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第一章 总  则

 第一条  中国民间文艺家协会(以下简称“本会”)是中国共产党领导的、全国各民族民间文艺家、民间文艺工作者组成的专业性人民团体,是党和政府联系民间文艺界的桥梁和纽带,是繁荣发展社会主义文艺、建设社会主义文化强国的重要力量。

第二条  本会是中国文学艺术界联合会的团体会员。

第三条  本会以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和中共中央《关于繁荣发展社会主义文艺的意见》,按照中央协调推进全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党的战略布局,强化社会责任,履行社会职能,带头培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,坚持走中国特色社会主义文化发展道路;坚持文艺为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向和百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针;坚持以人民为中心的工作导向,弘扬爱国主义主旋律,深入生活、扎根人民,提倡多样化,围绕大局、改革创新,广泛团结全国广大民间文艺家、民间文艺工作者,为建设社会主义文化强国,实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗。

第四条  本会遵守《中华人民共和国宪法》和国家的各项法律、法规,按照本会章程开展各项工作。

 第二章 任  务

 第五条  按照德艺双馨的要求,加强思想引领、政治引领、价值引领,努力提高民间文艺家和民间文艺工作者队伍的思想道德素质、文化修养和业务水平,弘扬“爱国、为民、崇德、尚艺”的文艺界核心价值观,践行中国文艺工作者职业道德公约、培育良好的职业精神和职业道德,加强行业服务、行业管理、行业自律。

第六条  积极履行团结引导、联络协调、服务管理、自律维权的职能。通过组织学习、深入生活、采风创作、评奖办节、成果展示,开展理论研讨、调查研究、民间文艺图书及音像出版,强化惠民服务、对外交流、人才培训和权益保护等各项工作,对会员进行业务指导。

第七条  规划、组织和指导民间文艺活动,加大中国民间文化遗产抢救和保护工作力度,加强对非物质文化遗产和优秀民间艺术的田野调查与理论研究,扶持民间文化传承与发展,加强民间文艺搜集、整理、调研和传播。

第八条  加强人才培训,促进素质提升,不断培育新生力量;重视、支持群众性民间文化活动,并以表彰优秀民间文艺家、优秀民间文艺工作者,建立民间文艺之乡、民间文化传承基地、民间文化保护基地和民间文化专业委员会,举办各种形式的民间文艺活动,促进民间文化的繁荣与发展。

第九条  坚持面向基层、服务社会,广泛开展民间文艺志愿服务活动,提供文艺为民、惠民服务。

第十条  认真组织中国民间文艺“山花奖”评奖活动,并根据党和国家的有关规定和要求,对重要的民间文艺成果及在工作中有突出成绩的民间文艺团体、民间文艺家、民间文艺工作者予以奖励和表彰。

第十一条  积极促进并加强与香港、澳门、台湾及海外侨胞中的民间文艺团体、民间文艺家、民间文艺学家的联系、合作与交流,为弘扬中华民族优秀文化和促进祖国统一贡献力量。

第十二条  致力于促进国际民间文化交流,促进同国际和各国民间文化艺术组织、机构、民间文艺家的友好往来,增进相互间的沟通和了解。

 第三章 会  员

 第十三条  本会实行团体会员和个人会员制。各省、自治区、直辖市和新疆生产建设兵团民间文艺家协会为本会团体会员。全国性产(行)业系统文联所属民间文艺家协会经申请并由主席团审议批准,可成为本会团体会员。团体会员有遵守本会章程,执行本会决议,完成本会交付的工作,开展符合章程各项活动的义务。

第十四条   凡年满16周岁、具有中华人民共和国公民身份,在民间文学、民间艺术、民间文化领域取得显著成绩者,赞成本会章程,由本人提出申请,两名本会会员介绍,经所在团体会员单位推荐,报驻会领导机构批准并履行手续后,可成为本会个人会员。

第十五条  经批准成立的各专业委员会可推荐优秀人才入会。

第十六条  香港、澳门特别行政区的民间文艺家和民间文艺工作者,赞成本会章程,由本人提出申请,符合入会条件,并经中央人民政府驻香港、澳门特别行政区联络办公室推荐,报本会批准并履行手续后,可成为本会个人会员。


