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健身晚上吃什么? 减肥晚上吃什么最好?减肥晚上可以吃什么不长胖?英文双语对照


健身晚上吃什么? 减肥晚上吃什么最好?减肥晚上可以吃什么不长胖?英文双语对照































1. 蛋白质来源:

- 煮鸡蛋或蛋白饼:提供高质量的蛋白质。

- 瘦肉或鱼类:如鸡胸肉、鱼肉或火鸡肉。

- 豆类或豆制品:如鹰嘴豆、黑豆、豆腐或豆浆。

2. 碳水化合物来源:

- 全麦面包或全麦饼干:提供持久能量。

- 红薯或燕麦:富含复杂碳水化合物和纤维。

- 水果:如香蕉、苹果或橙子,提供快速的能量和天然糖分。

3. 健康脂肪来源:

- 坚果或种子:如杏仁、核桃、葵花籽或亚麻籽。

- 酪梨(牛油果)或橄榄油:提供健康的单不饱和脂肪。

- 天然酸奶或希腊酸奶:提供蛋白质和益生菌。

4. 蔬菜:

- 蔬菜沙拉:用新鲜蔬菜制作沙拉,加入一些蛋白质来源,如鸡胸肉或鱼肉。

- 蔬菜汤:补充水分和维生素。






What does fitness eat in the evening?

What do you eat to depend on in the evening your gymnastical target. If the target is to increase muscle power, eat the food with protein fast content more, provide enough raw material for muscle strength. If you want to reduce weight, you should eat the food of low oil, low fat and low candy, avoid what sell on deepfry food and market all sorts of small adorn article. If be for physical training, as long as dietary nutrition is balanced and reasonable, not was necessary to control food strictly.

What to reduce weight to eat in the evening best? What to reduce weight to you can eat not to gain flesh in the evening?

The person that reduce weight eats less in the evening. Feed less as far as possible, do not have the cent that take candy and oil kind food gains flesh not easily. The proposal arrived to be able to eat bit of vegetable simply in the evening or the fruit is OK, had compared to decreasing fertilizer efficiency fruit like method of this kind of food, also be more scientific. The person that reduce weight is mixed in the morning normally midday but relatively normal eat. No matter be vegetable, flesh kind and staple food is OK and normal edible.

Is fitness over what fruit to eat?

Fitness is over eat an apple.

An apple eats to be able to alleviate after violent campaign the fatigue feeling after a lot of motion. If be in,finish after violent campaign edible the word of a few apples that contain vitamin of B a group of things with common features is having very big profit to the fast refection, spirit that raises a person.

What does fitness eat midday in the evening?

Gymnastical person needs to eat nourishing food, the food of healthy nutrition needs to choose the food of diversification, nutrition should complement all ready, scale is proper, ability satisfies the need of the body, breakfast can eat milk and egg, corn edibles, green vegetable and fruit, lunch can have bit of rice, shrimp of fresh fleshy egg fish kind, even big bean products, dinner eatable is some more delicate, the choice is adipose little, permit digestible food, can eat bit of fruit more, what do not eat is too full.

What to eat before fitness in the evening?

     The first, banana, what because should not be actually before fitness in the evening,eat is too full, also do not suit to eat the glycogen such as too much rice, cooked wheaten food and carbohydrate content to compare much food, and the carbohydrate that banana place contains is less, and have full abdomen feeling easily, won't be in fitness when let a person feel hunger, return the energy that can provide gymnastical place to use up, because absorb too much carbohydrate,won't cause gymnastical effect again not apparent.

     The 2nd, oaten, oaten in contain rich vitamin B, and the full abdomen sense with be had better, and oaten in still contain many fiber, energy can be provided in motion, compare low fat again, won't affect gymnastical result.

     The 3rd, egg, because in the late evening before fitness, need is much actually a few more compensatory the food that contains a lot ofprotein, because be in athletic process,the protein meeting of meeting body is used up, a few eggs had better eat first before fitness in the late evening so, perhaps drink milk to complement first protein, use up in order to offer in gymnastical process.

     The 4th, whole wheat bread, rich fiber is contained in whole wheat bread, while humanness body brings full abdomen to feel, because had absorbed much starch,won't cause gymnastical effect again not apparent, and need complement also is in gymnastical process of a few carbohydrate, and carbohydrate of complement of bread of edible whole wheat is again appropriate do not pass.

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What does fitness add eat to eat in the evening?

Usually, if have the demand that increases flesh, do not need to have remedy commonly, but can have white of unpolished rice, egg, albumen more in the late evening these food. Concrete analysis is as follows:

1. unpolished rice: Unpolished rice is the complete corn rice that be not machined after paddy exuviate or machines place lesser to obtain. The cellulose content in unpolished rice is rich, can promote cholesterol excrete, reduce hematic fat, and the amount that contain sugar is small, can promote the metabolism inside body, body inside redundant adipose eliminate with toxin, eat in the evening, be helpful for adding muscle.

