第二是freeze,freeze指的是你在某些音乐的特效中定住,一般都是倒立的freeze,常见的freeze有nike,大v,hello back等等,freeze也是battle时互相比拼难度的一个项目,但也不是说谁定的久谁就更厉害,关键在于和音乐,有视觉张力,和技巧的运用.
第四是power,就是thomas,风车(superman windmill,baby windmill,no hand windmill),手转1990.2000,头转,hand spins,airswipes,airfly这些,他们也是breaking里最为酷炫的动作.
首先你要先说明你练得是什么舞 街舞大致上分为技巧(breaking) Poppin(其中包含机械舞,但还有别的) 锁舞(locking) 动作呢 我跟你一个一个说 1. freeze: 首先Breaking 如果你是街舞初学者第一个练得肯定是三点 就是用手、肘、头来进行支撑 将腰部下的部位离地。用双腿摆出好看的姿势比如NIKE等...这个叫:侧freeze 。 freeze还分一个正freeze 就是身体是完全向下没有什么特殊的姿势,通常是起风车用的 2food-wark: 然后就是Breaking的花式动作。用双腿(脚)的运动来显示出漂亮的动作 比如六步,这个动作叫做:food-wark(注意别和C-wark)扯上关系
rock: 差点忘了Breaking的基础舞步 就是预备的时候跳的几个动作 也是找节奏的关键 是技巧舞最基本的舞步 名字叫做:top rock 大多有三种 你可以经过自己的改编变出很多种 4fool : 这个没啥说的 就是用自己身体在地板上做出各式各样的动作 通常以掏腿为主有的也掏身子 大多数也是自己编的 街舞吗自由 5托马斯; 这个没啥说的了吧 都知道 没办法.... 6大风车: 有人会把风车和托马斯混淆 托马斯是用双手 但是大风车是用手背部等 币托马斯简单 而其托马斯是有起势的. 风车很自由 大多数是从freeze开始的... 7babby: 因为我不是玩Breaking的 但我多少懂一些。babby不是宝贝 其实就是不用手的大风车 风车要难 8飞机转: 正freeze的动作下地上进旋转 9NIK: nike分两种 有一种是一只手支撑成倒立状双腿摆耐克 剩下的一只手尽量去抓鞋子 另一种双脚尽量举到头顶 一只手支撑 另一只手放到脑后 Breaking就给你介绍到这里 如果你要是想要POPPIN的在找我 我现在就是Poppin的学员 懂得还是比Breaking多的 纯自己编写 望采纳 麻烦您追加点分吧 楼下的 埃及手是POppin的动作 Breaking是不需要那玩意的第十八套梦之队健身操叫自由运动。
MFT英文全称为Martial Fitness Training,中文是“格斗健身训练课程”、组合为格斗健身术。
一、8字舞龙动作; 一、游龙动作 三、穿腾动作 四、翻滚动作 五、组图造型动作。
按动作技术易难分为:A级难度动作、B级难度动作、C级难度动作; A级难度动作:是指舞龙的基本动作和技术较为简单的舞龙技巧动作; B级难度动作:是指在舞龙基本动...The fist is Yu Andong of man fist popularity namely south, fujian is taken. Its are collective the characteristic is: Cover a region dapper, the structure is compact, behavioral guileless, gimmick is changeful, short hand is hit repeatedly, pace is steady, attack is bold and powerful, often accompany with acoustical boost the morale of, sex of the art of attack and defense in wushu is strong.
Southern fist is like next movements:
The foot that maintain chicken (the leg that wear a heart) , tiger clasper (hind pedal leg) , hammer foot, billhook foot, hind play a base, turn over foot of leg, side is kicked, leg of Shuang Fei foot, tornado.
Heavy bridge, circle bridge, pester the bridge, cut bridge, break off the bridge, insert a palm, break off the characteristic such as the fist, carry with deadlocked interest hand giving the bridge makes defence, make attack; there is the color of good horse on Ma Bu with short interest, with child midday horse (Gong Bu) , condole horse, 4 smooth horses, kylin horse (heavy pace) , Yang Ma of 2 words .
Normal motion, slippery reverse motion, turn over a foot, nollie
Movement, mongo namely the Mongolia foot in fokelore
Of dancing basic skill on the movement has: Brush the ground, crouch, delimit circle, small kick a leg, cross assist to crouch (thin leg crouchs) , waist, control, press a leg (day day toes step on) , next fork, big kick a leg to wait. Next movements have: Kick a leg greatly, brush the ground, crouch or control, turn, waist or turn over, jump (small, medium, big) , hand or figure, pace or meditate pace. The route of dancing can go without shortcut, try hard only and sweat just. Without dependable basic skill, cannot the beauty that dance gives soul-stirring.