第十七条  中央、国家直属机关系统和因工作环境变动或流动性大等特殊原因申请加入本会的民间文艺工作者,可由本人直接向本会提出申请,经两名本会理事介绍,报驻会领导机构批准后成为本会会员。

第十八条  经驻会领导机构批准,可授予对我国民间文化事业有特殊贡献的台湾同胞和海外侨胞中的知名民间文艺家“名誉理事”或“名誉会员”称号。名誉理事、名誉会员免缴会费,在本会无选举权和被选举权。 

第十九条  本会会员有遵守本会章程的责任与义务;有参加本会活动、对本会工作提出批评、建议的权利;有执行本会决议、交纳会费、为本会推荐会员的义务;有退会的自由;有选举权和被选举权;有优先参加本会组织的各种文艺活动、学术活动、评奖活动和对外交流活动,优先获得本会相关信息的权利。

第二十条  本会会员如违反本会章程、有损本会声誉或违反国家法律、法规,经驻会领导机构研究决定,可视情节轻重,给予通报批评、暂停会籍、取消会员资格等处分。

 第四章 组  织

 第二十一条  本会的组织原则是民主集中制。







第二十二条  全国代表大会个人代表由各团体会员单位和相关单位推举产生,并可根据需要,由大会筹备机构确定部分特邀代表。各团体会员单位主持日常工作的一名负责人为全国代表大会团体会员单位代表,并作为代表该团体会员单位的理事候选人。代表团体会员单位的理事,如不再担任该团体会员单位负责人,由团体会员单位另行推举更替人选,并报本会主席团审议通过。

第二十三条  全国代表大会选举产生理事会。理事会选举产生主席一人、副主席若干人组成主席团。主席团任命秘书长一人、副秘书长若干人。



第二十四条  全国代表大会每五年召开一次,必要时可提前或延期召开。理事会会议不定期举行,由主席团召集。主席团会议根据需要随时召开,由主席或主席委托驻会副主席召集。

第二十五条  主席、副主席、秘书长、副秘书长及理事会成员有对本会建设、发展和民间文化事业多做奉献的义务。

第二十六条  本会设名誉主席、顾问若干名,并由主席团推举或聘请。担任荣誉职务者不兼任理事。

第二十七条  对于违犯国家法律、法规及本会章程或不称职的领导机构成员,按规定程序予以罢免、撤换或调整。

 第五章 经费及其他

 第二十八条  本会经费来源为国家拨款、会员会费、社会赞助及其他合法收入。

第二十九条  本会经费、资产及国家拨给本会的不动产受法律保护,任何单位、个人不得侵占、挪用和任意调拨;本会所属企业、事业的资产隶属关系不得任意改变。

第三十条   中国民间文艺家协会的英文名称是CHINA FOLK LITERATURE AND ART ASSOCIATION,简称中国民协(CFLAA)。会址设在北京。

第三十一条  本章程由本会全国代表大会讨论通过,其修改权属本会全国代表大会。章程条文的解释权属中国民间文艺家协会。




Regulations of association of Chinese folk literary home

The first chapter always Criterion

 The first Association of Chinese folk literary home (the following abbreviation " this meeting " ) be Chinese Communist leader, what artist of literary home of folk of countrywide each nation, folk comprises is professional mass organization, it is party and the bridge that the government contacts civilian literary group and ligament, it is prosperous progress socialism the literary, fundamental strength that builds socialistic culture power.

The 2nd The party member that can be union of group of Chinese literature art originally.

The 3rd This meeting with Marxism-Lininism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping academic, " 3 delegates " view of serious thought, scientific progress is guidance, it is important that development study implements series of Xi Jinping's secretary-general speaking spirit and Central Committee of Communist Party of China " develop the opinion with literary socialism about prosperity " , according to in the center of harmonious advance build well-off in the round society, comprehensive deepen reform, comprehensive lawfully manage state affairs, comprehensive the strategic layout from Yan Zhi party, aggrandizement society responsibility, perform social function, be the first breed and carry out goes socialistic core viewpoint of value, hold to culture of Chinese characteristic socialism to develop way; Hold to literary humanness civilian the service, direction that serves for socialism and let a hundred flowers blossom, the guiding principle of contention of a hundred schools of thought; The job that insists to be a center with people is oriented, promote patriotism thematic, people of thorough life, take root, recommend diversification, innovate around overall situation, reform, artist of literary home of broad folk of extensive solidarity whole nation, folk, to build socialistic culture power, implementation " two centenary " the Chinese nation of struggling target, implementation is great revived Chinese dream and make arduous efforts.

