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China has more than 30,000 scenic spots and tourist attractions, among which 259 have 5A-level ratings, the highest rating for Chinese tourist sites, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 文化和旅游部透露,目前我国全国景点景区共有3万多个,其中5A级景区259个。5A级是国内景区的最高级别。 However, the ministry also noted that during the first 10 months of 2018, over 200 tourist sites had been delisted, demoted, or warned for poor management, poor service or a worsening environment. 不过该部门也指出,在2018年的前10个月,有超过200个旅游景区因管理不善、服务质量差或环境恶化而被取消等级、降级或警告。 China has a tourism-rating classification system which rates a tourist attraction from A to 5A for its overall tourism quality. 我国有一个旅游评级分类系统,该系统将旅游景区的整体质量,从A到5A划分为五个等级。

Top-level sites include the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, West Lake in Hangzhou and the Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum in Shaanxi province. 顶级景点包括故宫博物院、圆明园、杭州西湖和位于陕西省的秦始皇帝兵马俑博物馆。 According to Shan Gangxin, an official with the ministry, there are about 300 "red tourism" sites, or historical sites with a revolutionary legacy, nationwide. 文化和旅游部官员单钢新表示,全国约有300个“红色旅游”景点(即承载了革命遗产的名胜古迹)。 Shan said China's tourism industry is developing, and both the sightseeing and leisure activities markets are growing. 单钢新称,我国旅游业正处于发展当中,观光和休闲活动市场均在增长。

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