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1. Italy 1.意大利 Italy is very diverse and there are many beautiful cities. It has awesome architecture, culture and history. Food is delicious. These are the top 3 cities according to me in Italy. 意大利是一个多样化的国家,有很多美丽的城市,有令人惊叹的建筑、文化和历史,还有美味的食物。以下是我根据个人经验挑出的意大利最好的3个城市。 Venice 威尼斯 Venice is one of a kind, such a colorful and romantic city. 威尼斯是独一无二的多彩又浪漫的城市。 Rome, is home to Colosseum, a world wonder as well as world’s biggest basilica of Christianity in world’s smallest country. 罗马有罗马斗兽场,是世界著名的奇观,也是世界最小国家里的世界最大基督教长方形廊柱式建筑。 Colosseum, Rome, Italy 意大利罗马斗兽场 Colosseum is a very old(70AD) oval amphitheater in the city of Rome. Every year millions of tourist visit this attraction, it is one of the seven wonders of world. 罗马斗兽场是罗马城非常古老的(公元70年)椭圆形剧场。每年有数百万游客来这儿参观,是世界7大奇迹之一。 Florence 佛罗伦萨 Florence, capital of Italy’s Tuscany region, is home to many masterpieces of Renaissance art and architecture. 佛罗伦萨是意大利托斯卡纳地区首府,有许多文艺复兴时期艺术和建筑的杰作。 2. Georgia 2.格鲁吉亚 Georgia is home to Caucasus Mountain villages and Black Sea beaches. It is a beautiful country and has a Eastern European vibe. It’s also very cheap country for long term travel. 格鲁吉亚有高加索地区的小山村和黑海海滩。这个国家很漂亮,有典型欧洲东部的氛围,旅行成本低,适合长期旅行。

3. Poland 3.波兰 Warsaw 华沙 This city was almost destroyed in WW2. It came back strong and developed. 这个城市二战期间几乎全部被毁,现在又恢复了繁荣和发展。 A very beautiful and affordable city for tourists, comparatively less touristy then other capital cities in Europe. 对游客来说是一个很漂亮而且价格合理的去处,但没有其他欧洲首都城市那么适合旅行。 Krakow 克拉科夫 This city wasn’t destroyed in WW2, so it is as beautiful as ever. 这个城市在二战中没有被毁,一如既往的漂亮。 Zakopane 扎科帕内 Apart from being extremely beautiful this little town at the base of Tatra mountains is very affordable and great spot for Winter sports as well as Mountain climbing in summer and winter. 这个位于塔特拉山脉山脚下的小镇除了特别漂亮之外,价格也非常实惠,特别适合冬季运动,夏季和冬季也是登山的好去处。