The 4th This meeting is abided by " constitution of People's Republic of China " each law with the country, code, begin each work according to Cheng of this the constitution of an association.

 The 2nd chapter holds the post of Wu

 The 5th According to the requirement that De Yishuang strongs and pervasive fragrance, strengthen a thought to lead, politics leads, value leads, culture of the thought morality quality that improves civilian literary home and civilian artist team hard, culture and professional skill, promote " patriotic, for civilian, Chong De, Shang Yi " viewpoint of value of literary bound core, convention of morality of profession of artist of China of carry out travel, foster good professional mind and professional ethics, strengthen industry service, industry government, industry to control oneself.

The 6th Fulfill unitive guiding, contact actively the function that thought of harmonious, service government, self-discipline fors the time being. Through constituent study, thorough life, collect folk songs creation, decide on awards through discussion does section, achievement to reveal, begin literary books of academic delibrate, investigation and study, folk and sound to resemble publishing, aggrandizement is Hui Min service, right diplomatic shedding, talent grooms and each job such as protection of rights and interests, undertake to the member business coachs.

The 7th Literary activity of program, organization and directive folk, increase strength of rescue of bequest of Chinese folk culture and protective job, the field investigation that enhances pair of immaterial culture bequest and fine folk art and theory study, give aid to civilian culture inheritance and development, strengthen folk literary collect, arrange, survey and transmission.

The 8th Strengthen a talent to groom, stimulative quality promotes, breed newly emerging force ceaselessly; Take seriously, activity of culture of folk of supportive of a mass character, and in order to commend artist of outstanding folk literary home, outstanding folk, build culture of base of inheritance of culture of folk's literary countryside, folk, folk to protect committee of major of base and civilian culture, conduct multiform civilian literary activity, the prosperity of stimulative folk culture and development.

The 9th Insist to face society of basic level, service, begin folk extensively activity of literary and volunteer service, offer literary for civilian, Hui Min serves.

The 10th Folk of serious organization China is literary " pediment award " activity of decide on awards through discussion, mix according to the concerned regulation of party and country requirement, artist of literary home of literary to important folk achievement and the civilian literary group that there is outstanding result in the job, folk, folk gives reward and commend.

Eleventh Literary home of the civilian literary group in be promoted actively and strengthening the countrymen residing abroad outside reaching the of great capacity with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, folk, folk is literary the connection that learns the home, collaboration and communication, to promote the Chinese nation outstanding culture consolidates contributive power with stimulative motherland.

Dozenth Devote oneself to to promote communication of international folk culture, promote with international and art of culture of each country folk the friendly intercouse of literary home of organization, orgnaization, folk, promotional and mutual the communication between and understanding.

 The 3rd chapter is met 

 Thirteenth This meeting executes party member and individual member to make. Association of literary home of folk of each province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government and large unit of Xinjiang production construction is the member that this meeting group is experienced. National produce (row) place of couplet of industry system article belongs to folk to classics of literary home association applies for and discuss approval by presidium, can become this meeting party member. Party member has abide by Cheng of this the constitution of an association, implement this meeting resolution, complete the work of this meeting consign, begin accord with constitution the obligation of each activity.

The 14th  Every year full 16 one full year of life, have capacity of citizen of People's Republic of China, in the person that domain of culture of folk literature, folk art, folk gains remarkable success, hold with Cheng of this the constitution of an association, offer application by oneself, this two conference members introduce, recommend via unit of place party member, after the newspaper is stationed in conference leadership to the orgnaization is approved and perform procedure, can become this meeting individual member.

The 15th Via approving each major that hold water committee can recommend outstanding talent initiate.

The 16th The civilian literary home of Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, Macao and civilian artist, hold with Cheng of this the constitution of an association, offer application by oneself, accord with initiate condition, be stationed in office of contact of Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, Macao to recommend via central people government, after the newspaper can be approved originally and performing procedure, can become this meeting individual member.

The civilian literary home of Taiwan area and civilian artist, hold with Cheng of this the constitution of an association, offer application by oneself, accord with initiate condition, via this joint hearing nucleus, after newspaper superior is in charge of a branch to examine and approve, can become this conference member.