Gymnastical fist - include fist, palm, ancon, claw, tick off and the foot is kicked, genu top, head bumps, by fall wait for the 12 laws that use skill
Gymnastical fist, attribute long fist kind. By 12 movements composition, include dozen of fist, palm, ancon, ungual, way that point and foot to kick among them, genu is awarded, genu top, by throw law waiting for ability, content is rich, attack point out of guard against enemy agents to show. When drilling already can sheet wades exercise, can repeat in order to go there and back again undertake, raise behavioral competence and enhance exercising actual effect sex.
Breaking general component is 4 kinds big
The first it is Toprock, rock and roll namely pace, its characteristic is optional, walking along Toprock is to be familiar with music commonly, adjust the rhythm between every floor action, get rest or warm-up, uprock is battle dance, follow Krumping to resemble a bit, the Uprock that can be Breaking is multi-purpose at joining, battle when can add atmosphere, there are tension and force feeling more in behavioral respect
The 2nd it is Freeze, what Freeze points to is you live surely in the specially good effect of certain music, it is the Freeze of handstand commonly, common Freeze has Nike, big V, hello Back is waited a moment, freeze also is an item that spells difficulty is compared each other when Battle, but also not be those who say who is decided is long who is fiercer, the key depends on and music, have visual pulling force, with skill apply.
The 3rd it is Footwork, call a platoon the leg again, sweep hall leg, common is 6 paces, still have 3 situations, of 12 paces and so on, footwork is exquisite fast, had jumped over more quickly, but give a leg to want to follow music, also want accurate, reach the designated position.
The 4th it is Power, it is Thomas, the windmill (Superman Windmill, baby Windmill, no Hand Windmill) , the hand turns 1990.2, the head turns, hand Spins, airswipes, airfly these, they also are Breaking in most the movement that cruel dazzles.
Before 3 call Stylemove, from the back call Powermove.
Above all you should explain you drill first is haply of dance of what dance street cent is skill (Breaking) Poppin (include mechanical dance among them, but still have other) lock dance (Locking) movement I say one by one with you 1. Freeze: Above all Breaking if you are street dance abecedarian the first drills affirmation was at 3 o'clock is to use hand, ancon, head to undertake the position that leaves the waist leaves the ground propping up. Place good-looking pose with double leg for instance NIKE. . . This cries: Side Freeze. Freeze still is divided Freeze is the body it is complete be down without what special pose, it is the 2food-wark that storm car uses normally: It is the beautiful type movement of Breaking next. With double leg (foot) campaign will show beautiful movement for instance 6 paces, this movement is called: Food-wark (the attention is fastened and C-wark) buy a concern
Rock: A few movements that when within an inch of forgot the fundamental steps of Breaking is preliminary, jump also are the key that seeks rhythm it is skill dance the basiccest steps name is called: Top Rock has 3 to plant mostly you can pass yourself adapt change a 4fool of a lot of kinds of : This does not have what what says to use him body to make sundry movement give priority to some in order to draw out a leg to also draw out body great majority normally on the floor namely also is the street dance that he organize free 5 Thoms; This did not have what what says know to do not have method. . . . 6 gale car: Somebody can mix the windmill Thoms is promiscuous Thoms is to use both hands but big windmill is the money such as the back that use a hand hold Mass in the palm simple. The windmill is very free great majority begins from Freeze. . . 7babby: Because I am not,play Breaking but more or less do I understand a few. Babby is not baby it is actually need not the windmill of fresh gale car of the hand wants difficult 8 planes turn: the behavioral go to the fields of Freeze is aspirant rotate 9NIK: Nike cent is planted one is plant is a hand props up handstand shape double leg to place be able to bear or endure a hand that the gram goes catchs shoe as far as possible Breaking gives the after another kind of double foot lifts in the end to carry a hand on the head to prop up another hand to be put to the head as far as possibleThe team setting-up exercise of the 18th dream calls free movement.
Strong and handsome muscle must practice doing every compulsory exercise by correct pose.
(1) before Zhan Shuanggong 2 flesh;
(2) before exhibit double flesh back broadness;
(3) side exhibits bosom;
(4) hind Zhan Shuanggong 2 flesh;
(5) hind exhibit double flesh back broadness;
(6) side exhibits humerus triceps;
(7) exhibiting abdomen and ham.
MFT English full name is Martial Fitness Training, chinese is " fistfight fitness trains course " , combination is fistfight fitness art.
One, movement of dragon of 8 words dance; One, You Long movement 3, wear vacate a movement 4, turn over scroll to make 5, movement of group plan modelling.
By behavioral technology easy bad component is: Class A difficulty difficulty of class of movement, B difficulty of class of movement, C movement; Class A difficulty movement: The movement of dance dragon skill with the main action that is dragon pointing to dance and relatively simple technology; B class difficulty movement: It is to show in dance dragon is moved basically. . .