A morbidly obese man who weighs 707lbs has revealed he spends his day gorging on junk food and playing video games naked, admitting that he will likely eat himself to death. 一名体重707磅的病态肥胖男子日前透露,他每天都在大吃垃圾食品,光着身子玩电子游戏,并且坦诚自己会吃到死为止。 Casey King, 34, is sharing his story on the new season of the TLC reality series Family by the Ton, which follows families who are in a dire need to lose weight. 在新一季的TLC真人秀节目《Family by the Ton》中,34岁的凯西·金分享了他的故事。这是一档追踪那些迫切需要减肥的家庭的故事。 On the premiere, he revealed he is unemployed and living with his father, Danny, who has to wait on him hand and foot. 在首映集中,他透露自己现在无业,和父亲丹尼住在一起,目前由父亲负责照顾起居。 "I will just eat till I'm dead," he told the camera. "A normal day for me is to wake up around 12, figure out something I am going to eat immediately, and then TV, video games, bed. It's not a lot of activity." 他对着镜头表示:“我会一直这样吃直至死亡。对我来说,正常的一天会是12点左右醒来,然后立刻想好要吃的东西,接着看电视,打游戏,睡觉。不会有很多活动。”
Not only does Casey play videos games all day, but he also does it in the nude because his clothes don't fit him. 凯西不仅整天玩游戏,而且因为衣服不合身,所以他也不穿衣服。 "It's hot in Georgia, and all my clothing is restricting and tight, so I just sit there naked, free as can be and no one bothers me -- door's shut, we're good," he explained. 他对此解释道:“佐治亚州很热,我所有的衣服都很小很紧,所以我会光着身子坐在那里,自由地坐在那里,没有人可以打扰我,门关着,感觉很棒。” The gaming community has become a safe space for him because it allows him to escape his everyday life. 游戏社区已经成为了凯西的一个安全空间,因为在那里他可以逃离自己的日常生活。 "I'm accepted in all those virtual reality worlds and the gaming world I'm in," he said. "No one sees me. That is my outside. That is my world that I can be the Casey I want to be, but not be judged on my weight." 他说道:“虚拟现实世界和游戏世界能够接纳我,没有人会看到我的样子。这是我的外部世界。是我能够做自己的世界,在这里我不会因为体重被评判。”