipped. 纽约的猫现在可以用未去爪的爪子自由攀爬沙发、纱窗和窗帘了。 Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill Monday that bans cat declawing, making New York the first state to outlaw the practice. 安德鲁·科莫州长周一签署了一项法案,废除猫咪去爪术,纽约成为了第一个禁止这种行为的州。 "By banning this archaic practice, we will ensure that animals are no longer subjected to these inhumane and unnecessary procedures," Cuomo said in a statement. 科莫在一项声明中说:“禁止这种陈腐的做法将确保动物不再遭受这种不人道而且不必要的待遇。” The bill, passed by the state assembly in June, will take effect immediately, according to the governor's office. 州长办公室称,六月份州议会通过的这项法案即刻生效。 Removing a cat's claws requires the partial amputation of the last bone in each of the toes on a cat's front feet. The governor's office said cats often strain their leg joints and spine in response to the removal, which can result in chronic pain. 给猫咪去爪需要将猫前脚上每根脚趾的最后一块骨头部分切除。州长办公室表示猫咪去爪之后经常会扭伤腿关节和脊椎,让猫咪长期忍受疼痛的折磨。

In the statement, senate deputy leader Michael Gianaris compared the procedure to severing a human finger at the knuckle. 在这份声明中参议院副议长Michael Gianaris说这一手术就好比是切除人类手指的第一个指骨。 "Cats' claws play an important role in various aspects of their lives," the bill reads. "When a person has its animal declawed, usually in an attempt to protect furniture, they do fundamental damage to that animal both physically and in behavioral ways." 法案中说:“猫咪的爪子对它们生活各方面都有很重要的作用。人给养的动物去爪通常是为了保护家具,却会从根本上对动物的身体和行为方式造成破坏。” The bill makes exceptions for "therapeutic purposes," or when the declawing would benefit the cat's health. 这项法案不包括“为了治疗目的”,或为了猫咪健康而去爪。