2. egg: The egg contains globulin of rich egg albumin, egg to wait, right amount edible can promote compensatory albumen and calcium to pledge, this kind of food also is high protein food, can provide sufficient raw material to add muscle normally, and those who contain is adipose with protein can well translate into muscle.

3. albumen pink: Albumen pink is the assembly of albumen of the soja protein that uses extract, casein, serum commonly. Can provide protein and energy for body muscle growth normally, still can help muscle restore after motion.

Run in the evening it what the pace eats is good that what the pace eats run in the evening it what the pace eats is good that what the pace eats run in the evening what does the pace eat?

Go out in the evening ran, come back to be able to drink a cup of milk, eat bit of fruit, OK. Because be to eat a meal to go out of ran, come back not to have too much thing, bathe, rest a little while, can sleep.

What should eat after fitness is over?

Food basically is passed after fitness the moisture that compensatory motion uses up, electrolyte and energy, food can choose protein kind of food, high grade carbohydrate kind, and vitamin and mineral kind of food, can complement in time already glycogen and moisture, still can alleviate the exhaustion after motion.

1, protein kind of food: Right amount protein can complement after motion, can complement of the energy inside body use up. Because be opposite after motion,muscle can have certain strain, compensatory protein is OK better repair musculature, reduce muscle ache and fatigue. Products of first selection soybean, wait like soya-bean milk, suggest to choose plain boiled pork next, be like cruelly oppress, chicken and seafood, its characteristic is adipose content inferior, protein content is high, partial fitness personage still can choose albumen pink;

2, high grade carbohydrate kind food: Games makes the glycogen inside body is used up in great quantities, high grade carbohydrate complements after motion, recoverable the liver glycogen that maintains blood sugar, common food has meal of rice meal, food grains other than wheat and rice, goosefoot wheat, potato, yam to wait;

3, vitamin and mineral kind of food: E of C of B of rich Potassium, vitamin, vitamin, vitamin is contained to wait in vegetable and fruit, still have a few mineral, can alleviate the body that appears after motion is fatigue, the muscle that also can help the loss in motion recovers from an illness, be like banana, apple, orange, La Mei, on the west orchid. Can make fruit vegetables juice, absorb and fill water effect is much better.

Water and electrolyte are lacked inside gymnastical rear body, eat a few spoon meat to also had been compared right now, if albumen suckles congee of former times, food grains other than wheat and rice and delicate soup kind, can alleviate already after motion thirsty, the electrolyte with OK also and compensatory missing perspiration.

Is fitness over what allay one's hunger can you eat?

A few nutrition can choose after fitness balanced, contain a lot ofprotein, carbohydrate and healthy and adipose food to come allay one's hunger, help repair muscle and refection. It is food of a few commendatory allay one's hunger below:

1.Protein origin:

- the egg that boil or albumen cake: Offer the protein of high quality.

- lean lean or fish: Be like pigeon breast flesh, cruelly oppress or turkey meat.

- legume or bean products: Be like chick-pea, black soya bean, bean curd or soya-bean milk.

2.Carbohydrate origin:

- whole wheat bread or whole wheat biscuit: Provide abiding energy.

- yam or oaten: Contain a lot ofcomplex carbohydrate and fiber.

- fruit: Be like banana, apple or orange, offer fast energy and natural candy cent.

3.Healthy and adipose origin:

- nut or seed: Be like seed of almond, walnut, sunflower or flax seed.

- cheese pear (bovine oil fruit) or olive oil: The sheet that offers health is not saturated and adipose.

- natural yoghurt or Greek yoghurt: Offer protein and beneficial to give birth to bacterium.


- vegetable salad: Make salad with fresh vegetable, join a few protein source, be like pigeon breast flesh or cruelly oppress.

- vegetable soup: Compensatory moisture and vitamin.

In addition, maintain water of the quantity enough very important also, can choose beverage of water of plain boiled water, coco, motion or the water that add a few fruit juice to complement moisture.

Alimental of allay one's hunger chooses to answer to be adjusted according to individual be fond of and reaction of intestines and stomach, truly those who protect nutrient is balanced with digestive comfortable. Had better be in after fitness inside 30 minutes take food to restore in order to quicken the body to mix muscle rehabilitate.

Is the fitness that add muscle over what to eat?

As standard of living rise, a lot of people like to pay attention to healthy take exercising, we are in exercise while learn scientific food even, the quantity of heat that because use up,adds flesh fitness is big, it is OK to add flesh fitness to be over so the food that has a few compensatory quantity of heat and water share.