The seventeenth In the center of, system of body of national directly under and change because of working environment or fluidity is great the civilian artist that waits for special account to apply for to join this meeting, can offer application to this meeting directly by oneself, introduce via this two conference director, this conference member is become after the newspaper is stationed in conference leadership orgnaization to approve.

The 18th Via be stationed in conference leadership the orgnaization is approved, the famous folk literary home in the Taiwan brethren that can award careers of pair of culture of our country folk to have special contribution and sea alien afterbirth " reputation director " or " reputation member " title. Member of reputation director, reputation avoids capture membership fee, suffrage and the right to be elected are not had in this meeting.

The 19th This conference member has the responsibility that abides by Cheng of this the constitution of an association and obligation; Have attend this meeting activity, right the right that this meeting job offers criticism, proposal; Have carry out this meeting resolution, pay the membership due, obligation that recommends a member for this meeting; Have retreat the freedom of the meeting; Have suffrage and the right to be elected; Have preferential activity of all sorts of literary activities that join this meeting organization, learning activity, decide on awards through discussion and communicate an activity external, preferential the right that acquires this can pertinent information.

The 20th If this conference member disobeys Cheng of this the constitution of an association, caustic is met originally fame or violate state law, statute, via be stationed in conference leadership the orgnaization considers to decide, can inspect clue weight, offer notice of criticism, time-out membership, cancel the punish such as member qualification.

 Form of the 4th order Knit

 The 21st The constituent principle of this meeting is a democratic centralism.

Orgnaization of this can top authority is congress of whole nation of association of Chinese folk literary home. Its duty is:

1, the working policy that decides this meeting and task;

2, discuss working report;

3, make and revise " regulations of association of Chinese folk literary home " ;

4, election generation leads an orgnaization;

5, decide other and major item.

The 22nd Unit of the member that delegate of countrywide congress individual is experienced by each group and relevant unit choose arise, and but according to need, by congress preparatory orgnaization is decided partial specially invite is represented. A chief that unit of each party member directs routine is unit of member of countrywide congress party to represent, regard the trustee that represents unit of this party member as candidate. Represent the trustee of party member unit, if hold the position of chief of unit of this party member no longer, unit of the member that experience by the group separately choose replace person selected, sign up for this meeting presidium to discuss through.

The 23rd Countrywide congress election produces board. A certain number of people comprise one person of chairman of board vote generation, vice-chairman presidium. Presidium appoints secretary-general one person, deputy secretary-general a certain number of people.

During countrywide congress closes a meeting, implement congress resolution by council. During council closes a meeting, implement the resolution of congress and board by presidium.

Be stationed in meeting vice-chairman to chair association routine.

The 24th Countrywide congress is held 5 every years, can shift to an earlier date when necessary or delay is held. Board meeting is nonsked hold, call together by presidium. Presidium meeting ground needs to be held at any time, entrust by chairman or chairman be stationed in meeting vice-chairman to call together.

The 25th Chairman, vice-chairman, secretary-general, deputy secretary-general and board member have this pair of meeting construction, development and civilian culture career to make consecratory obligation more.

The 26th This meeting sets honorary president, adviser a certain number of names, and by presidium choose or invite. The person that hold the position of honorary post does not hold director part-time.

The 27th The leader orgnaization member that reachs Cheng of this the constitution of an association or asymmetry office to infringe state law, code, by the regulation the program gives unmake, dismiss or adjust.

 Etc of funds of the 5th chapter

 The 28th This meeting funds origin allocates funds for the country, etc of assistance of membership membership fee, society is lawful income.

The 29th What this meeting funds, asset and country move this meeting is praedial get legal protection, any units, individual does not get embezzlement, divert and aleatoric allocate and transfer; What this meeting belongs to the asset subordinating relation of enterprise, career to must not be changed arbitrarily.

Thirtieth  The English name of association of Chinese folk literary home is CHINA FOLK LITERATURE AND ART ASSOCIATION, the countryman in abbreviation assist (CFLAA) . The site of an association is set in Beijing.

Thirtieth This constitution discusses by congress of this meeting whole nation through, its revise authority to belong to congress of this meeting whole nation. The explanatory authority of constitution clause belongs to association of Chinese folk literary home.

 2 16 years 0 June

About revising " regulations of association of Chinese folk literary home " explain
